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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Didn't he have a milk round and horse that pulled the fastest milk cart in the west ?
  2. We did a tour on the red open top bus, which is hop on hop off ,that took us on a very good tour, passing through Camara de Lobos (where Churchill liked to visit). Good thing is you can hop on or off the bus anytime , we just stayed on and took in the sights. Link for bus .. https://madeira.best/product/red-open-top-sightseeing-bus-funchal-hop-on-hop-off We did that in the morning and did a DIY cable car later on when the queues had died down . As for the baskets we watched a few setting off but it did not appeal to us . As a kid I used to take great pleasure in throwing myself down "cardboard hill" a very steep hill that was scary as hell. Having a couple of guys in straw boater hats assisting me ,didn't do it for me ,so it was back on the cable cars which I loved but Mrs K hated them with a vengence . She's not a fan of heights , Anyone who wants a go though go for it and enjoy .
  3. We took a steady walk from the ship to the cars ,We found it easy to do . https://madeiracablecar-com.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=pt&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc
  4. Same here and any reminder is better than non ,when you look how much the missed NHS appointments cost and stop others going in that vacant space. No system will ever be perfect, only last week I booked my covid booster and got a text back with my booking reference. 24 hours later I got another text saying "We are taking bookings in your age group ,would you like to book your booster?" Not a big issue in the scheme of things,much better to be reminded than not at all .
  5. Have a great cruise 😊 Here's todays live stream of Britannia until sail away 😊
  6. Morning folks ,sorry to hear some of you have troublesome throats 😐 Have you tried some homemade drinks remedy's ? Here' s one you can try ..Very popular with our northern friends ...
  7. Have a good one 😊 Happy cruising .... Happy V 😁😍
  8. Go Gill treat yourself , if you want some money saving tips ... If you want to save money this Christmas. Now is the perfect time to tell the kids... Santa didn't make it through the pandemic.. They will understand 😉 To save even more money I made myself a pair of glasses out of 2 old ketchup bottles. In Heinz-sight I should have just bought a proper pair from Specsavers
  9. That's exactly how my Mrs packs our stuff You two have a good time away 😊
  10. Even though I get up early, I'm very good at sleeping ..I can do it with my my eyes closed As you are a confessed insomniac and you usually have nice thoughts ..Just think ... Only five more sleeps to Christmas for you !😊 You could buy a memory foam pillow and see if that helps ,I bought a second hand one off E-Bay but I couldn't settle ,it wanted to know who the hell I was Good luck with the meditation ,I suppose it's better than sat around doing nothing Have a good day and take care
  11. My memory isn't what it used to be. It bothers me sometimes, but the rest of the time I just forget about it.
  12. Sorry to hear your feeling down and at a guess now being on your own aint much fun is it ? This page was put together for support and when your feeling down we ,the other posters are more than happy to try and lift your spirits up for you, or anyone else . I know things are tough at the moment, I went to have an haircut Barbers and he said "Blimey Kalos not a lot left on top ,do want it cut round back? No I replied "I'll stay here in where its warm like everyone else ."😉 I've even tried to have my car valued online ..they were more bothered about how much fuel was in the tank ! I just don't get the fuss as it still costs twenty quid for £20 worth of fuel Lets keep smiling and remember .. If you wake up feeling down ,my advice is check the duvet as it could have split open !😊
  13. You have done well getting your energy fixed for 3 years , ours was only offering that I pay double what we are now for 12 months which I declined . Recent gas and electric bills were averaging out at less than £2 per day for us so if it were to double ,it would not be the end of the world for us but I do feel for those less fortunate than us .
  14. Mrs k had a doctors practice back in 2018 that's around 1.5 miles away and I thought they were shocking ,she always had to wait around 2 week to get an appointment . Once I recall calling to get a prescription on her behalf . I waited five minutes for two receptionists who were chatting and giggling before being asked to step forward . Once I told them what I had came for they said they will sort it in a while .Ten minutes passed and I was called back to be given the prescription that was sat in front of her all the time. Mrs K told me the doctors were not much better either. I managed to convince her to join my doctors that are 2 miles away . My doctors 9 out of 10 times will see you the same day if you ring first thing or the day after if you ring later in the day. Strange how one practice in the same area is run so differently .
  15. It's a cool one this morning 6.c , not had to put the house heating on though . Tomorrow is when the energy companies start messing about with the tariff's, so I've just took the readings and paid them online . Yesterday our car was one month off needing its MOT so got the garage to pick up and return . It passed no problems again ,no surprise as it's done less than 2k from last MOT. Next thing on my to do list is go and get our Covid booster jabs today . Mrs K is busy making up a pan of stew in the slow cooker for tonight ,something I am looking to later. Whatever you're all getting up to, have a good day 😊
  16. Spot on Dave Watch any of the police TV programs and you will find plenty of people drink/drug driving ,without a licence or even insurance ,driving at high excess speed .Putting other people at risk of serious injury or even death . They do not give a dam about you or me .
  17. Hearts can be troublesome things ... I heard that Swampy the eco-warrior almost died of a heart attack.😲 They offered him a bypass but he wasn't having any of it.
  18. Could be what they call white coat syndrome ? Some people get higher readings when they go to the doc's . I've just done mine 118/77 -58HB but some days I can be all over the place, that's what HF does to you. You take care.
  19. Hope your readings were good and your test comes back ok 😊
  20. Looks like Pauline nicked his mushrooms 😲😲😕 !!!
  21. That got us both laughing 🤣 Us posh ? We haven't even got a gravy boat 🙂 The clue was in "own" and not home made. We ate at the fish restaurant, same as other night. They make their own pies.😊
  22. Tonight's meal does contain gravy on chips but on a nice own made proper steak pie🥰 I must point out I scoffed the lot and it was proper thick gravy,non of that dish water stuff 😋 AS T-REX said "Get It On"👍💕💕💕
  23. Couldn't do that,he almost went bust and found himself between a Rock and a hard plaice 🤣
  24. The strangest chippy I ever went Into was Bill Haleys. I asked what do you do? They said they only do "Hake,Haddock and Sole" 😁 Have a good day everyone 👍🥰
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