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Everything posted by smitty34877

  1. I just spoke to the doc and they placed a Stent in the 90% blocked artery.He said the old bypass grafts look good.I felt like jumping up and down but restrained myself.Now he has to lie flat several hours due to entry through the groin. Modern medicine can be amazing!
  2. Good morning. I am seated in the hospital cafeteria waiting for the cardiac catheterization nurse to text me.The procedure was started about an hour ago.I realized that I worked in this hospital 50 years ago in the summer between high school abd college.It if course has changed considerably but still has that very comfortable " home" feeling. I even ran into someone I used to work with in my last job before retiring! Thanks @cat shepard and @rafinmd @StLouisCruisers for your kind thoughts.I think we were both a little nervous earlier. ..DH left his insurance cards down in admitting! I went to get them on the way to the Cafe. Will let you know how we do today. Terry
  3. @kazu I felt like crying when I saw your post.I hope it heals quickly. Let's hope that the pain as well as swelling decreases very soon.
  4. Good morning. I read late last night about @ger_77 and her flight problems. I am hoping there is a resolution today and can't imagine the stress. @StLouisCruisers,thank you for your prayers and good thoughts for us. We appreciate it. We get a lot of trick or treaters here but DD will take care of that for both sides of the house. One of my grandmother was known for her psychic abilities and I will salute the Girl Scouts. I like the quote and have not been to the port.
  5. Thank you for your kind thoughts.I find it hard to do the lifting and transferring now that I am older.I avoid nightshades and do notice a difference. The injectable meds saved my joints and kept me mobile but were not without issues.
  6. Sending you and her family our condolences.It will be good to get together to celebrate her life.
  7. Good morning . It is only 43 but the sun is shining with cloudless skies.I never liked candy corn,have not been to the port and dislike tilapia. I do like the quote. Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement. Lou and I have worked our way through the doom and gloom phase and are now just working on looking on the bright side.I will just be glad when it is behind us. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda as a retired PT I can tell you that progress is often mighty slow and often involves two steps forward, one back. I hope Steve as individual sessions daily as well as group sessions. I often found the patients would be very much supporting each other. Only someone in that situation themselves can truly understand. @Cruzin Terri, I am so sorry this has occurred with your insurance company and hope there is a resolution soon.
  8. Sochi is just beautiful! Thank you for telling us about your DH's experience with catheterization I need to get my mind out of the worst case scenario mode and think positively.
  9. Good morning everyone. It was only forty earlier and more layers are necessary for dog walking in the morning. We of course will celebrate cat day and do understand why some folks prefer to be hermits. I like the quote and feel for those with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. We have not been to the port. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, thank you so much for your concern. Tana is having a difficult time and we have had a hard time finding appropriate assistance lately. She needs help to transfer and someone with her when she tries to walk with the walker and oxygen . We are hoping that a good friend of hers will be able to stay on Tuesday. She is a nurse as well so will manage things in the right way. @Seasick Sailor, Joy, I was sorry to hear of your experience with the VA clinic. I hope things are better when you go for your next appointment. My relatives in Massachusetts have had better experiences with their VA facilities than my New York relatives. I guess it depends so much on what is available locally and the volume of patients. Thanks so much to everyone who sent their support and prayers for us yesterday. It means a lot and helps so much.I am very grateful. Terry
  10. The cardiac catheterization will determine the level of blockage and possibly stents can be placed.The last time he went through this he had an emergency bypass procedure as 2 arteries were blocked.That was 16 years ago. The procedure is invasive in that there are wires and needles in the heart but of course is more commonly done these days.
  11. We found out that there were abnormalities on the nuclear stress test and DH will have an angiogram/cardiac catheterization procedure Tuesday. He suspected as much and we will go forward from here. Thanks for all the positive thoughts and prayers.
  12. Good morning.It is downright cold here this morning but will reach sixty later. I am an odd person as I really don't care much for chocolate but that means there is more for everyone else.My grandchildren told me they gave away most of their " stuffies" recently. It made me a little sad but they are almost 12 now. I like the quote and have not been to Chile. DH and I are hoping for the best today. I had a crazy thought in the middle of the night: maybe Medicare insists test results are explained with a doctors office visit? It was a very expensive test....We shall see. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I sure hope your Steve makes it there today.The up and down of things must be exhausting. @kazu, Jacqui, Enjoy your trip and I hope all goes well. @aliaschief, Bruce, thanks for taking us on beautiful river cruise.Safe trip home. Terry
  13. I am adding my Bon Voyage as well and hope you have a wonderful time.It will be exciting to follow along , thanks for taking us with you.
