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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Various posts have mentioned this over the last few days ,Wowzz regarding Princess terrier john who is away on the Iona
  2. Not if you know which tables to ask for ☺️
  3. Who said ...Red dot there's a cat for that .. giphycat.mp4
  4. Morning ,hope everyone's good ☺️ Today we are off for our flu jabs at our doctors and that will be us all jabbed up and no place to go as we had the Covid one other week. Just checking our EON account and we now have £66 pound credit that we can burn off at some point . Think I will tune into Pop Master and annoy myself with all those names I know but cannot remember😒 Whatever you lot get up to have a good one .
  5. The difference with this old guy was he wasn't late he had just decided he wasn't getting on the plane until almost 10am . We got to know them well as they were our neighbours in our villa garden ,he was a right character .His Mrs was telling us once he got an idea in his head that was it . She even managed to loose him getting off the plane on the way home .She was stood at the end of the air bridge off the plane and asked us if we knew where he had got to ?
  6. The one that always makes me smile is when me and Mrs K were sat on a plane at Manchester. It was due to take off at 10am ? I noticed the cabin crew counting all the passengers only to find there was two missing ten minutes before take off. A few more minutes past and an airport worker brought this old couple onboard ,Mrs K had noted they had been stood about two behind us in the boarding queue as he was a bit loud. The man took one look down the plane and greeted us all "Morning everyone " to the sighs and groans of some of the passengers . "Where have you been ,please hurry and take your seat ,we're waiting to take off ",said an air hostess. He was having none of it .."This plane goes at ten and it's only four minutes to ",he complained . Needless to say we never made the 10am push back 😐
  7. I know what you mean Harry ,I get very odd looks when I tell people that due to my interest in farm animals ,after giving it some thought I have decided to buy myself A pig pen .☺️ Actually it has been one of my better buys as it can write underwater, upside down , in space and lots of other wonderful words
  8. Sometimes if you watch the ships on YouTube live at Southampton .I have heard the captains of lets say Ventura saying they will be delayed for some reason for 20 minutes or so . The captain of princess Sky hears this on his radio offers to swap slots for sail away as he has everyone onboard and would be sat around 30 mins waiting anyway .
  9. Alright ladies, we all know it's Breastfeeding Awareness week. There's no need to milk it.😉
  10. National costume is allowed and on posh night wear a jacket ..Nae bother !😉
  11. Another fan of Azura B deck 11 mid ships ,nice without being overlooked from other decks . On same deck we also enjoyed aft cabin B749 (this was Ventura which was excellent for us)
  12. Life is amazing ...😊 One minute you are young and wild ! The next thing your into Air Fryers 😊😉
  13. We have been on a ship where several ships are in port and as the captain said .. "everyone is on board ,so we will drop our lines and set sail earlier than planned " Now if they had two passengers missing I would expect it reasonable to try and contact them. For all we know they could be sat in the buffet having a cuppa, as others have said, this has happened before .
  14. That's one smart bird you had there Pete . I love people who feed the birds ,I once watched a film where a old man was feeding the birds ,those vultures don't mess about do they 😙 Funny how our lives are entwined with animals ,I even dream about them ,only last night I dreamt I was horse ...That's four nights on the trot !😉 As for talking woodpeckers I can well believe it ,I once had a snail knock on our door late at night, which annoyed me, so I picked the little guy up and threw him as far as I could . Four years later I had another knock at the door, he said.... "What you do that for ? "😊 That's enough of my crap Hope you and everyone else and the woodpecker have a great day ! Take care
  15. Which is here ... https://www.pocruises.com/what-to-wear
  16. See CPS FAQ's Where are the cars parked during my cruise ? CPS .. All cars are kept in secure compounds within the docks and adjacent to the cruise terminals. https://www.cruiseparking.co.uk/Help
  17. They say ,a woman who asked for nothing deserves everything .. So I wish you the very best , you go for it girl !
  18. Good morning everyone it's a sunny 5.c this morning . I think we can declare summer as over and if I was in any doubt our TV reassured me as the adverts played away .I was drawn to the sound of Roy Wood singing that he wishes it could be Christmas everyday ! Well at least a shop called Very wishes it to be so.. Keep safe and wrap up warm guys .
  19. I bet you would be pheasantry surprised if he got you one 😉 Wowzz with a handbag (Radley of course ) Are you sure ?
  20. I could go down town go around the pubs and at chucking out time I would sup up and simply make my own way home .We didn't need 20 police and bouncers and riot vans to make sure we did go home . You could not pay me to go down town at night these days let alone use the pubs . So sad how things have turned out .😐
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