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dani negreanu

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Everything posted by dani negreanu

  1. It amazes me to see a lady in bikini, or one in short sleeves, or, even in person in shorts. Bbrrrrr ❄️
  2. + 1, What Joanie said 👍 I've started yesterday the 1st book of L. Penny (Still Life) and enjoying it very much. This series is new to me, and, being an avid reader, I'm always "in the market" for new series. Thank you. Jim, I used to manage an eye clinic of a very renowned retina specialist. Those days even complicated surgeries, like vitrectomies, are a safe procedure, with minor inconveniences. Good luck and a speedy recovery,
  3. @h20skibum Mark, I'm thinking especially about your grandchildren. May be, if you have not done this until now, ask advice how to temporize [or mediate?] the "situation" to them? When my aunt died suddenly at 67 from a cardiac arrest, just 2 months after moving from another city to be close to my cousin and help her with 3 young grandchildren, my cousin sought professional help to come to terms with the loss of her mom. I was very surprised when she told me that [she was then a HS teacher with an MA degree], and she replied that sometimes you need "tools" to deal with adverse situations.
  4. For this meagre difference, it will be a no brainer for me. I've done the 10 days ten years ago, when I was 61. The cruise was very intensive, and I'd had much preferred another day to "decompress" before boarding the long flight back. I've travelled with my cousin (same age as me), and we arrived Thursday for a cruise sailing on Sunday, i.e. we had 2 days on our own. We used taxis to visit different sights in Quito, and felt very safe. Of course, we had only our wedding rings with us, other valuable jewellery was either left in the hotel's safe or at home. The first night we spent not in a Celebrity hotel (the Marriott then was too expensive for us), but were granted early check in on Friday at the Marriott (included in the 10 days tour -- 2 nights (Friday and Saturday before the cruise) and 1 night (Sunday to Monday) at the end.
  5. Yesterday morning, after more than 9 months, my friends from HS and me met again. It was so hot outside, we sat in the airconditioned dining room... more than 5.5 hours of stories and keeping up 🙂
  6. Mark, I found out the hard way, that having "better times" plans helps enormously during periods of health uncertainty. May be with a refundable deposit?
  7. I absolutely have to know, living in a tumultuous country like ours... 😢 Maryann, what does it mean? @jagsfan, Mimi, hope everything is OK with you. We miss your sense of humor 😘
  8. @sgmn Debbie, good thing that Sue now knows how you look 😘 . It helped me "apprehend" Sue on our cruise. Since she got an upgrade in the last moment [and I didn't know her new cabin #], on the first sea day I've positioned myself in a "strategic" place and started looking for Sue&Gary.... Sure enough, after an hour [or two], someone looking like Gary passed me. I called politely "Gary" ?, then louder, but turns out he's not so strong in the hearing department, like my DH. So I started running after him.... caught up, he looked at me strangely [guess he didn't get the memo about me...] and I said: "I'm Dani, looking for Sue" !!! "Ah", he said, "she's not far..." Found Sue soaking up the sun, and Gary said: "Look what I brought you"... [along the lines of "look what the cat brought you"??? 😉]. Happy connecting all around 🌷 @Luckynana Maryann, congratulations all around 💐 @DaniDanielle Marietta, so glad you all had a good time, and your daughter and her kids experienced a "change of atmosphere".
  9. Waayyy above my pay grade. I've tried to understand ... but I can't really say 😉. Since I feel that my English is not good enough to voice "strong" opinions, I mostly participate here and on Bella's [unless I can provide some useful info for someone on other threads].
  10. It seems that our friend Jimbo will enjoy for a week his (and his wife's) very tasty apple pies without being able to share their photos with us... 😢
  11. Deb, Andy and middle DD, enjoy your trip, I have very fond memories from our Disney/instead of Bar-Mitzva trip with our boys... I'm starting to feel like an "outsider" in "my" own thread.... Being a "city-girl" and always living in a building/aka "city sewer".... all this talk about "leach fields" and "septic tanks" sounds like Greek to me.... I was under the impression that EVERYBODY has a [city]sewer like us 😉
  12. Thanks for the heads up. It is now 159$ for Wonder... ☹️
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