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Everything posted by kalos

  1. We will try not to mention your toe as I can tell it was a distressing time for you. That's unless you stub it on the Azura , then you can tell us all about it on this Azura thread🀣🀣
  2. We did two Atlantic crossings on her and never noticed any smells apart from one day in port and that was as we got off the ship ,which only lasted a minute . Maybe they were clearing out the tanks ? Our cabins were B deck mid ship and never had vibration issues either. We have had other cabins near aft that vibrated when docking but that was down to the thrusters when docking . For vibration that award ,for us has to go to the Thomson Majesty, that was something else! As you walked towards the aft you really felt and heard it .
  3. Good morning, 13.c and forecast 20.c ,so just pleasant temperatures today. We gave the grass a cut yesterday ,ready for the garden waste collection bins tomorrow. This morning I will send in gas /elect readings with the tariffs changing on the 1st of month. Then a nice easy day for us , hope you all have a good one too ,take care .
  4. This one's for you Harry πŸ™‚ A woman walked into the kitchen to find her Husband standing around with a fly swatter She asked. "What are you doing?" "Hunting Flies" he said "Oh. and have killed any?" She asked. "Yep, 4 males, 3 Females," he replied. Puzzled by this she asked. "How can you tell them apart?" He responded, "4 were on my beer cans and the other 3 were on the phone. Happy hunting H πŸ™ƒ
  5. Some people call that between hangovers πŸ˜‰
  6. I don't get why people want to start shouting at that time in the morning.. My neighbour was banging on the wall at 4.20 am, can you believe that? Lucky I was still up playing my Black Sabbath Paranoid album . He banged and shouted, "Can we have a little respect please?" I didn't even know he was an erasure fan πŸ₯΄πŸ™ƒ
  7. Mines working OK too. Following Phil's advice ,clear cache out and see if that works . Have you got access to another PC/Phone and see if you have the same fault and if you have Give P&O a ring and tell them of your trouble.
  8. You should have been a detective as you seem to have a nose for sniffing out these things πŸ™ƒ
  9. It's a five minute run from Manchester airport ,which we hate after all the messing about they have done with the roads into the place . We should be flying early next year from there, so we wanted to suss the place out and Mrs K loves it . They do stay park and fly packages , you park your car ,keep keys and they provide taxis to and from the airport at what times suit you . Anyway I will have to go back just to buy a carvery and take pictures so @AndyMichelle will be able to witness such a feast did exist πŸ˜‰πŸ™‚ The place we stayed is called The Pinewood Hotel .
  10. We had a nice night away last night and not a parrot in sight . I think that's because the squirrels had ate them all πŸ™ƒ We also had a carvery at a nearby pub but never bothered taking pictures.
  11. Morning ,hope everyone's ok. It's 21.c already here and a horrible nights sleep. I remembered what my Grandad told me, so I got near to the edge of the bed as possible and at some point in the night I dropped off .πŸ™ƒ Hope you all have a great day !
  12. And when night falls and the clouds give way to the stars and romantics .....
  13. Glad you had a great time on the Ventura and pleased to read of no problems . How did your boarding go? Were you early ,on time . In other words were you happy with your boarding experience ? πŸ™‚
  14. Dysentery dopiaza, Rush ta loo are unforgettable classics .πŸ˜‰
  15. Can't wait to see the dress to impress photos πŸ™ƒ
  16. A few years ago on our way down to Southampton we stopped at Chieveley services for a break as we were a bit early anyway .On exiting the services back on the motorway I glanced in the rear view mirror and could see a cloud of dust and little traffic behind me . There had been a nasty accident and our ship never sailed until very late evening due to P&O coaches that were stuck in this and no doubt many cars(Would they wait for them ?) There is part reason why some get into port early . From that day onwards we stay overnight in hotels , takes that worry away for us . As others have said people turning up at lets say 11.30 am knowing full well that their time is 14.20 and then kicking off when turned away . If we were coming down on the day we would adapt by pulling into at least 3 fast food outlets we have to pass from Redbridge roundabout ,they have parking ,toilets etc . I suppose coming by train Southampton rail will have nearby loos or cafe's as well . Now coming back to todays boarding rules .Should that Motorway accident happen again. Would they not be twiddling their thumbs whilst nearby rail/car passengers are sat in cafes could be boarded ,before the late rush when the Motorway delayed traffic arrives . There seems to be no plan B apart from Queue outside in the heat, cold or rain .
  17. It doesn't matter how nice the soap smells.. Never let anyone see you walk out of the bathroom sniffing your fingers.
  18. Thinking about having a cup of tea /snack bar was this still in use ? Not much use if your stuck outside or whisked straight through as your on time . I'm trying to get my head around the effort put in by the staff humping chairs outside when the seating area is left deserted . Same as Trish has said up to an hour before seems reasonable lee way but P&O need to make clear what their cut off times are to passengers .
  19. Screen shots are an excellent idea .πŸ™‚
  20. I read on these boards Malta is far better than that lot .πŸ˜‰πŸ€£πŸ€£
  21. It's beginning to look like the Sub imploded on it's way down. Saving grace is it would have been over in the blink of an eye for them . They have found debris
  22. He / they had a support boat . Was he part of a swimming party and they took their eyes off him for a moment ? Either way very sad news. Swimmer News
  23. Read about it on Sky news , sadly The search has been called off looking for him .
  24. This operational reasons should be made clear what is an operational reason and not just used as a "get out" because it suits their purpose . It's fair to say they are not the only company that jumps on the operational/extraordinary bandwagon . Only a couple of week ago some airline decided to cancel fights due to a pop concert at nearby Donnington . It was not their fault that staff did not turn up for work.
  25. Good morning it's a nice day here but on checking my calendar 21/06/23 I get that feeling we are in for a very long day todayπŸ™ƒ Have a good day everyone
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