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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. Pugs are nice dogs and there are two that our dogs visit with daily on our walks. I am trying to avoid sweets but will celebrate doing something nice for someone else. The city I grew up in (White Plains) often had guiding eye dogs training with their soon to be owners when I was young. I was always aware of the importance of white canes for independence and safety. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, the pictures of Bora Bora are lovely and you and DH look great. DSIL informed me that today he will remove and store the window placed air conditioners. I guess winter is coming.We also have a surprise visit planned for Tana. I hope it will lift her spirits to see an old friend.
  2. Good morning. We have a lot of baldness in the family and most of us like eggs. I like the recipe and may try it someday. Tonight we are having a crustless quiche with mushrooms and spinach. We were in Ensenada with DD and DSIL at the end of our favorite cruise, San Diego to Hawaii. I am waiting for new photos of Camilla to come from her grandmother. My niece started a new job as a nurse practitioner which leaves her with very little time. I have nagged her twice. Terry
  3. Good morning. It is already 60 and quite pleasant for dog walking once the sun comes up.My oldest DB was in the Navy and he had good memories of his time there in spite of Vietnam. I will definitely wish the navy a Happy Birthday. My DH is our resident skeptic..Please don't give him a day! I like the ingredients in the menu offering,all very tasty.We have not been to Malaga. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I am so glad you are home now with DH and I hope he is feeling as well as can be expected. DD had cervical spine surgery with fusion and her recovery was slow but steady. it has to be much less prolonged when the surgery itself is less invasive.Hugs to you both.
  4. Good morning everyone. I have way too many cookbooks and a paper file of saved recipes that makes everyone laugh. My handwriting was never good and arthritic issues have caused further legibility problems. Tana tries to decipher them and if I am not home finds it impossible. ER nurses are special beings and I can’t imagine what the pandemic has done to them. The three nurses and one nurse practitioner in the family tell me horror stories of burnout and depression on the part of the staff. PTDS is very much an issue, We had farmers in the family on my mother’s side so I will salute them.The recipe looks great but strawberries around here have become very expensive. @HAL Sailer, Melisa, I am so sorry to hear the news about your DSIL but hope you and DH can enjoy a visit. I am very much enjoying news from our Daily family on their beautiful cruise.What fun!
  5. @Heartgrove, I am so sorry to hear about your brother but glad he was with his wife and son at the end.
  6. Good morning everyone. I like the days and will provide my favorite Camilla picture.The recipes look good too.I am not sure what is for dinner yet but the last one with the chicken meatballs looks interesting. We have not been to the port but do enjoy the pictures. @MISTER 67, I am glad power is restored but am so sorry about the devastating damage everywhere. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, prayers for you both today.I hope all goes well. We are on a rocky road here and I have asked DD to sit with Tana while I take DH to yet another appointment. Anxiety and breathing issues go hand in hand but things are decidedly difficult at the moment. She is a calming presence for her sister at least. I love this picture .This little girl is a hoot and reminds me so much of her grandmother when she was that age.
  7. Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, I will be thinking of you both all day tomorrow. I am hoping things go well with the surgery and DH will soon have symptomatic relief. It is a long hard day at the hospital waiting for the news from the surgical team but we are all here for you and DH.
  8. A very Happy Thanksgiving to all of our Northern friends! We are happy to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day here and have managed to utilize the metric system as well. The recipes look so good and to this half Irish gal the addition of potatoes on the bottom is genius. It is only going to be 65 or so today. The sun is out so we will also celebrate that. My tasks today include a doctors appointment for DH and then some cooking later for the family. Tana had a rough night and we didn’t get much sleep. It always looks better in the morning,right? Her aide is due today but had some car trouble. I am unable to leave her alone now so DD will bring her computer to our side of the house if the aide does not arrive soon. We are so fortunate to be able to pinch hit for each other and that both DD and DSIL are still working from home most days. We went to the Volcano’s National Park when we went to Hilo and we’re just amazed. I am sure it changes all the time with continued eruptions. Lou and Terry with our bus stickers!
  9. I hope your Thanksgiving celebration today is a good one.I also hope your car issues are fixed soon.
  10. Good morning to all. My dog walk this morning required a puffy jacket and gloves . I can only imagine how chilly it is on deck for the Dailyites cruising from Quebec but I am certain they are enjoying themselves. I will salute the days and think more about the quote. The recipe looks great but I think I would be happier if someone made it for me instead. Thank you Tina @0106 for the great suggestions. We were at the port a very long time ago when we went on a cruise with my mother,my brothers and their wives. It was from NY to the Caribbean. My mom was determined that we all go together and we sure did. I am so glad we started cruising. We had a great time but sadly my mom and oldest brother died shortly after the trip.It has always been an example to me that one must just get out there and live! We took my mother to the beach here and tried hard not to hover as she was very unsteady. She really wanted to swim so we all got in the water with her and we’re ready to assist if needed. I will never forget that lovely day. Terry
  11. A huge Bon Voyage to all the Dailyites boarding BHB’s today! It is chilly here this morning with rain expected. Yesterday totally got away from me with various appointments and although I read the Daily it was too late to chime in. I love the quote and the recipes today. I think I will try the third recipe for dinner tonight. I have not been to the port and appreciate the pictures. @Sharon in AZ, love the picture of you with Debbie and the beautiful hotel at night. Bundle up for sailaway! @Cruzin Terri, glad you got to the beach at last,sorry the weather has been so poor. @cunnorl, Enjoy your lovely long voyage,especially those sea days. Terry
  12. Bon Voyage to all the Dailyite cruisers in the next few days. Enjoy your cruises, especially the big gang leaving Quebec soon. It is very exciting. I will salute our PA, feel badly for the hatters who went mad and think the first Day sounds like a schoolyard taunt. I like the quote and love the recipes,thanks to Debbie @dfish. Safe travels to Canada and hope the packing worked out properly! The sun is out and it will be warmer today. We are lurching along here fairly well. I am making a favorite soup for Tana today and hope it is a hit. @grapau27, Graham and Pauline , Happy Engagement Anniversary! DH and I tried to remember our date for that and came up with August of 1986. At least both of us are having similar memory gaps…. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, (bubble absent) thank you for the beautiful photos and commentary. It is always appreciated.
