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Everything posted by Charles4515

  1. As long as you have a smartphone. You have to do everything on it. That another indicator it is not for traditional cruisers. At 56 you are an "edge" case. 😀
  2. I guess you have missed the memo. Celebrity is now calling itself a luxury cruise line. There also seems to be two Celebrity's........ classic Celebrity on Millenium and Solstice class ships for the old folks and future Celebrity on Edge Class for a younger demographic. Edge class has more family stuff. Edge class passengers dress up less. Edge class is future Celebrity......Rick and Susan, Pinboy, Oyster, you all need to move on. Candrson seems to have figured that out. Old Celebrity is being phased out.
  3. Hard to believe. I don't wear shorts to dinner on cruise ships but I don't really care though what you think about people who do. From your posts you seem pretty narrow minded. I appreciate creative and rebellious people. Those who think different.
  4. Capital Grill I think. Here in Texas everyone is wearing shorts 24 hours because it is hot. I would never wear shorts to a restaurant in Europe. I think you could but it does not seem to be done. I have never worn shorts to dinner on a cruise ship in the MDR except once on Royal Carribean when we were docked overnight in Aruba and the Captain announced it was shorts night. As one of the fashion police posted the dining room at dinner is usually chilly.Brr. Besides long pants I am wearing a sweater or fleece.
  5. I suspect the people who gave ancedotes about passengers being turned away and enforcement were reporting something that happened years ago, Oneof the two did mention 2012 and I do believe that did happen in 2012 but that was ten years ago.
  6. No decision has been made about the fee for after the declared emergency ends on November 30.
  7. The answer is obvious except to some OCD fashion police types. Celebrity does not want the Maitre d to hold the line. Management has told the Maitre D and crew not to confront passengers on their dress.
  8. That article is from January. On September 29 they said something different. And I know from an answer given at the press conference the agreement they have with the company that administers the TA has an early termination clause. So maybe it will go to March 2023 but it does not have to. https://www.royalgazette.com/health/news/article/20220929/ta-form-to-be-phased-out-but-no-decision-on-fee/
  9. Bermuda has not made a decision on a end date to the fee. It could end before next spring but if your sailing date is listed at 30 days before embarkation on the TA form for the fee, if October 29 is listed you are going to have to pay. I doubt they will backdate.
  10. Oh the horror. You should be flogged and made to walk the plank! I am hyperventilating even picturing that…..😜
  11. My belief is based on what I observe. That most passengers dress accordingly to the published guidelines and there are some who don’t. Whatever is published some are appalled that nothing is done about a few who don’t. I don’t care because it does not hurt me if someone is wearing shorts in the MDR. My safety does not depend on it so not my problem. As for crew and officers not enforcing having been in that position I know that whatever management publishes they don’t want employees to confront guests even when guests are wrong. Guests are always right. They won’t back you up.
  12. If you give yourself time to adjust you can probably swim in November.
  13. But they are not going to take that option. There are always going to be people who don't follow the rules on cruises. As you noted Celebrity is in the hospitality business so the crew is going to be reluctant to confront passengers. The crew should be reluctant to confront passengers. If you want to be "woke' about them being from the thirld world I got news for you. Crew from the first world is reluctant to confront guests too. Cruises are not the real world. They are fantasy. If you want to make political points about society blah, blah blah from what happens on cruise ships I am not interested.
  14. Celebrity is not a government and it's dress rules are elastic. Celebrity says dress comfortably multiple times. My last Celebrity cruise someone wore a t-shirt (a nice clean oe, no graphics) on one of the evening chic nights and certainly the hostess would have seen that he was wearing it when he came to the hostess stand. It was not assigned time seaing. Personally I follow the Celebrity dress recomendations as their recomndations are how I normally dress but it does not bother me if others dress in a manner they see as dressing comfortably when that is Celebrity policy. If they go out of bounds to Celebrity suggestions like they wear t shirt of shorts no harm comes to me. That is Celebity's problem or not problem.
  15. Any cruise line is going to lose differentation if it builds large capacity mega ships that have to be filled. They are selling a commodity.
  16. I don't know anything about Silversea. I have pretty much switched to Oceania. I will look into Silversea. I don't mind wearing a jacket. Got a closet full of them. Celebrity is a mainstream cruise line for the masses and it is ludicrous to complain about dress enforcement on Celebrity or expect it. That ship has sailed with mega ship builds. Silversea has tiny ships. Pin should go on Silversea instead of complaining about imaginary dress codes on Celebrity.
  17. Celebrity does not operate on that model. They don't require jackets. They say dress comfortably. I suggest that those who want that model book the cruise line that has that model. It is not Celebrity's busness model. Stop saying that Celebrity is something it isn't. How successful is that model if you only have a fleet of four ships? Most people who cruise don't want that model.
  18. It is a vacation not an authoritarian regime. Your dress rules on Celebrity are in your own mind.
  19. That was the dress code suggestion on Celebrity about 20 to 25 years ago. There were discussions back then on cruise forums by people who were scandalized when some passengers changed out of formal attire after dinner. That was supposed to be a big no-no. Then passengers just did it until that suggestion disappeared. That is what happened to formal attire. The cruise line can’t and won’t enforce a dress code that passengers don’t want. A cruise is not a prison. Cruise lines want the majority of customers happy. They don’t care if a few old timers who have been cruising for 60 years and are living in the past are unhappy. They will be gone as customers soon anyway.
  20. That is business casual wear in Bermuda. It is not formal wear in Bermuda. Formal wear in Bermuda is a tuxedo.
  21. i was offered that before covid. Unfortunately it was before I retired.
  22. Things will change in nine months. None can tell you what Bermuda's policy will be then. Bermuda does not even know yet. As of October 25 none has to be vaccinated but unvacinated have to show proof of insurance. They have made no decision on the fee. They are ending their emergency on November 30. While there has been speculation that the fee will continue until March 2023 even that is in doubt as their health minister has said they can terminate the fee at any time.
  23. I never had any issue with Safari and the Celebrity website. Are you using an ad blocker? I have had to turn mine off for some websites.
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