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Everything posted by Red-Sol

  1. I have 2 fallback positions...I either blame it on the dog, or else on peanut butter.
  2. Will follow closely Jim! Thanks for being a trailblazer! (Apologies to Chevrolet 😀 )
  3. My guess is that you are representative of the way most people dine on NCL cruises. I don't think there are many people who would only dine in the MDR's. Personally I find the fixed menus being rolled out on Prima to be just fine. There are so many other options available in addition (both included like Indulge Food Hall...and new specialties...)that most people will have a somewhat limited number of times they eat in the MDR...and when they do the limited menus still offer up a good selection. Who knows maybe by having these fixed menus they might even be able to speed up the time it takes to eat in one of the MDR's which often seems like a marathon 😉
  4. You are so close to cracking the code...(where they actually pay you to cruise 😃) Will love following along and all I can say about this is:
  5. Thank You! We both really love the name...now if only she was just the coffee heiress
  6. Well I must admit that there are at least 2 of us who thought the same thing! 😉My wife is also from Germany (Mannheim) and her first name is Melitta which most people think the name sounds Spanish...but Nein!
  7. An early review of Prima: https://eatsleepcruise.com/our-honest-norwegian-prima-cruise-ship-review/
  8. Apologies if any of these videos are repeats...My excitement about this new ship is off the charts. Mandara Spa on Prima Observation Lounge on Prima Full Ship Tour on Prima Prima Casino
  9. More on the Indulge Food Hall on Prima: https://thepointsguy.com/guide/norwegian-cruise-line-indulge-food-hall/
  10. Walking the Concourse on Prima. (The Waterfront on Steroids)
  11. I believe from seeing in some of your other posts that you book through CAS. I also believe that you always/usually stay in Haven. I agree that Haven prices on Prima are priced way way too high but if you can consider other alternatives you might find something affordable. Keep in mind that we are definitely not high roller types but do get some type of comps through CAS. I called to see what they would offer us on a 7 day Bermuda cruise out of NYC to Bermuda on Prima. They comped us an inside which we upgraded to a Balcony for a total price of $2k combined for both of us. That's a price I can live with to sail on the new ship and visit one of my favorite places in Bermuda. FWIW
  12. I think the term of "Nickel and Diming" on NCL is simply some kind of weird tradition. It's been around for many years and I believe that most people who use it aren't even aware of what it actually means. Bottom line is it wasn't true years ago when it first started and it isn't true today.
  13. I don't have an actual answer to your question but noticed the same thing with 14 day Winter cruises out of NYC. They had always been very popular pre-covid...but very few if any now. My guess is the same as yours...these types of cruises being gone is a direct result of covid and the overall havoc with getting cruising started again fully. Sailing with full ships with full crews is still an issue.
  14. As an anwer to my own question...I just called and asked. We ended up being comped an inside which we upgraded to a balcony. Doing that is still a substantial savings over what we would need to pay full fare. I am more than happy as we really want to get a look at this new ship...it looks like it will be very exciting! 😃
  15. I'm about to call CAS to see if I can get some type of Comp on a Prima sailing to Bermuda out of NYC. Before I do I was wondering if anyone has already done this and do they even allow it on a new ship?
  16. Does NCL tend to sail out of one more than another?
  17. Might be booking a cruise sailing from Tampa on the Jade. Curious how people have found the experience of sailing from there?
  18. For me the last time I priced one out....flying from Rochester to Miami the price worked out to more than double than what I could get it for on my own...so then getting the second one free meant that I was only paying a small amount more for two than what I could get those for on my own. 😉 (In fairness for some reason Rochester is a very expensive airport to fly out of and we will often travel to other cities to catch flights)
  19. Personally I have never seen a price using NCL airfare that I couldn't do better booking on my own. Maybe it depends upon where you are flying from and to...but for me NCL airfare is highly inflated.
  20. Artificial Intelligence of "Slash" Meets "Santa Claus"
  21. If prices end up staying so high I guess I will be sitting it out like complawyer. Between the demand destruction from the pandemic, possible oncoming recession, and the already difficult task of filling ships now just not sure still where cruising is heading in general.
  22. Call me cynical but I don't believe the premium they are getting due to newness will last all that long.
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