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Everything posted by lenquixote66

  1. No,I did not .I stated that in my opinion neither the winner nor either of the other two played a game that warranted being the winner,in my opinion.
  2. I do not believe that any of the three played the best game of the season ,however,when the winner to be stated what they would do with the money I made that statement . I believe it was in 2020 when I posted that in 1971 I worked for a special program of the US Department of Labor where we attempted to find employment for disabled veterans.The majority of the people I worked with were missing limbs.Most had no skills other than building bombs.
  3. I am watching it live . I know who of the final three I am rooting for and for the person who necessarily played the best game but for the person who voiced what they would be doing with the million if they won.
  4. I have always found Geography to be fascinating.When I was a kid everyone that I knew had an encyclopedia and a globe. That was our internet.
  5. We use a LI car service from the south shore of LI in Nassau County .I believe that they do Suffolk County pickups.They are very reliable ,have nice vehicles and their drivers are very nice.We ask for one particular driver because he was the first guy we ever had and we just prefer sticking with him,but we have used other drivers.
  6. Yes,it was .I remember his father coming to the park and talking to those of us who knew his son to try and find out if we knew something that he did not.I am still in contact with a guy who also hung out in the park and we frequently talk about what happened.
  7. In Feb.2020,I was offline for three weeks.A CC regular started a thread asking where I was.Another CC regular started a similiar thread . I was not on line because I underwent surgery and had a negative result from the procedure.Re rka ,he and I became e-mail friends.I am very worried about him I currently e-mail with 12 people who post on CC.If by some chance I was off line for weeks I would be sure to have someone post on CC the reason why.
  8. When I was a teenager I hung out in a park.There was a guy who was a regular there ,always smiling.I never once saw him sad.One day he went to the roof of the building he lived in and jumped off the roof.He was 16. Nobody had any idea why,especially his family.
  9. You assume you never met him but one has no idea who one meets .
  10. I do not know.He left Liverpool for NY in 1913.I could just imagine if he left a year earlier on the Titanic .Had that been the case it is quite possible that I would never post on a message board.
  11. Today: My youngest grand dog has been here since 5:30 AM .He will be here till late this afternoon when my grand daughter returns from college for her 3 week holiday break. I never had a 3 week college break.
  12. My father who was an adult in 1918 never said one word about the Pandemic in that time period that lasted approximately 18 months. I do not foresee a time when we will not be talking about Covid.
  13. Every excursion I have been on there have been people in markets selling CBD cream .
  14. Hopefully Covid will vanish in the coming year
  15. We have been on 6 cruise lines .We only got to a relatively high level on one and that was on our last cruise in Dec.2019.We began with Cunard ,then Carival,did not like the latter.Next went to HAL ,loved that but had a negative experience on a ship,then went to Celebrity and loved it ,then to NCL because we live close to the cruise port and lastly RCI in 2015 and loved it .
  16. In the days before cell phones I brought an alarm clock
  17. Why is it not allowed ? It is sold on excursions sold by the cruise line .
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