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Lady Hudson

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Everything posted by Lady Hudson

  1. Happy Tuesday to all. Thanks to Rich, Roy and all who contribute to this thread. Home from cruise and most cruise stuff put away. Christmas decorating done. Now to really attach the shopping. Amazon is my friend! DH going to dentist tomorrow to hopefully finish first half of procedures that need to be done. Hope to put off second half until after the holiday. Looking for a cruise that we can do in February with friends. But finding an accessible cabin at this late date may be a challenge. Best wishes to all. Katherine
  2. Last day today so will spend some time packing up. It has been a fun, uneventful trip. Hope all is well with everyone. Katherine
  3. Thank you all for your good wishes yesterday and today. On our way! Katherine
  4. Enjoy your trip, Sid. I will check in occasionally but leaving on an 8 day trip tomorrow out of Baltimore. Visiting Charleston, Port Canaveral and two stops in the Bahamas. Hope you have a great time — we plan to! Katherine
  5. Good morning. Cold and rainy here in SE PA and will still be cold tomorrow on our way to the port. But at least we will be on a cruise! Last minute packing today after yesterday spent getting a pedicure, hair cut and picking up a few needed items from Walmart. I just need to keep a move on today so I have everything finished by 6 pm at the latest and have a restful evening. Nephew driving us to the port (about 1 1/2 hours away). Makes it much easier dealing with all the luggage and a wheelchair. Makes pickup easier too. No specialty restaurants this trip due to DH’s dental issues but we will survive. Always enough to eat on a ship. We do have a reservation at Fleet Landing in Charleston on Saturday for lunch. Nice restaurant right at the pier but very busy so we always make a reservation. No other port stop plans for this trip. As always, thanks for all who post and prayers for all in need. And a holiday note — take time to enjoy this wonderful season that we celebrate. Best wishes to all. Katherine
  6. Thanksgiving weekend coming to a close and has been successful here in PA. Weather has been good, most of the leftovers gone, family made it here and back home safely. DH was able to eat some Turkey and stuffing and now back to the dentist tomorrow for some more work. But we are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. I will bring out a few decorations this week so not to come home to a Christmasless house. Much of the time between now and Thursday will be spent packing and getting hair and nails done. But can’t wait to board ship to get away for a little bit. Hope all have a great Sunday. Katherine
  7. Wow. Prayers for the person needing medical attention. Sounds like there are some unhappy people onboard. Accidents happen and when it happens to you or a loved one, you will be glad that Royal does what it has to for a passenger needing medical treatment. I am surprised though that Royal is charging for extension of the packages. A few years back we had a two day delay getting back to Baltimore. Drinks packages and internet extended. Gratuities paid by Royal. Sounds like times have changed! Katherine
  8. Happy Thanksgiving 🦃 🍁 🍗. I hope everyone has a great day with wonderful food, family/friends and weather!! Things get started here around 1 when family starts to arrive. It will be quite a long day with food and football. But so glad to be able to get together after the pandemic holidays. Best wishes to all. Katherine
