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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Due to HF I no longer eat foods high in salt as for the beans they were very nice 👍 👌 😀
  2. 8.c here this morning and thought I'd have a cooked breakfast for a change 😋 Have a good day everyone 👍
  3. We are out and about and opted for a carvery sandwich, one beef,one turkey both with stuffing,roasts and gravy . Very nice it was 😋
  4. In my humble opinion ,same as others have said ,track the price and keep your eye on availability . I note your booking direct with P&O and if you check out other TA's and you find a deal that's better but still want to stick with them ,then they do a price match so check out other TA's as well. So to answer your question ..The best time to book is when YOU are happy with the price.
  5. Morning 8.c and overcast here this morning . @brian1 Glad to see your getting sorted and taking great memories home with you . Soon you can look forward to your expensive cruise bucket list . Mine is just a little pail in comparison to your bucket 🙃 Should imagine your cars annual mileage on your cars insurance quotes will be a tad lower in future .🙂 Hope everyone has a good day .
  6. I went our supermarket and I asked one of the employees there where they kept the marmalade ? Last week it was near the baked beans. The worker said: "I'll see." and walked away. I asked another employee and they also said: "I'll see." and also walked off . In the end, got fed up waiting but I managed to find it myself in Aisle C.🙃
  7. That's part of the problem (not enough staff to go around) Mrs K took ill and after getting worse as the day went on I rang 111 and it was decided she needed an ambulance,which two hours later was struggling to get to us I rang them back and it was decided I could drive her there . We arrived at A&E about 20:45 and to cut a long story short left going on for 7am next morning . The staff were amazing but run off their feet with folk with minor things that should have gone to the Drs with but no they made use of the vending machines and brought all their mates to keep them company . Meanwhile ambulances queued outside and some life threating cases were rushed through .
  8. Think himself lucky they were not going cheep 🤣 Takes me back to when the doctor wanted me to lose weight 🤔 Doctor .."What do you have for breakfast as your still gaining weight ?" Me " Just two eggs each morning " Doctor " Are they fried ? " Me . " Chocolate " 😉😋
  9. How are you keeping these days Sharon? Hopefully pain free now 🙂
  10. Moving on from the NHS onto safer ground (topic wise ) We are hoping sometime next week to get a few days in a row dry enough to cut the grass,Next door but one had a go last night but was struggling cutting it and seemed upset . Maybe he was just going through a rough patch 😉😄
  11. Good morning , 9.c and misty at the moment . Today is spring equinox so wither your spring cleaning, eating spring rolls washed down with spring water or just taking things easy have a great day 🙂 Take care everyone .
  12. Sorry Avril I know you didn't ,ne and Frank have had the best and my treatment was on hold a lot due to a nasty pandemic but they did me proud . After re reading my post I thought the "Too true " bit maybe read we were not happy with the NHS. Nothing could be further from the truth. It was not aimed at you or anyone in particular .Sorry if you or anyone thought otherwise.🙂
  13. To be clear I was not knocking our NHS ,I would not be here if it wasn't for our hospitals ,who are clearly overworked underpaid and understaffed to work as the hospital abroad did . The too true bit of my post was aimed more at the insurance companies who are quick to dump folk . Our insurance was fantastic and they were talking with us in less than 24 hours making sure we were both ok . As you say I speak as we found our experience with them .
  14. Too true, the times I have read about insurance companies that drop you if you have any medical tests outstanding . As for the tests in Cadiz hospital on Mrs K 9am to 1pm and the amount of tests done on her was eye opening . Even the ships doctor after reading the medical notes she was given said " Have you any idea how many weeks appointments a UK hospital would have taken ?" We both agreed that our NHS do well with what they have to work with .
  15. Was on her in January and they have two menus that they alternate . As for booking ,it is a walk in venue , having said that when it was busy they took our cabin number and asked us to return 30 minutes later .
  16. Fingers crossed for you Josy this afternoon ,then you can relax . In January Mrs K had an issue on the Azura and due to medical history the ships doctor had me pack our bags and sent to Cadiz hospital and until she got an all clear letter from their Dr to give to the ships Dr , That was the end of our cruise. Very stressful and would hate for you to go through something similar . Good luck this afternoon .🙂 PS forgot to say we got the all clear letter and were let back onboard .
  17. I see they have already sold Oceana's ship horn 😉 HORN 🤣
  18. You have just described breakfast heaven to me mate 😋👍
  19. Looks lovely Graham 🙂 Just toast ,tea and rice crispies this morning for us but will have a cooked breakfast later this week. Your breakfast with the beans in the pot got me thinking ? ... Are folk on here "Tippers or Dippers " ?? 🤔 I am a self confessed tipper as I love mopping up with a bit of toast 😋 Let the dog see the rabbit as my dad used to say 😄
  20. Same weather here 8.c and we have put the vitamin D tablets away .😉
  21. We used to stay just outside in Hayle up at Beachside with it's lovely beach. That was BC ,the days before cruising .Great base for touring .🙂
  22. God said "come up & see me to make me smile." RIP Steve Harley of the Cockney Rebel band .
  23. Be good ,take care and hope your back soon 🙂
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