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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. and we always go for Bombay Sapphire. I've started giving it away as thank you's to neighbours who water my pots for me when we're away. They're almost lining up to do me the favour!!!😁
  2. Looking forward to your QA thoughts...but not QV as I'm too jealous.🙂
  3. We didn't spend as much time there as we would the Vistas and so got out and about but the area was often full so I guess some liked it.
  4. We can all be armchair ships' architects can't we and deck 11 could have been given more thought but the fact is QA isn't bad at all. There are a couple of real howlers [thinking touch button door opening for adapted cabins, drop down loo rail and the thoroughfare by the casino to the theatre from a wheelchair/scooter perspective] but all in all, she's different and we quite like her, caveat being of course...she's not Victoria!!!!😅
  5. We had no real problem with the lounge area apart from some of the low seats [oof] when we used it.
  6. It has often been said, there are two Cunard ships with the same name, this time, Queen Victoria although other ships in the fleet have been mentioned. Can't please all folk all the time.
  7. I don't think anything will happen. Not until a refit anyway. As for the bar, it's a stroll to the deck 11 aft bar [where there's a loo by the way] or use deck service. Even when it was -8C with windchill [and boy, was it chilly] there was deck service. I can vouch for that as we were kept supplied with lattes. 🙂 Edit There won't be a Grills bar added to deck 11. No need and that would entail extra staff anyway. The deck 10 lounge will be the 'service' area
  8. Sadly, due to 'the ship's architects' and possibly passengers who take advantage etc, I can't see a thoroughfare being possible if the deck is to remain 'Grills'. One of the issues in May were the passengers using the hot tubs who weren't supposed to be there but as far as I was concerned, it wasn't the usage because how did I know who should/shouldn't be there, it was the bottles of beer [glass] being consumed in the hot tub with empties on the ledges. Joy sorted both issues out. Wonderful, wonderful staff member [concierge] and I am SO glad for her she's now on Mary as an officer.
  9. Use it or lose it. We had a truly enormous amount one particular trip. I got some new clothes, and and some friends and relatives got rather nice Aspinall large pouches for Christmas. 🙂
  10. and I suppose if a particular area of a larger space carries a premium in order to be there, I guess you could say it's not all that public.
  11. Regarding lack of tablecloths in QA's 'paid for' dining venues, don't read too much into the sociological aspect.Right or wrong, I think the Cunard are getting away from the traditional and are just following the trend of a newish style of high end eateries around the world which go for the understated look of bare table tops.
  12. Blame the designers. I would have no issue with folk 'passing through' as long as deck 11 it didn't become a deck to gawk at but the plain fact is, not every passer by will, pass by and some folk can get quite unpleasant when asked to leave.
  13. Golly, QV's Lido and bars must have gone downhill rapidly since last year.
  14. I agree with some of your points Colin_Cameron. the interior structural issues being a particular bug bear but cannot be changed although I had no problem yomping around deck 3, but the ones I don't agree are the signage on the loos as I didn't have a problem but then I might be in the minority here a the theatre isn't bland to me as it's in keeping with the ship plus the sound quality is great as is the line of sight and that to me is more important then trad. Cunard decor. and not that we will ever bother with alternative dining unless it's a freebie [which at certain times it would be for Diamond'ers], the no tablecloth approach is very 'now' for modern establishments and even Michelin starred eateries often go with an unpretentious, bare tabletop look and I'm thinking specifically 3* L'Enclume here plus other less prestigious yet still acclaimed eateries Queen Anne is a different concept and whilst still retaining the Cunard ethos, cannot, or should I say, should not be compared with her sisters
  15. We breakfast in our cabin but lunch and dinner we are always asked if there's anything [QG,off menu] we'd like to order. Always.
  16. but the language is being decoded so all is well! I'm REALLY looking forward to on board reflections. 🙂
  17. Rather ironic that on our very chilly/windy Iceland trip, the bar menus were out on the deck tables plus the call buttons were out too on numerous deserted occasions. No idea re on-deck coffee machine as one of our favourite bar staff members from the grills lounge kept us supplied with hot lattes. If he could have added two hot water bottles with the steaming coffee, that would have been icing on the coffee!
  18. HAL and Princess are historical lines and are granted Glacier bay concessions and ' under the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act to continue the same level of service they were engaged in prior to 1979.' Another five concessions were up for grabs in the 2019 round of grants and Cunard picked one up. Concessions last for ten years, apart from for HAL and Princess.
  19. In our twelve years of QG'ing it, we have always had a butler, Q5 up to Q1 and yes, as exlondoner indicated, a Fridge Fairy provides some in cabin drinks and refreshes when needed.
  20. Colonial style? That's a new one on me and like you, I like the amount of 'attention' shown by Cunard staff. We are not there to 'become friends' and the recognition shown to returning passengers hits the mark too. No effusiveness, just a warm greeting. As to the mentioned difference by reeves35 re passenger attitudes, as mentioned by others. not him/her I must explain, as an ex HAL cruiser, I would say apart from Americans seeming more 'open' with thoughts, there is little difference but if not being so open counts Cunard passengers [the British contingent in particular?] as some seem 'snobby', well that's in the eyes of the beholder.
  21. That's it, Thai take away dinner tonight Oh how I miss the Asian food outlets seen in malls all over the US and Canada. 🙁
  22. I rather like it and it features the Cunard lion [rampant I think] although not sure what it's holding as it looks like a pineapple rather than the World. Look closer and there are numerous marine tones and the lion rising from the scallop is rather reminiscent of Botticelli's Birth of Venus but then I might be over thinking it.
  23. Ignore conflicting info on the Cunard web pages.. Hair dryers are allowed and I always take my GHDs.
  24. Thanks Host Hattie, I don't know if the In Suite selections are across the fleet or ship particular but I would add, we had no issue getting as much Peronni and Heinecken Zero as we wanted, replenished as and when so I would have thought Guinness wouldn't be a problem. The wine [ our gin lasted two weeks] was also replenished daily or when nearing half empty if that helps, glojo. edit so rum would also be replenished as and when.
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