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Everything posted by not-enough-cruising

  1. Your assumption may be correct, we can't seem to find any proof of W-2 VS 1099 status; however my original reply above was correct. IRS rules do apply for US citizens regardless of where the work (on a ship or not)
  2. I am aware (I booked it) however the individual I was replying to was looking for it this morning.
  3. You won’t see it. It was an error. The package does not exist.
  4. Apples and Oranges First, the Hoover incidence of as not an error, it was legitimate and then reneged upon. Second, there is language in the T&C of the purchase of anything in Royal’s cruise planner that allows for the legal removal of any offer post purchase and a refund.
  5. You need to contact your insurance carrier. You are too close to departure to receive much (if any) consideration from the cruise line.
  6. Was just able to put it in my cart and go all the way through the checkout process (stopped short of actually purchasing)
  7. Agree it is lost revenue, but i would venture to guess that 85% plus of the people that booked, did so for the internet. Letting the internet stand will keep many more people quiet than a lunch and some wine will. There is value in keeping people content and quiet
  8. My crystal ball says they will honor the wifi, as a goodwill gesture. This minimizes bad press, serves as a mea culpa, and has minimal financial implications.
  9. money "should" be money, but in foreign markets money "isn't always" money. The $2 bill is a perfect example
  10. Well we will have to agree to disagree on this one. I have had the phone reps repeat back to me erroneous information verbatim to that I am seeing on my computer at home. If indeed they are reading off a separate screen, and you may be 100% correct, then that just adds validity to my opinion that this is an IT issue. How else would the same information get onto two different platforms. Not that any of this matters or amounts to a hill of beans. It is what it is; its an error or it isn't, they will honor it or they won't.
  11. The RC reps on the phone just read off the same computer screen you see at home, if someone hadn't loaded the package into "the system" they wouldn't have it on their screen. Now, was that a sales and marketing error (I doubt it as the narrative now from the company is "this is a Celebrity product") ; this leads me to believe it was an IT issue that loaded a product into the wrong portal on the RCG servers. (please pardon any lingo errors, I don't know a portal from a page)
  12. I could not agree more with your assessment; if I ran my business as lackadaisacal as RC, I would be out of business.
  13. In 2019, the cruise line was flush with cash, the entire company was very liquid and could easily absorb the hit in the name of goodwill. Currently, the entire company is in the red, and struggling financially, they just aren't in the position to eat this mistake.
  14. The $18 drink package was honored in a vastly different financial environment; i find it hard to compare the two situations based on that fact alone.
  15. That is a nice way to think about it, but that little box you check for every purchase that says “I understand the terms and conditions” says otherwise.
  16. You can stop the cut and paste reply to every post now. You can be as firm as you want, but you will be wasting your time. Either they decide to honor it or they don’t. You have nothing to stand on other than their good will.
  17. There are retailers in our own country that won’t accept them. Why saddle someone dealing in foreign markets with this burden?
  18. Maybe; maybe not. The Key has a finite number of spots, it’s very common for it to sell out. Perhaps this has the same capacity restrictions.
  19. And still not worth the investment, to me anyway
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