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Lady Hudson

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Everything posted by Lady Hudson

  1. Haven’t had it yet but I will soon. Just know that is new to the MDR menu.
  2. I would have to go back to check specifically. I think the Mexican night is gone, variety night has been added, a few different salmon options, lobster Mac and cheese one night, chicken parmigiana can be had without the breading. Again, some changes that suggest to me that Royal is listening to guest surveys about MDR food. I sail again in August and will check it out. But definitely some changes to the “new” menus.
  3. Looking at the app for a cruise this week. There are some changes on the menus — positives in my opinion. Hopefully Royal has gotten the message that more than a few are not happy with the new menus.
  4. My sister said there was a list of names that was referred to. She is going on another ship on June 8 and is going to try to figure it out.
  5. So, my sister just got off Oasis and she was told she is now VIP in the casino. Anyone else hear of this? No one could really tell her what it means but a lot of things were comped on her bill. Just wondering.
  6. Sister getting off Oasis today. Said Ante Cavala was captain. No other verification.
  7. Welcome home. Enjoyed reading your review — you have a way with words! Have a great holiday weekend. Katherine
  8. Thank you for the information — indeed close to us. So sorry to hear of your loss. Both DH and I still miss our pets who are gone but know that, like you with Fluff, we gave them a great life. As a friend once said “If I am ever reincarnated as a dog I want to be a member of your family!” Katherine
  9. No - - my sister recently used facial recognition and she had boarded with a birth certificate. This was at Bayonne. Katherine
  10. Good morning all. Prayers for those in need. Sorry to read that so many on our thread are experiencing medical issues. DH is having a virtual appointment with his endocrinologist today. Won’t be a great appointment—blood work came back with a high A1C. I can’t get him to stop drinking sugared drinks and no amount of medications can counteract that. We shall see what the doctor says today. Our next cruise is 8/17 on Vision of the Seas. DH would like to go on a trip sooner than that but there does not seem to be anything available without paying an arm and a leg - even if an accessible became available. But I will keep looking. Cruise vacations are really the only way DH gets to go anywhere these days. We are also scheduled for a 14 day cruise to Greenland and Canada in September. I decorated our front yard yesterday with mini flags for the upcoming holiday. Looks like the weather will be great for a barbecue on Monday. Regarding escargot - love it. My twin put a large can of escargot in my Christmas stocking this past year. After “doctoring” it up with butter and garlic it was quite good. Thought we were on a cruise! Have a great day. Katherine
  11. Good morning. Prayers for all in need and prayers for wisdom for political leaders here and around the world. Not much going on lately. DH needed to get blood drawn yesterday so that meant a trip in the car. Always an adventure. BIL getting gel injections in both of his knees on Thursday. We are all hoping for this procedure will help with both mobility and pain management. Cleaning people coming today and have to get DH ready for his excursion with his caretaker — grocery shopping — his favorite thing! Best wishes all and have a great day. Katherine
  12. Thanks for sharing! Love your reviews. Katherine
  13. Good morning to everyone. Lovely day here in PA. Sun is shining and temperature is moderate. Monthly card club today - pinnacle. One member - the one who invited me to join in 1980 - is turning 80 so I am bringing a cake. It is lovely now that we go to a local restaurant to play. They give us a room and all we have to do is buy lunch. No one has to host at their home which is nice. Thanks to all who contribute to this thread. Such a nice way to start my morning. Katherine
  14. Good morning. Prayers for Cruzin Terri’s DH surgery today. Lovely day yesterday for the holiday. Kids were here — DS Brian picked up our take out dinner so that was nice. DH said to me at about 11:00 pm “I didn’t get any of the lasagna”. Of course he did and I had to tell him he didn’t remember because he was too busy “sharing” with DD’s dog! During the day DH said to me that he wanted to go on a cruise this summer. He was last on a ship in February and besides weekly grocery shopping he rarely leaves the house. So I head to the phone and the Royal Caribbean call center. Lo and behold I actually find an accessible cabin on a ship out of Baltimore on 8/17. Success! Left overs today, weather will be nice. Have a great day. Katherine
  15. Happy Mothers Day to all the Mothers out there. My kids, my sister and her family coming today for dinner. Take out from Olive Garden is ordered. My sister and I have decided that we are through preparing huge meals on holidays so catering/take out it is. Welcome home, Rich. Though you had a wonderful trip it must be nice to be home. Prayers for all in need today. Safe travels to all visiting their Moms. Katherine
  16. Have a paper copy of your masters benefit for priority access at terminal to show at port. You can print it from the website. Go to the suites/pinaccle entrance. My sister had that problem recently but was able to “prove” her benefit. The people at the port, as well as on the ship, do not always understand casino levels/benefits. If “masters” is not on your seapass take an old seapass card that shows your level. I doubt on any booking there are enough masters level folks to warrant their own entrance. Katherine
  17. Thank you for all of your posts, Rich. I have enjoyed them. Hope your trip was all you wanted it to be. Stay safe and get some rest when you get home. Katherine
  18. Ivan does look wonderful. Moscato is about the only wine I can tolerate. My sweet tooth keeps me from drinking other wines. But having said that I probably have not had any for about two years. I am not much of a drinker. Katherine
  19. Good morning everyone. Thanks to all who keep this thread going. Such a treat each day. Dentist today for a cleaning. Ugh! But I am a baby with a low pain threshold and pay for the “laughing gas”. It helps somewhat. Will stop on the way home for takeout. Should be a beautiful day and I am waiting patiently for my roses to bloom. Seeing a lot of buds presently. Safe travels to those on the road or on a ship. Finally I feel like things are getting back to normal. Enjoy your day. Katherine
  20. Good morning all. Off to church in a bit and should be a nice day here. Baseball on tv and I will cook up some steak and potatoes augratin (sp?) for DH. I will have some asparagus. Prayers for all in need. Katherine
  21. Good morning. I was up to see the beginning coverage of the coronation but promptly fell asleep. Good thing I am recording the events. Congrats to the people of the U.K. I believe, as an American, that the monarchy is a big plus for your country. As a side note I was on QM2 for the Olympics when Queen Elizabeth “jumped” from the helicopter. Great to see that on a huge screen! Have a great weekend. Katherine
  22. Looks lovely. I am going to try to be awake at 5 am east coast time to watch the festivities. Katherine
  23. Good morning and Happy Cinco de Mayo. Hope all is well in your world. As a former history teacher I know that May 5th is not a big day in Mexico. Rather the Mexican people celebrate their Independence Day in September. But that didn’t stop my team of teachers from taking our team of kids to a Mexican restaurant to celebrate the day. Imagine walking into a restaurant taking about 100 kids and 4 teachers! It actually was a fun time. We had to adjust to the term “hoagie” when we moved to PA from NJ in 1975. Our first night in PA, after a long day of traveling and unpacking, we went to a local deli. There was definitely a language barrier when we tried to order submarines. I can’t remember which but the owner of the shop had never heard of either oil or vinegar on a hoagie. Fun memories. Looks like good weather coming up. 60’s or 70’s for the foreseeable further. Have a great day. Katherine
  24. Good morning and blessings for all. Jacqui - so glad to hear your good news. Saga of the dishwasher repair continues. Repairman here now — things were delayed because of a backordered part. Hopefully no more hand washing for the distant future. Just heard a report on the business channel - cruise lines are doing exceptionally well. Good news. Katherine
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