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Lady Hudson

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Everything posted by Lady Hudson

  1. Good morning. A bit of snow last night—most measurable of the season. For a snow person like me this winter has been a bust. Prayers for all in need. Thanks to all who post here — it is my morning read with that first cup of coffee. Our ship ( Anthem of the Seas) for tomorrow must still be having issues. Got an email last night that we will be skipping a port (Canaveral). So 2 days sailing to Nassau and then 2 sea days coming back to Bayonne. Captain still saying they will dock on time tomorrow — currently off the coast of North Carolina. Missing the Florida stop is no big deal for us but I always feel bad for folks who had plans for the day. I have learned “what will be will be” and just go with the flow. Have a great weekend. Katherine
  2. Passenger posted that the Captain said they will make Bayonne by 6 am. However, just got an email from Royal that the 3/12 voyage will also skip Port Canaveral.
  3. Any update? Getting to NJ on time this Sunday? A bit anxious here. Katherine
  4. Good morning to everyone. Prayers for those in need. Yay, Roy, for a decent night’s sleep. Cold and clear here today. No plans other than doing some pressing on clothes that need to be packed. Will do that around one when I believe a Mets preseason game is on. Our upcoming ship — Anthem of the Seas — made it to their Day 5 port. No news yet on repairs to the engine. Keeping our fingers crossed. Thanks to all who participate in this thread. Have a great day. Katherine
  5. Anyone know how long it takes for points to show up on site after a cruise? Thanks.
  6. Hope the passengers on Anthem are taking this well. I always say that ships are machines and sometimes machines break down. I am on the March 12th trip so am hoping all goes well with repairs. Have to be able to use all my green for the 17th!! Katherine
  7. Good morning all. Prayers for our care list. Thanks to all who post. Roy — you are “sounding” like your old self. Prayers that you continue to improve. Very cold here and windy. Only got about half my walk in yesterday. Didn’t get to bed until around 4 — for some reason decided to clean out my pantry at about 2 am. It really needed it and wanted to make things easier for DD when she comes to stay with DH on Saturday. On that note — our ship — Anthem of the Seas — is having engine issues. The Captain was late to Port Canaveral yesterday and when docked only stayed for a couple of hours. Heading to Nassau where maybe repairs will be done?? I am watching that other site to see what info I can get from passengers onboard. A bit on edge right now. Have a great day everyone. Katherine
  8. Thank you for sharing your voyage. I probably will never do a world cruise but certainly enjoy reading about others adventures. Stay safe and enjoy. Katherine
  9. Good morning. Prayers for all in need and safe travels to those on a voyage right now. Have fun! A bit cold in PA today but should warm up later. I am trying to get my 3 miles in each day but sometimes the weather gets in the way. Still unpacking and then repacking. Sister cruise on Sunday. DD coming to stay with DH for the week. It will be a caretaker break for me — the first since last June. Plus twin sister and I do nothing but laugh when we are together — good for the soul. TS making tilapia for dinner today. She and her DH live across the street and we often share meals. Her recipe for the fish includes a coating of mayo and panko breadcrumbs. Delicious. Prayers for all to have a safe and lovely day. Katherine
  10. Has anyone used the BOGO benefit for Wonderland? Going on Anthem next week and would like to use it for Day 1 or 2. Thanks. Katherine
  11. I just returned from first voyage with new menus. I have to say I am not a fan. Really miss the classics — from which we ate a lot. Food was served lukewarm. Hot apps served two at a time — one gets cold while eating the other. I don’t blame the servers — think they were doing the best they could. Whole thing seems to be a downgrade. My opinion only — Royal shouldn’t want to get the bad food reputation that Norwegian had for years. Even travel agents were cautioning about Norwegian based on their food. Hope enough people give Royal their feedback. Heard lots of complaints which I would hope Royal take the after cruise feedback seriously. Again — this my opinion and the opinions of my table mates. Katherine
  12. Good morning all. Thanks for all who participate on this thread. Just returned home from our cruise. A good time was had by all. Saw the Eurodam drydocked in Grand Bahama. Went to Senor Frogs there and it was a mad house. Under an afghan now as I wait for the house to warm up but at least no snow in the forecast. Roy — glad you seem to be recovering well. Just left your Baltimore and got out before the rain. Katherine
  13. Good morning and thanks to all who make this thread what it is — a great place to discuss cruises and whatever else strikes your fancy. Though I have only traveled on a BHB a couple of times, I am really glad I discovered all of you early in our national nightmare — aka the Pandemic. Our ship reaches Charleston today and we will go out to eat lunch. A chance of showers but hope we miss them. Prayers for all in need and those on our care list. Have a great Saturday. Katherine
  14. Good morning and Happy Friday. Prayers for our care list and all in need. Uneventful night on Enchantment. I slept like a log! Thanks for all the well wishes. Day at sea and then Charleston tomorrow. Have a great weekend! Katherine
  15. Thank you, Graham. Since my sister is going also I know there will be a lot of laughs! Katherine
  16. The weather forecast is frightful — up north. We have had virtually no snow in PA. Tomorrow is a “fluke” day — 70% for one day and then back to more winter temperatures. Baltimore port tomorrow is supposed to be 78% for one day as well. Have to adjust what I will be wearing for travel and sailaway. Stay safe everyone. Katherine
  17. Here, here! Regardless of politics Jimmy Carter is a fine example for all. Katherine
  18. Good morning. Prayers for all in need. Thanks to all who keep this thread going. Sounds like Rich is having a great time on his voyage and that Roy is improving some. Great news. Today is “lunch” day at church. Last week I got my weeks mixed up and took a salad to church. Wrong week! At least my family enjoyed the salad. Thoughts and prayers for President Carter and and his family. No matter what ones politics are the former President has to be admired for the way he conducted both his personal and public life. May his transition be peaceful and pain free. I got DH mostly packed yesterday for our trip. Now onto me. This will take a few days. Have a great day. Katherine
  19. Questions for Masters level — traveling soon with Masters level sister. We are Pinnacle and enjoy eating breakfast — usually in Chops — on non Coastal Kitchen ships. Will Masters level allow sister to eat breakfast with us? She has in the past and hoping that perk has continued. Thanks for any responses.
  20. Good morning and happy Friday. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Very rainy today and not sure I will get my walking in. Have worked myself up to 3 miles per day and don’t want to stop. Really have to start the packing process for next weeks trip on Thursday. Enchantment of the Seas with DH, sister Karen and friend Karen. I will bring up DH’s suitcase from the basement. It is already filled with cruise clothes that he just stores there. He is no fuss so packing should be easy. Me — I am another story. Taking former cleaning lady to lunch today. She was with me for over 40 years and I haven’t seen her since she stopped working last year. Best wishes and prayers for all in need. Hoping that Roy gets good results from his tests. Katherine
  21. Good morning. Happy February 15th. Hope all had a nice day yesterday. No chocolate for me — but did get flowers. Have to talk about my DH. He went shopping with his caretaker last night. He brought me home flowers - which he does every week. Yesterday he got me roses — but there were 2 bouquets in the grocery bags. Before I could question his caretaker told me that when they got in the car DH told her that one bouquet was for her (she is divorced). He told her everyone should have flowers on Valentines Day. She was very touched. My DH is a very kind and thoughtful man. Just had to brag a little bit. Prayers for all in need today. Roy — wishing only the best test results. Thanks to all who contribute to keeping this thread going. One of my first starts to my day. Katherine
  22. I really can talk today — see previous post. I started about 5 years after our marriage using my maiden name for my middle name instead of Anne for all documents. DH still insists that is not my “real name”. Katherine
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