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Everything posted by not-enough-cruising

  1. Most of the time, if you have the package, they will not give you a can, only fountain. Cans are for cash pay only.
  2. You and I missed each other by a few weeks on Allure I believe, last year, now this year I am on Odyssey a couple weeks after you again.
  3. Sorry to say, you are most likely out the money. They absolutely will not transfer funds forward to another booking; and as you said, you are well within the cancellation penalty window.
  4. On disembarking day, we are usually down on the promenade with all our bags (yes some gig ones, sorry folks deal with it) by about 615-630. Have our coffee and breakfast, and walk off the moment the ship clears. Never any problems getting an elevator this way, and usually go from Cafe Promenade to curbside in about 10-15 minutes.
  5. imagine, proactively lowering the gratuities paid and cutting into the wifi budget. Such mixed messaging LOL
  6. How can you save for 3 years for something that wasn’t announced 3 years ago? You can’t believe much of anything these people say
  7. No doubt about it, it just took us a month to realize it.
  8. You will have only platinum benefits on the sailing, you will not officially become emerald until the conclusion of your current selling, and thus will not receive emerald benefits until your next cruise
  9. They have access to all the Internet that they want. There’s no free lunch in the world, those that need Internet can pay for it those that don’t need Internet can save that money and keep it in their pocket. And again to reiterate, my comment from above, there is no “need” for Internet; this is a “want”
  10. Or post for all of their friends to quickly pre-pay the gratuities at the old rate before it goes up, no one cares about the crew’s compensation at that time
  11. I have been staying similar statistics for years. You are right of course, and the crew is making out very well financially. However; you will now have a horde of people descend upon you and admonish you for not realizing the crew should be paid American minimum wage since, after all, they are working on America.
  12. I would bet that 99% of the grocery list is the same regardless of what is listed on the menu.
  13. Not cynical at all. I appreciate your very honest, realistic statement. Thank You
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