  13. Good morning on another rainy day here. @richwmn, Bon Voyage and thank you for the Daily/Fleet report. I salute the days especially for teachers and doing something nice.We have not been to the port. I always look forward to the recipes! Thank you @rafinmd,Roy, for the inclusion on the cares list.It is appreciated but I think the worst is over except for Tana who is not eating much. Better days are coming!
  14. Good morning to all. It is only 44 degrees outside and quite rainy. It is expected to be with us all day. I salute the days and await the recipe. Things have been a little chaotic here but we are all still testing negative for which we are grateful. We must all have some sort of “other” bug as everyone has had nasty symptoms. Hopefully we will turn the corner today. @JazzyV, Vanessa, a very Happy Birthday to you! @Cruzin Terri, Terri and Jim, Happy Anniversary to you both. I love the fact that you are on your honeymoon island once again. Enjoy the day Terry
  15. Good morning. It is dark and almost rainy here. It will be that way for the next two days. Well, I am also older and drinking coffee this morning.Frugality is becoming more and more of a necessity. We have been to the port and I will have to find pictures.I look forward to recipes. The extent of the damage from Ian is stunning. I am so glad we heard from so many people so far but it has to be overwhelming for everyone. We continue to be basically ok here and for that I am truly grateful. Take care everyone.
  16. Good morning. I am glad we heard from a lot of the Daily Floridians but am appalled by the severe storm damage and flooding from Ian.It is just awful.Please be careful in Georgia and the Carolinas as well. I will celebrate the days and like the recipes.We have not been to the Marshall Islands. So far,fingers crossed, we are feeling OK here and will test tomorrow. The new aide comes back this afternoon. We had planned a weekend trip to New Hampshire to see our son and his family but postponed this for the following weekend.
  17. Good morning everyone. We are watching the progress of Ian with trepidation. Prayers for all who are in its path in Florida and Georgia. We are very grateful for Good neighbors .We certainly have many of those right on our street.The other day a woman that I only know to say hello to brought over a delicious vegetarian casserole with rice and leeks.I was so touched by her generosity. Our next door neighbors have helped many times with getting Tana and her WC down and up our many steps.We try to return favors but the scale is tipped in their favor. Beer and I parted company(a good thing) many years ago but it is still something I miss.We have not been to the port and I am probably the only one who would like today's recipe. I made a chicken skillet recipe yesterday with lemons and shallot .I think it was a hit.There were no leftovers so that is a good sign.Today we have a vegetarian chili in our plans. The home health aide we had recently called yesterday to report that she has tested positive for covid.She and Tana always wear masks but the rest of us have not indoors. We will start testing soon and hope fir the best.We have one woman coming for 4 hours today. I am trying very hard not to panic.
  18. I am so glad your DH will have this type of surgery. And soon. I am sure you are both relieved that help is on the way.
  19. Keep trying with the drug companies.I took these meds for many years and could never have managed their prices. Happy Anniversary. Enjoy your special day
  20. Good morning. It is only 56 so far but the sun is shining.We had a major thunderstorm last night which got every dog in every house barking.It reminded me of either "101 Dalmatians " or "Lady and the Tramp". DD made us a honey apple cake for our dessert last night.We are planning a traditional Rosh Hashanah meal for tonight.I tried a new brisket recipe and have my fingers crossed that it is good! Thank you Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the pictures of Crete.I would love to go there! @Cruzin Terri, I am so hoping you will be able to get to your flight and ultimately to Barbados. @kazu, The clean up process looks formidable. Try not to wear yourself out.This is from a woman who often does just that! I am in the Cardiologist's office waiting for DH. It is a long appointment today so I am glad they let others inside to wait now.3 hours is too long to sit in the car. Prayers for those in Ian's path.It looks gnarly.
  21. @dfish, Debbie, how exciting!I hope your offer is accepted on the house.Let's hope the seller is a less exacting individual....
  22. Good morning to all. Camilla's Dad( my great nephew) managed to contact family and assured everyone that the fishing boat and crew are ok.He did say that the waves were enormous. I am not sure when he gets to land again. @0106,Tina, thanks for the recipes.I am going to try the baked rigatoni recipe later. DH is not deaf but his hearing is severely impaired.Hearing aids help but not a great deal. I would love to go to Monterey! My DGS told me yesterday that he is upset that the potential storm bears his name.The Canadian storm pictures are frightening. I hope somehow the Ian storm is lessened in some way. Terry
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