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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. Happy Anniversary to Ann and Chuck @marshhawk! Enjoy your cruise as well.
  2. Good morning to all. We have a nice day here with pleasant dog walking accomplished earlier. I salute literacy and date nut bread and will acknowledge the &.We have not been to the Philippines and look forward to pictures. Thank you Debbie. @dfish for the ideas for sweet and sour sauce as well as the lower sugar recipe.Decisions have not been made yet on our dining options but it sure sounds good to me. @Cruzin Terri, I sure hope the insurance will cover a hotel stay.It sounds very stressful living with the after effects of the flood. Almost 30 years ago we lost our home( along with 8 other families) in a fire.It was a condo development and a nightmare to rebuild and try to salvage anything.The insurance covered a short hotel stay and some funds for a rental. That was a long time ago though. @JazzyV, Vanessa, I have a similar problem with fried foods and now completely avoid them.It makes for dull dining and I am sorry this has been an issue for you. Terry
  3. Good morning everyone. It has stopped raining but the sun has not come out yet. The recipes look good but we are making more soup today for the evening meal.I used to love beer way too much….Salami is an occasional treat. My in laws lived for many years in Ft. Lauderdale and DH and I made many trips from NY by car when various situations arose . We stopped at the port once on the way back home and enjoyed our visit. That part of Florida was less developed at the time and quite beautiful to explore. Our teenager reported that the first day of high school was “ok”. It is a big school and a bit of an adjustment. Tana gave the ok for him to try out for the JV football team and he was happy about that. He is now 14 and 6 feet tall. Time marches on. Terry
  4. Good morning from a very rainy NY. Flash flooding is possible today and DD and DSIL are very happy to have a newly installed pump in the basement. Last year rain like this completely flooded the basement and required new floors, Sheetrock etc to make the apartment below us habitable again. The port today looks like a great place to visit, thanks to @StLouisCruisers for the pictures. Thanks for the recipes, Tina @0106. I will follow your example and make peach salsa to go with the crockpot recipe for a pork tenderloin. The executive chef is presently busy with the peaches and I will get the tenderloin going soon. I am always reading and will often be found stirring a pot on the stove with one hand and holding the kindle with the other. There are many nights when I can’t put the book/kindle down and just stay up reading.I figure there are worse obsessions. Procrastination for me relates mostly to putting off cleaning around here but I will eventually get it done when I look in horror at the kitchen floor especially.Two dogs and six people for dinner every night keeps the “swiffer “ company in business. I watched the school busses pick up kids this morning and everyone looked so excited,even in the pouring rain. It is the first day of school here.
  5. A very Happy Anniversary to Sandi and Dennis @StLouisCruisers!
  6. Good morning. Our humidity and temperatures are the same as Sandi's @StLouis Cruisers. Sorry, the blue bubble is missing in action today. We have not been to the port and like the recipes a lot. I will save them for another day as we have vegetarian chili bubbling on the stove this morning. Happy Labor Day to everyone celebrating. I always worked on holidays and used to enjoy driving home with few people on the road.We always tried to make the holiday special for the patients and it usually was a good day with a skeleton crew.I find myself very occasionally missing work. I am glad Gerry and her DH were safe and sound but so sorry to hear of so many injured or killed.We live in dangerous times. I am also thinking of Joy and Allen and hope all is well this morning. Terry
  7. @Cruzin Terri, I am so sorry about the flood.I hope the help comes soon.
  8. @Seasick Sailor, I am so glad that your Allen was well taken care of and that you are already home. Sending prayers for you both.I hope the tests on Tuesday are helpful.
  9. Good morning to all. It is cloudy right now with a possibility of rain at some point today. The executive Chef and I very much liked the frittata suggestions and will try the spinach and roasted pepper one later today. We ended up cooking on the grill last night as the weather held but ate inside so we could all be together.Thank you Tina @0106! We have not been to the port and will salute the collection of days. Manners are so necessary everyday and in most situations.Thank you to all that contribute to the Daily. Our teenager took “ a friend” to the movies yesterday when I told him about the three dollar tickets. I will find out later what they saw but it is the first time in two and a half years that anyone went to see a movie here. Terry
  10. Good morning to all. Thanks for the great recipes Tina, @0106.They all look hmm.. My parents were huge Giants fans and had quite a tradition of tailgating for 40 years. DH began accompanying my mom after my father died to these games.The running joke was that this was the reason for our marriage...hmmm. @luvteaching, I send my belated condolences for the passing of your friend and fellow teacher. @aliaschief beautiful pictures with your new phone.thanks Terry
  11. @Quartzsite Cruiser,A very Happy Anniversary to you both! @marshhawk, and to you and your Dh as well!
  12. Good morning everyone. I needed a windbreaker this morning in the deliciously cool air. Windows are open,so exciting after weeks of constant AC. We have been to the port and enjoyed the Cathedral and large square where pilgrims and walkers were ending their journey. I remember a very bumpy night as the Prinsendam went through some swell “swells”. Thanks for the recipe Tina but I think I would try it in a Japanese restaurant as well. My parents and uncles often spoke of the end of WW 2 and I wish I had paid more attention to their stories. They were scattered all over the world and it was quite a feat to get home. My mother often spoke of the housing crisis that followed and living with her in-laws when my oldest brother was born. We are making two different soups this morning for dinner later and planning a BBQ for the weekend before the rain comes on Monday. Terry
  13. A very Happy Birthday to @Cruzin Terri! I hope you feel better later and can enjoy going out with your DH. There are two ginger cats that frequent the back yard. The previous owner of the house had a small army of kitties that he fed and asked DD to continue this when they bought the house. We are here almost seven years and have lost three to old age. The four that I see daily from my window are very entertaining for the dogs and humans alike. Tofu is only eaten by two family members so it is only infrequently on the menu.We will pass on the recipe today but need to come up with something different for tonight. It is cooler here today so it will not be so hot in the kitchen. I look forward to pictures of the port and had to mention that I cracked up at the image of the painting party and wine yesterday. I also loved the meme @kazu, Jacqui had yesterday with the large dog being picked up after pooping. Too funny and thanks for the laughs.