  14. a picture of Camilla in her Pillsbury Dough girl Halloween outfit!
  15. @ottahand7, I hope they are able to treat the possible infection and that no further surgery is needed for your DB. @kazu, I am sorry to hear of your BIL's hospitalization.
  16. Good morning to all. I will gladly salute the Navy. We have had many family members serve in that branch of the Service. My oldest DB was on a Hospital ship that was stationed primarily off the coast near Danang. I remember that they called it Dodge City as well.I enjoy storytellers and like the quote. @dfish, Debbie, thanks for the recipes. I am always looking for new ways to make soup. Good luck with the move and I hope all goes well. @grapau27, a very Happy Birthday to you. Enjoy your dinner with your lovely ladies. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I am hoping. Steve is safely transferred today and that he is fever free.I am so glad you got some real sleep last night. We appreciate the prayers and positive thoughts for hearing about the results of Lou’s test. I am continuing to hope that the concerns are for something minor. We celebrate our black cats here , there are two outside and two inside.
  17. Back again and trying to remain calm.The cardiologist is concerned about the test results and wants to see us Friday. I am hoping for some minor issue.
  18. Good morning. It is dark and misty out there and both dogs are parked in front of me giving periodic side eye. They have been out briefly but want to go walking. I don't think I have ever had Mincemeat and salute all of those who are presently deployed.My nephew is in the National Guard and is recently back from Africa.I like the quote but have not been to the port. Like @cat shepard, I am off to the dermatologist today.Hopefully there is nothing problematic.I am amazed at the icky things that grow on skin! I just kept thinking last night about Lenda and Steve @Quartzsite Cruiser and hope the transfer to the Rehab Hospital goes well. One can feel the support for them from the group and it is a beautiful thing.
  19. Good morning. it has been busy so far as I drove DH in the dark and fog to a nuclear stress test appointment early. It takes three hours so I returned home to take care of some things here. We don’t have an aide this week so DD and I are helping Tana as needed. I will salute International artists and enjoyed The Clash in their day. I like the recipe and have not been to Jerusalem. The pictures are outstanding. Thank you Lenda and Sandi via @Quartzsite Cruiser! Lenda, I will echo everyone else and say please take care of yourself and know we are here for you. My DH and I look back in amazement at the months of rehab he went through and his eventual recovery. I hope you are pleased with the facility and the PT. It is difficult to be the person in Rehab but also hard to be the caregiver.
  20. @Seasick Sailor Joy and Allen.a very Happy Anniversary to you.Enjoy your gathering tonight,it sounds like fun.
  21. Good morning. It continues to rain on and off and the dogs seem to have cabin fever. The people here have had it for a while. I will celebrate Diwali and United Nations day and look forward to the recipe. I never cared for bologna but also had it almost every day for lunch in my younger years. We have not been. to the port.I don't want to get stabbed at all. I hope all goes well for Lenda's DH today @Quartzsite Cruiser. DD sent me this picture this morning. Cats know how to relax!
  22. Good morning. It is cloudy here with rain expected later. I had a wonderful mother in law and now try to be a good one myself. I will leave out the other two days but enjoy the recipes and the quote. I am making a huge pot of vegetable and bean soup that will be for dinner later. I think we have all had a long and tiring week and need some comfort food today. @grapau27, Graham and Pauline, I was very touched by the way you two celebrated Pauline's mam on your cruise. it looks like a lovely ship and the two if you looked great . @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda, I hope all goes well tomorrow with the second surgery. Take care everyone.
  23. Good morning to all. It is chilly but will be in the sixties later. Babbling does not need a day as I honestly think there is way too much of it anyway.I will salute nachos day and refuse to count buttons. We had the salt cod dish when my niece married into a Portuguese family in Fall River Massachusetts. The wedding food was prepared by the grooms family.It is very good but a bit of a pain to make.My niece makes it for holidays and her children continue the tradition in their own homes. @Lady Hudson, Happy Birthday to you and your twin! @kazu. Jacqui, I am sorry to hear of more issues and problems. @Quartzsite Cruiser, Lenda,I am so glad you have help and hope things go well on Monday.
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