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Everything posted by not-enough-cruising

  1. THANK YOU!!! I have been saying this for quite some time; something is rotten here, and people refuse to acknowledge it. There is a user or two on here that have some incredibly creative math that will try to convince you that everything is up to snuff, don’t dare question the policy
  2. Why should there be none??? Because, if Royal is to be believed, the same amount of auto gratuity should go to your steward regardless of the ship; same for your MDR staff. It is inconsistencies like this that are causing people to opt out of the sham in growing numbers.
  3. I have said it in the past, and I will repeat it again. I don’t know anything for sure, and neither do you.
  4. You SAW the crew roster?? There is absolutely zero reason the breakdown should be different between classes of ships. Larger ship, larger crew, larger pool of passengers to draw gratuity from. Nothing here makes sense
  5. Boo Hoo for the laundry guy; but you didn’t come close to answering the question. What tipped positions does an Oasis class ship have that do not exist on a Radiance class ship?
  6. Exactly what are the varying duties and tipped positions between the different classes of ship?
  7. It's kinda like a bank that didn't use the FDIC to insure their deposits, THEN when they fail they expect the federal government to sweep in and cover their losses (after paying board of director bonuses of course)......................THAT NEVER HAPPENS
  8. I have never in 20 years plus tipped a porter, and I have never had a problem with my bags showing up at my room.
  9. They will continue to raise prices, until they start to have unused berths
  10. I NEVER encouraged cheating. If ONE refreshment package was purchased and ONE child uses the cup, there is absolutely no cheating.
  11. My house burned down but I don’t have insurance because I didn’t think anything would happen. Will someone please pay the rebuilding cost??! See how silly that sounds?
  12. No, you can’t transfer the package. However there is nothing stopping you from giving the freestyle cup you receive to the kids to use in the machines and then you still have the WI-FI
  13. Folks simply do not respond well to having their nonsense exposed
  14. I canceled 8 packages in the cruise planner; all my OBC remained unscathed.
  15. Nope, I have used the same AMEX for 20 years with Royal; I have disputed several charges, during Covid some of them in the 5-digit range.
  16. No, anything with a heating element (with the exception of hair care products) are prohibited and will be confiscated.
  17. No one here believes the OP did not use the term discrimination in a negative manner; and they certainly did not intend it to be "price discrimination" either. I (and others) believe the OP was accusing Royal of discrimination based on language spoken, there was no other way to interpret the post.
  18. Nonsense, did you read the rest of the article?? If the article is to given any credence whatsoever, then the entire cruise industry is guilty of price discrimination, because the charge different prices for cabins "dependent on time purchased". The world wide airline industry is also guilty of price discrimination for the same reason. My electric company is guilty of price discrimination because I pay a lower fee per KWH the more power I use. Do you use coupons at the grocery store?? According to your link this is discriminatory. Have you, or anyone you know, ever been given special "senior pricing" or "student pricing"? If so, according to your article, you are a victim of discrimination. Some other forms of "DISCRIMINATION" from your article: 1. income based tuition policies 2. personalized license plates 3. loyalty punch cards 4. buy two get one free offers If you or anyone else views any of the above examples as discrimination (as was inferred by the original poster), then i stand by my post; you have no idea the meaning of the word discrimination.
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