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Lady Hudson

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Everything posted by Lady Hudson

  1. Prayers for all in need. Extra prayers for Jacqui and Roy. Jacqui — you have certainly had an interesting start to 2023. Hoping your doctors figure out a course of action and the speediest of recovery for you. Roy — you continue to be a mainstay of this thread and all are concerned for your hospital stay. Be well and get better soon. Off to church in a bit and then I hope to get in a walk. (I could not find my winter scarf last week but found some yarn and quickly knit one up. Now I can keep my neck and face warmer outside.). Some type of take out will be eaten today as we watch the Eagles vs 49ers at my sister’s house. We live outside of Philly and will secretly hope the Eagles win as my nephew is a big 49ers fan. Should be an interesting game. Everyone, please stay safe and have a blessed weekend. Katherine
  2. Nothing to add here but prayers for Roy. We all know that our Roy is a smart man and if a trip to the emergency at his local hospital is necessary he will do that. Thinking of you, Roy. Katherine
  3. Interesting. Thanks for the responses. My sister’s cruise is a “free” casino trip. Even a solo for the ocean view cabin would not cost between $2000 and $2500. I think she may need to call and double check with another representative. Katherine
  4. I am asking if RC policies have increased in price. The most we have ever paid has been around $79 per person per trip, I believe.
  5. My sister just booked a 9 day trip on Liberty of the Seas for 5/4. She is going solo and was quoted a trip insurance rate of $189. Could this be correct? I never paid that much for a 12 day. Please advise — mistake on rep’s part?
  6. Feel better, Roy. But must importantly take care of yourself. We can survive. Best wishes. Katherine
  7. Sorry - don’t know. Had not thought of that. I have been on the “planning” site for each trip in the last few months. But the Key is never something I am looking for. Don’t see the value in it. Katherine
  8. Following! Our group will be boarding on 2/23 so interested in your impressions of the ship. Enjoy! Katherine
  9. Just checked two upcoming cruises — February and March. No Key or VIP pass.
  10. Another vote for second hand. My sister bought a black lace number for $4 that we both have worn. These days I am low carbing so I can “shop my closet” for my next Cunard voyage. Katherine
  11. Thanks for sharing the sermon and the picture of your church. May I ask how old the building is? Have a wonderful day and best wishes to Sarah. Katherine
  12. Thanks and you stay safe. Prayers for a complete recovery and the removal of your cast — though it is a very nice shade of pink. Katherine
  13. Good morning all. Thanks to all who keep this thread not only continuing but thriving. Best thread on CC for caring and sharing. Not much going on today except a bit of grocery shopping and finally changing the sheets in guest rooms used over the holidays. Have to be ready for Easter. 😀 We are being “snow deprived” here in SE PA so far this winter. Some would say great but I do enjoy a little snow cover. But February is coming! DH finished first half of major dental work yesterday. He only has to go back if something starts to hurt. Yay for an about a month of no appointments. Prayers for all on the care list. Have a safe and happy weekend. Katherine
  14. Jazzy - This time I am donating or throwing out clothes that become too large. Incentive!!
  15. Good morning! Continues to be cold here in PA. I am not ditching my New Year’s resolution since my low carb attack is working!! Waiting to be able to “shop my closet” for new clothes in a few weeks. Thank you Rich, Roy and all posters for the time and effort you put into this thread. It is one of the best threads on CC. It is much appreciated. DH is off with his caretaker to grocery shop - his favorite activity. So a few hours of alone time and then off for a haircut. Have a great day. Katherine
  16. Sounds like a great trip. I will be glad to see Vision in Baltimore because of her 3 specialty restaurants rather than just Chops on Enchantment. You will like Liberty. For us she was the ship we were supposed to take to Bermuda but ended up in Canada thanks to a hurricane. And the one where I unexpectedly received a glass block. Katherine
  17. Good morning all. Prayers for Sarah, Jacqui, Kathi and all in need of our prayers. I do not post often but read the Daily just about every day. My heart breaks for those in need. Here in SE PA it has turned cold again making walking outside a bit more difficult. My low carb diet is working somewhat (down 7 lbs) but a change in medication is playing havoc with me. I think I should have lost more by now! But I will persevere. On the cruise front I have booked February 23 for an 8 day on Enchantment of the Seas. DH Bill, sister Karen and friend Karen going. This will be sister Karen’s first trip post Covid. Then sister Karen and I have booked Anthem on March 12 for 7 days. First time Karen and I have been on a cruise (without spouses) in a long time. Lots of laughs to follow, I am sure. Thanks to Rich, Roy and all who post. I am especially enjoying all the world cruiser blogs. So much fun to read. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Katherine
  18. Guess I am in the minority—I make two trips. One for drinks, if necessary, and one for food. I always use an extra plate to cover food in transit. Katherine
  19. Might seem like a silly question but does anyone know how tall cabin door entrances are? 7 feet? 8 feet? Thanks. Katherine
  20. Don’t remember - do all Owners suites have showers that are wheelchair accessible? That is a big factor for some folks.
  21. A few more thoughts. My belief is that Royal needs both types of passengers — those that travel in suites and those who sail many times a year. Both generate needed revenue. Royal needs to be careful not alienate either group. Diamond plus is taking a hit right now with no CL/SL access, no priority boarding/embarkation, no special area in DR for breakfast (no waiting in line!). These are just 3 things that I can think of off the top of my head that we enjoyed as D+ and are now gone. I do understand the need for change but just saying be careful, Royal. I know there is a lot of revenue generated by suites. But consider the amount of money spent by cruisers reaching the top C&A levels. As many like to say — “My Pinnacle pin is the most expensive piece of jewelry I own.” I don’t know the percentage of suite cruisers who return time and again but I am sure it is a lower percentage than the top C & A cruisers. My two cents!! Katherine
  22. I agree here about nightly service. Don’t spend a lot of time here tidying up the room but give me fresh towels, take away the dirty dishes, etc. I don’t leave wet towels lying around in my bath until the next day at home - I put them in the hamper. Dirty dishes go in the dishwasher. My standards of cleanliness shouldn’t go down because I am on a cruise.
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