  14. On a lighter note A picture taken on the Cape for national beach day. The two wrapped up bodies are the grandchildren.
  15. Good morning everyone. Today Sandi and I have the same weather @StLouisCruisers: 74 with 91 % humidity. I took the dogs walking and would have welcomed rain falling on us. We have not been to the port and the recipes all look wonderful today, thanks Debbie @dfish. I admire your painting chores in the heat and humidity and hope the living room gets finished today. Good luck house hunting. @Cruzin Terri, I am sorry to hear about your current flare. It has to be disappointing to be back on prednisone again. EMG studies are very tough on the patient but quite informative.I am sorry you have to go through that again. @JazzyV, Vanessa, I so appreciate your asking about all of us but I am hesitant to say much now as I think we are all struggling in different ways. It can be overwhelming and is certainly very tiring for everyone but most especially for our Tana. Appetites remain somewhat impaired with a lot more special requests for the chefs lately. I find myself getting easily irritated and just have to step away from it all for a while. Enjoy the day everyone and stay well
  16. Good morning to all. It is very humid here and quite similar to @puppycanducruise's weather.My dogs were quick to return to the house this morning as it felt like a wall of water we trudged through. I do cook with less salt,more herbs and watch DSIL in horror as he salts before tasting. Of course, as a mother in law I keep my lip zipped. There are bats in abundance hanging about and eating mosquitoes here. Drivers around here have always been scary but are totally reckless.I was waiting for a left turn arrow at a major intersection yesterday.The oncoming traffic was heavy with no breaks.The car behind me beeped and then went around me and into the intersection causing an oil tanker to almost crash into both of us. This is the sort of excitement I could do without.It was 9 am on a Sunday... Montreal is one of our favorite ports.We visited it on the Veendam and the Maasdam .The last time we were there was our "constant rain cruise" in May of 2017.Rain gear saved the day during that cruise and we had a great time with cruising friends. Enjoy the day and thanks for the Daily
  17. @cat shepard,Ann, have a wonderful time and Bon Voyage @Cruising-along,The family picture is so nice to see.It must gave been great.
  18. Good morning to all. I will remember all the pets who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge and will have to look up the Port. The executive chef and I are awaiting recipes before deciding on today’s specials. We have leftover quiche and a lovely leek and potato soup if nothing inspires today. Thanks to all who make this such a nice place to visit Daily. @rafinmd, Roy, thank you for having Tana on the Cares list for so very long. It is appreciated. The nature of her illness has lots of ups and downs and she has been at least stable for a week or so. Perhaps it is more appropriate in her situation to be on the rotation. @marshhawk, Ann, I was so sorry to read of your friend Jesse’s serious situation. I hope the surgery and treatment can help next week. @Cruzin Terri, Terri, I hope the hand specialist can help and that your visit goes well. I was glad to see your incident was taken care of with your friend @grapau27., Graham, what a beautiful salad and as we call it in Yonkers “back yard”! Terry Enjoy the day everyone
  19. Dog days are certainly celebrated here. Women's Equality day needs a lot of work and I will just stop there. @StLouisCruisers,Sandi, prayers for your neighbor undergoing such extensive surgery and for her family. Thank you for the beautiful pictures today as well. @Cruzin Terri, I hope things are better today. It is breathtakingly humid today but we might get rain later.The executive chef and I are making crustless quiches this morning for our dinner later. Terry
  20. Good morning to all. I think I will make the corn salad to go with the pasta and chickpea dish that is on our menu tonight. Thanks to Debbie once again for the beautiful pictures and good ideas @dfish. We have not been to the port and I am still thinking about the quote. We are usually good about kissing and making up after disagreements around here. It has become more important with our increased numbers in the family. @kazu, Jacqui, I hope you get some answers from the doctor and I am sorry you had another spill. How is your wrist doing? @Heartgrove, Our two dogs act the same way when someone is not here,even for a few hours. If I move out to the couch when DH is snoring, my Fred will also come and lie down nearby. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, I was sorry to hear of your neighbors’ accident. Sending prayers for all. Terry
  21. Good morning. We are stuck in a humid weather pattern here but the rain will hold off for a few days. We recently watched on Britbox a documentary about Pompeii that was quite good. I like the quote and the meal looks interesting. We have not been to the port. Dinner plans were decided by the executive chef earlier and she has commenced chopping for a bean and pasta soup. I soaked the beans last night and cooked them earlier so that the soup would come together well. Tana is amazing in that she always tries to do at least one thing every day that is challenging.The walk to the kitchen from her room is about forty feet and it can be tough for her depending on the day. Have a great day everyone. Terry
  22. Good morning. I am glad the Southern Hemisphere will see daffodils soon. There is a lot of sweetheart hugging in this house. The recipes look good but I don’t think my reluctant eaters will enjoy them now. We have not been to the port but like the quote. @Vict0riann, a very Happy Birthday to you @kazu, The dog visitors look like fun. We are very badly trained here with dogs allowed on beds and couches. Enjoy! I found this picture(oh my) of the Prinsendam hiding behind the Palm trees in Cartegena
  23. @StLouisCruisers,Sandi, yes!DH was feeling tired that day and required much encouragement to walk as far as the Roman theater ruins. I loved that cruise and the weather was great until we got to Rome.We stayed an extra day and got drenched at the Coliseum.
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