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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Good morning ,it's a cool Boxing day morning 2.c I'm looking forward to our Boxing day dinner later today which is traditionally in our house Turkey Chips and Peas , with various pickles . I have always looked forward to this dish each year . What's your meal today ? anyone else going cold turkey ? 😊
  2. Hi everyone hope your all having a great day ! Last night we got an unexpected Christmas card , it was from our local MP with loads of emergency numbers ,which I thought was very nice of him . So I just sent my local MP a get better soon card. He's not sick. I just think he can do better. One of my my mates just phoned saying his new electric car is broken down on the M1 and asked me "do you think the AA will get it running ?" I said "depends if it's only a small car I'd try AAA 's" 😆 Tonight we are going to watch a horror film about a killer teabag! I was surprised it was only given a PG rating. I noted someone had been arguing on Christmas day, take Carols advice as seen below . Take care
  3. I hope you all have a wonderful time ,all the very best to all of you . At Christmas time everyone loves a Christmas story, so here goes 😊 . . . Christmas was drawing nearer and the spirit of goodwill was in the air .. A travel agent looked up from his desk to see an older lady and an older gentleman peering in the shop window at the posters showing the glamorous destinations around the world. The travel agent had had a good week and the old couple looking in the window gave him a rare feeling of generosity. He called them into his shop and said, "I know that on your pension you could never hope to have a holiday, so I am sending you off on a fabulous P&O cruise at my expense, and I won't take no for an answer. " He asked them inside and issued two flight tickets and booked a double bed, balcony cabin . They were over the moon and accepted, and were on their way. About a month later the little old lady came in to his shop. "And how did you like your cruise? " asked the travel agent . "The flight was exciting and the ship was lovely," she said. "I've come to thank you...But, one thing puzzled me.... Who was that old guy who I had to share the bed and cabin with? "😆 Take care and a merry Christmas ! 🥰 ps Should any of you get an email saying turkey is bad for you, ignore it as Its spam 😉
  4. Should be easy to spot 😉 https://www.google.com/maps/@53.5764319,-0.088509,443m/data=!3m1!1e3
  5. Morning all , I hope the turkeys are defrosting ok for those who bought frozen ones. Reading above about folks not receiving Christmas cards is such a shame and reminds me of two women who were chatting to each other about their grandchildren. "I send Christmas cards and cheques for a fair amount of money to my grandchildren and still they don't visit me" said the first one with a sad tone in her voice." The second woman cheerfully said" ..... Oh I too send cheques to my grandchildren and they always visit me " "Wow you are so fortunate it's great to have good family around" The second woman smiled ....... " No my grandchildren are only as good as yours I just don't sign the cheques"😉 Keep safe ,avoid coughs ,colds and mistletoe
  6. Words fail ..The wrong people left due to some very poor parenting skills.
  7. I didn't think they would allow such things 😲
  8. Morning hope you are all doing ok and enjoying your TV programs . We watched A Christmas Carol with Patrick Stewart, I was surprised that he knew where we lived😉 I hope you are all enjoying testing out your Christmas goodies such as your wine , mince pies and chocolate oh and your wine ,I did mention wine didn't I ? Just remember to keep your pets away from them as it's not any good for them .
  9. Have a great time Brian with your Mrs and tell that you are .. 🎵 a lucky fella and I've just got to tell her that I love her endlessly 🎵 But not with a gob full of Twiglets 😉
  10. Hope you had an enjoyable cruise. We had to cancel this one or we would have been on our way home too. Never mind there's always next year . Have a safe journey home tomorrow😊
  11. Morning everyone. We just had our Christmas shop delivery and got everything we ordered , so we can now relax. Not everyone is lucky as a mate told me about a woman who got nicked for doing her Christmas shopping too early. I didn't know you could get nicked for doing that ? Oh yes he said, "She started before the store opened that day ."😉
  12. When it comes to Grandkids I think we would rather be ill than them but great to hear he's on the mend, just in time to give you great memories over Christmas time .
  13. Sorry to hear of your loss Damian and feel for you at this time of year (not there is a good time) We lost ours, me also mid November and the Mrs lost her Dad on Christmas day. The good news is he will always be in your heart and mind and from what I've read of the funeral, he would be so very proud of you . Best wishes to you and your family .
  14. I do remember and it sounds like "Someone Somewhere is having a Toffee Crisp" A few years ago I was sat in the first lane in my car at some traffic lights and a van decided he wanted my lane as we pulled away . My insurance declared me a not at fault claim , so surely you sat in your house would be classed the same as it was totally out of your control ? I would appeal through the ombudsman and change companies for future use .
  15. I vaguely remember the chocolate bar with the boy on it ,to be honest i never kept one long enough to study it ..wrapper off and gone . I like finding out about cakes of a bygone era and not just the ones from our younger years , cakes go back a lot more than that .People used to get entombed with their favourite cakes! A few years ago there was reports that a mummy has just been discovered in Egypt covered in chocolate and nuts. Archaeologists believe it may be the Pharaoh Roche.😂😂😉
  16. Our Chemist s are having to buy the tablets from pharmaceutical suppliers who decided to increase the drug prices by up to five times the cost . Our pharmacy let us know they have been given permission to knock up their own concoctions should push come to shove .
  17. Our postie has just been down our street which must be a welcome sight for many . Well it is the season for giving and receiving from others 😊 Just one letter for us and it's for me ... The inland revenue tax statement 😒
  18. Whilst on the topic of Christmas cards , as the Chuckle brothers would say .. This is from me to you (all)
  19. Morning my phone just informed me that it's now 12.c out there ! Hope you all get better temperature's than of the last few days in the UK. Take care 😊
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