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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Great photo's Sue and glad to read you had a great time away. Time to plan the next one now 🙂 Take Care .
  2. @Beckett take things easy and do all the things advised above if it helps. Not good when you feel naff ,what I tend to do is listen to Ken Bruce and Pop Master and see how many I can get right . To Improve my chances I like to research various artists ..For example .. Did you know that Mark Knopfler had a relative who died and left him some things in his will. A French impressionist painting and a shed with half a dozen hens within it Guess you could say he got a "Monet for nothing and his chicks for free." 🙃😉🤣 You take care and if you do put the radio on ..NO HEAD BANGING 😉
  3. Wow what is it with you ladies falling down. Got the Granddaughter calling you a smurf ! That's no way to talk to Ms Tumble is it ? Seriously was shocked to read you were in Hozzie after being out cold, poor old Ted must have been worried for you . Hope your not in to much pain-- Take it easy 🙂♥️
  4. Mrs K is doing ours with chicken breast tonight 😋😋🙂
  5. Exactly ! So to any fan wanting a "CHANCE" to see him for a tenner .
  6. I noticed if ever I felt unwell or Mrs K for that matter and we were in a medical place then the nurse more often than not would pop an oxymeter on my finger. Talking with a nurse, she said "why not " when I asked the same question as you are asking. The heart specialist seemed happy that I could give these readings along with my BP readings ,on a telephone appointment with him . I would say it's not vital but handy . I got the knetic model from Argos that came with batteries but ended up buying recharchable batteries and charger . I even take it away on holidays as it's so small to pack . Hope that helps .🙂
  7. So to recap ,this event is a raffle and sold as such for a good cause . The prize is Gary in concert at a cost of £10pp . I wonder how much more it would cost if he was at one of UK's arenas 🤔 Don't think it would be a tenner ! If folk want to see him and are lucky to be drawn then great ! End of the day it is what it is a raffle ,some win and some don't . As you say it's a special event .🙂
  8. We will be all the better for it following your example Jane ♥️🙂
  9. Good morning 10.c dull and damp here . One of those days of feeling a bit washed out like the weather . Checked my BP /o2 levels and everything is boringly normal so nowt to worry about,just one of those off days today. Hope you are all having a good day take care .🙂
  10. Morning 6.c and bright this morning ,looks like it could stay dry . We had the pleasure of a visit from our Granddaughter with our lovely Great grand daughter who we was warned that she don't take kindly to men , so don't be upset if she won't come to you . Well I called her name and she looked towards me instantly with a big smile and was happy to sit with me for hours. So she hadn't forgot me 🙂 Hope @Purdey16 your foot gets better and you have a great holiday . That photo looks a lot like the top of a platform sole stack heel boot that the girls wore in the 70's 😃 Everyone have a good day -Take care .
  11. Thought you'd been begging in Wimpy's Zapp 🙃 "Spare us your change Guv 🤣🤣
  12. Sorry to read your having it a bit rough but if I can bring a bit of laughter and happiness to you or anyone else for that matter,then that makes me all the more happy for it . You Take care 😃
  13. Could always try meditation ,better than sat around I suppose 🙃 You don't ! You can be happy for Mothers /Fathers day and a lot of other days . Just be happy that you can be happy but not compulsory. What would you think if the pub had a happy hour ? Just be happy for that hour .🤔 Don't worry be happy 😀😀 --------------------------------..
  14. Good morning only 2.c here today and overcast . I hope everyone has a good Easter day ,even though it's a hour shorter 🙂 Take care ,be good and be happy !
  15. Best thing would be email customerservices@pocruises.com. or phone 0344 3388003 and ask P&O
  16. I'm ahead of my time today .For the first time in years I have changed the time on the cars clock 😀 As a rule I remember to change it in the middle of May 🤒 I have even done the oven clock , everything else will change it's self . Now I'm left with a dilemma ? Do I go to bed an hour early or later or just stay up until 1am.🤔🙃
  17. Mrs K done that for years BC , a woman sat next to us jumped at the chance when she offered the woman a Dettol wipe . She thanked Mrs K and said these were going onto her travel pack list in future .
  18. Yep they do more good than harm ... I think Indiana has just run away 🥴 @Adawn47 Mrs K has said to pass these breads onto you she got from ASDA I have just had a fish finger salad wrap with a bit of mint yogurt 😋 Very tasty ! Low salt !
  19. We wash our hands and then rub in some Boots antiviral foam and then at the MDR/ buffet use the antibacterial sanitizer as well . We try to keep off hand rails and if using buffet will use a tissue to use serving utensils that many folk handle . As you say look after yourselves .
  20. We were on the Azura as well and sat in the buffet having a cuppa watching the world go by in the buffet ,a few folk on seeing the sanitizer guy would suddenly start rubbing their hands making out they had just used one of the other dispensers. It's not always down to the passengers , same cruise a waiter put his hands over his face to stifle a sneeze . He then came to our table wanting our order ,which was go and wash your hands . When the ships docked whilst we sat in the Blue Bar we were amazed how many folk would cough into their hands and then "spread the love" down the Atrium hand rails . The Captain says "when using the steps try to use the handrails " but whilst sat watching noted the officers/staff seldom used these handrails , may be they did not want to share the love ? 🤔
  21. Sorry to read you have got ants but before they get anywhere near your pants I would be buying some ant traps .put them down and leave well alone for a week and all the little blighters take the bait back to the nest and kill off the queen and themselves in the process. The only other thing I know about is the Adam Ant Diet plan ... it works only if you 🎵 Don't Chew Ever , Don't Chew Ever .🎵 🙃
  22. Not much fun and no matter what you try doesn't help . I even had a try at counting sheep. That didn't work for me . By the time you get up,get dressed , drive all the way to the farm and then drive back, you're wide awake again 🙃 A lovely bright sunny 6.c morning here ,hope you all have a good day 😀
  23. Good morning ,5.c and overcast on this Good Friday . Just scanning the TV pages to see what great films are on to get us in the Easter mood ? Ghostbusters The Afterlife 🤒🥴 Hope you all have a relaxing day and give the washer a rest as putting your whites and sheets out to dry is NOT ALLOWED ! as my Nan would have told you . Looking at what you can do is eat fish ,so even though we had a chippy the other day,I will be convincing Mrs K we need another chippy meal today . I will just keep singing I Want My Chippie Tea until she gives in 😀 Hope you all have a great time and the weathers good to you .Take Care !
  24. I think I inherited mine from my children 🤔🙃😉
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