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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Being a relatively new shareholder [really advantageous price 👍 this summer] my certificate was sent online. I copy the cert., blocking personal details and send it to shareholderbenefits@carnivalukgroup.com
  2. As do I. Mine is instant and I love it.
  3. Hmm. Our Cunard Christmas card arrived today. No idea when it was sent but it came with quite a few cards, posting date spanning one day under three weeks to ten days ago! Don't know if I should feel pleased, or slighted as the greeting in ours is the same and just says ''Merry Christmas from all of us at Cunard''! No thanks for our passion or hard work etc and no mention of ''belonging''. 🙂
  4. OOOPS Bamboo, not Coriander although I have heard Coriander is worth a visit.
  5. The only reason we have eaten lunch in The Verandah was to dine with friends, and it was a Diamond perk. The restaurant has never been busy when we've been there. Have dined Coriander as a Lido pop up and can thoroughly recommend it. Again, a Diamond perk and again, to dine with friends. Other than that, I'd order food ''in'' to eat in QG. Ask at the Front Desk for Lido pop up dining schedule as the themes rotate, usually on a three day basis and then you can choose your preference.
  6. Thank you. I wasn't aware of that. However, my comment was answering a Britannia M'd related quote. The fact I mentioned Britannia Club was in relation to boarding position of its passengers. I should have made that clearer. My reference to lunch re Britannia was aimed at the timing eg 1.30pm. Again, I should have worded that better.
  7. Surely it depends on boarding time? I assume Britannia Club wouldn't be in the first tranche and by the time muster station registration completed and bags dropped into the cabin, it will be time for lunch?
  8. Interesting. I would have thought that gives you more leverage to dine in Britannia when you go and see the M'd as soon as you can once boarded..
  9. Victoria2


    Hard work? Once or twice on a fortnight trip, it's a real treat! As a solo Lido diner and having left husband to the tender loving care of ''upstairs'' and the premium window table [so not totally wasted 🙂], and as a rather gregarious type, I have no problem finding a Lido table as I just ask ''is it OK if I sit here?'' as I sit!. Hasn't failed me yet! Staff might carry things for you, I don't know but as I am more than capable of carrying two plates and some utensils, I'll leave that for those who aren't as dexterous to find out. On one memorable occasion, I was tipped the wink the cold seafood table was just up my street. And it was! Yum Yum. Can't cut and come again in the restaurant but you can in the Lido so a plate ir two of lobster claws, crab legs and sushi. Absolute Heaven. 👍
  10. Victoria2


    The Lido buffet is my secret treat, or vice depending which side of the food fence ''you're'' sitting on. A plate with a totally non PC mix of sushi, cold meats, Greek salady bits and maybe a teeny slice of pizza and more sushi on a side plate, with loads of pickled ginger and wasabi...heaven. I guess I could ask for the same up in the Gods on deck 11, but it's not the same as picking bits and bobs out yourself in the proportions my taste buds require. 🙂 Perfect. I use my own utensils as utensils so any utensil bugs, are my bugs.
  11. Nope. The burnt bits do look a little like the crumpet holes, but Camgirl's photo looks like the English muffins we're used to when in the US. However, I think they can be bready, sweet or savoury so maybe it depends which one is ordered as to which one ,''one'' gets.
  12. I agree. Question for deh1983, did you and your friends link your bookings in order to dine together at one of the set times or did you all chose the freedom dining option?
  13. Victoria2

    Covid x 2.

    I've had flu once and lifting my head off the pillow was a stretch and no way was I up to walking around. I'd be self quarantining in order to sleep and be totally miserable on my own! 😄
  14. Victoria2

    Covid x 2.

    baw53 bearing in mind, I am a devoted Cunard client, find this so depressing and sad a post. I would copy this to the Cunard CEO or President etc. It won't do you any good but it just might focus the attention on how a teeny bit of tlc such as picking up the phone and enquiring after health/do you need anything etc would make the ill passenger feel part of the human race. I am so glad you're safe at home and had a good sleep. Best wishes for your continuing recovery and for ''the'' day tomorrow.
  15. Victoria2

    Covid x 2.

    For the purpose of balance, is every single comment on these forum/Fb sites, in the negative or are there happy passengers too?
  16. Victoria2

    Covid x 2.

    True and people should also learn to look beyond the nit picks when reading passenger impressions of their experience. Sadly, many don't which is why although I recognise Cunard has its problems, I also recognise there are many thousands of happy campers who do not ''do'' social media and post of their positive experiences which means it's the problems which grab most of the attention.
  17. Victoria2

    Covid x 2.

    How many reports of this have you come across? I have to admit, I only know of anything if reported on this board so, a genuine question.
  18. Victoria2

    Covid x 2.

    I am not disputing there are problems and def not as far as baw53 is concerned but the brickbats merit the column space, the the bouquets don't. You give a blanket thumbs down to service. I take into consideration the whole industry is getting back to ''normality'' and I understand time is needed to get back to pre Covid levels so give a certain amount of leeway when ''things'' might not be quite as efficient as pre Covid times. For me, and many others, that's good enough to warrant a thumbs up. Our cruise in August was certainly different, partly of our own making but ignoring the internet and TV signals, the service, the food, the ambiance was great and I will trumpet that in the face of those who seek to deliver the ''standards are falling'' set phrase.
  19. Victoria2

    Covid x 2.

    My theory is, I haven't got one. The glitches make the headlines and fodder for ''things ain't what they used to be'' and those of us who are satisfied get lost in the mire so I'm speaking out. There is no mistaking baw53 has had a rough time but to extrapolate that to a general not up to scratch is unfair to those who are working their socks off. I will repeat, our experience is the service is there. Possibly a little slower onboard than normal but it's there, landside too.
  20. Victoria2

    Covid x 2.

    Well that applies in life to all. Do what you can, when you can as you never know what's around the corner.
  21. Victoria2

    Covid x 2.

    The possibly foolish but totally fed up people with highly compromised immune systems [ real Covid phrase if ever there was one] can curl up, sink into lethargy and rarely venture out or, they can take as many personal precautions as they can [assuming they're vaxxed to the hilt] and enjoy life as much as they can without putting any onus, or blame on anyone else if they catch any lurgy doing the rounds.
  22. Victoria2

    Covid x 2.

    Apparently, the roads will be manic so take care and drive safely.
  23. Victoria2

    Covid x 2.

    I can totally understand your frustration and disappointment with all aspects of this holiday and there's not a lot one can say really baw53 other than to hope you have a safe journey home and have no long lasting effects from the virus or the disappointment of this cruise.
  24. Customer Service has been amazingly superb on a few counts for us over the years and I take it for granted that's normality but it's obvious it's not the excellent record which will be remembered as less than satisfactory news always triumphs over the good stuff. Sadly.
  25. Let's face it, quite a few of us are Billy No Cunard Mates! 😄
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