  9. Wonderful. No matter how much or how little we travel it is always good to get back home.
  10. Prayers for all on our care list. Thanks to all who post and keep this thread alive. Last minute preps for Thursday happening. Waiting for the cheesecake that was to have been delivered yesterday from a local school group. Hmmm. May have to get an additional dessert. After the holiday I will begin the packing for our 12/1 trip on Enchantment of the Seas. DH looks to be ok to travel though there are still many dental visits to come. It will be nice to get away. Safe travels for all who will be visiting family. Katherine
  11. Good morning. Thoughts and prayers for all in need. Very, very, below freezing cold here today in SE PA. Too early for this and I am a cold weather lover. Going to get colder for the next few days before it moderates. Plans for this weekend include finishing up Thanksgiving prep and starting some Christmas shopping. Going out with my sister this morning to begin this holiday tradition. We will need to bundle up! Have a great weekend. Katherine
  12. Good morning! Prayers for all on our care list. I’d love to see that list get down to zero. 36 degrees here — that’s mighty cold. My day today — preparing guests rooms for next weeks holiday and waiting for ADT to call to try to fix a wacky sensor. Then sister and her DH coming over with a meal DS thinks will be soft enough for Bill to eat. Yesterday she brought him a pan of freshly baked corn bread—DS is surely helping me to get Bill to eat. Have a great day, everyone. Katherine
  13. Good morning all. Thanks to all who contribute to this entertaining and wonderful thread. What a nice group of caring cruisers! Update on DH dental problems. Stitches came out yesterday and he is on the mend. There is still more work to be done but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for all your good wishes and prayers. Looking forward to the upcoming holiday with family members coming to visit. Going totally catered so not too much work for my sister and me. Have a great day everyone. Katherine
  14. Prayers for all in need and hoping there will not be too much damage from Nicole. If DH and I had cruised as planned our ship has had several itinerary changes. Nicole is causing some havoc. DH ate soup yesterday and the inside of a piece of quiche — no crust. Maybe some cut up Mac and cheese today. I think I will also make some crockpot beef stew. DH can eat the broth and noodles. Roy — your adventure continues! Best of luck for boarding tomorrow. Katherine
  15. Lenda — prayers for your DH. Such a scary time for both of you. Roy — just reading about your cruise delay. So sorry to hear this. Certainly a hurricane would not have been expected this late in November. Hang in there. Katherine
  16. Prayers for all in need and prayers for all to accept the results of today’s elections regardless of the outcomes. DH is somewhat comfortable after the oral surgery. He was up at 4 for pain medication — which means I was up as well. I really like this dentist and think he is taking good care of DH. I have to convince DH that my feelings are because of his competence and caring — not because he is young, handsome and obviously works out a lot! We will be seeing him once a week for at least the next 6 weeks but hope to squeeze in a cruise on 12/1. Thank you Roy for continuing to post and hope you have a fabulous trip. Katherine
  17. Best wishes and prayers to all in need. Glad to see Roy made it safely down to Florida. Graham — hope your hip situation continues to be manageable for many years to come. DH’s oral surgery is at 4 today. Not very simple given the amount of meds he is on and his diabetes. This will be about a 5 week healing period. I already went shopping for foods he may be able to eat. Last day of beautiful weather here in southeastern PA. Tomorrow will be a good day to stay in and watch election predictions and then results — in a timely manner, I hope. Have a great day, everyone. Katherine
  18. Good morning from a chilly PA. Thanks to all who post. Thank you, Roy, for inquiring about me late yesterday. Unfortunately I did have to cancel our November trips on Anthem. DH’s dental surgery will be extensive and somewhat tricky given his medical situation. Surgery scheduled for Monday. That’s life — expect the unexpected. We hope to still make a planned trip on 12/1 on Enchantment of the Seas. Settling in for a nice weekend of good weather and more election ads on tv. Be safe everyone. Katherine
  19. Happy Halloween to all! Will be a busy night since our neighborhood usually sees 250+ trick or treaters. Forecast for some rain but I hope not. I don’t need any candy being left after tonight. 🎃 Thanks to Rich and Roy for all they do to keep this thread going. And to all our other wonderful posters. Our two week trip on Anthem starting next week is in jeopardy. DH is in need of oral surgery and can’t be put off any longer. Consultations today with several doctors to see how to proceed. DH wants me to go solo but I will not. Not that I object to solo cruising — have done it many times. But now is not the time for DH to be alone. So time will tell how this all works out. Can’t wait for all the political ads to be over on tv. DH and I have already submitted our mail in ballots since we assumed we would be cruising. Everyone — remember to vote. 🇺🇸 Katherine
  20. Prayers for all in need. Prayers for our country as we make important voting decisions soon. Happy Birthday, Graham. You are an important part of this thread — always providing important and interesting information. Enjoy your day. Katherine
  21. Thank you for a great review. You are always so much fun. Glad you had a great time. Katherine
  22. I love the idea of connecting rooms. A few years ago I had booked a solo trip as I was making my quest for Pinnacle. My sister decided to join me and I said ok — but not in my cabin. We ended up with two connecting cabins and it was great. It’s the way to go if it is financially feasible. Katherine
  23. Thank you all for the nice birthday wishes. You are a great group! Katherine
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