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Everything posted by basenji56

  1. Just got off Vista and I agree with you. Vista a wonderful ship but there are some issues. The fitness center is very small. Specialty restaurants are included on Oceania--and are generally very good. I don't like the Celebrity production shows.
  2. And if your excursions get cancelled due to weather or other issues, there may not be the ability to rebook replacement excursions, so you lose the money that you paid through your fare for such excursions. With O Life, you could you the money for gratuities or other things to purchase on the ship.
  3. Have they upgraded the WiFi?
  4. I found the Waves pizza surprisingly good given that the lunch pizza in Terrace is mediocre.
  5. I always thought the best job on a Celebrity S class ship was gelato scooper. Not much work until the last day when you have to scoop the one free scoop.
  6. I sailed over Christmas but didn’t go to any shows. Are all of them drag shows? How many are drag?
  7. My problem with Ember is that it was extremely loud. So loud that I couldn’t hear someone on the other side of a table for four. I thought the food was fine but the noise will keep me away.
  8. Too many other options. Forget about “loyalty” to a cruise line.
  9. Yes. On some ships the cruise director might give some demographic information such as countries. Maybe ages. But VV has no cruise director. and each sailing is different
  10. True. I am an Elite Plus solo currently trying Oceania Vista. Far superior to Celebrity. More expensive? Yes. But not that much more expensive than paying for three on Celebrity.
  11. On another group, someone said they were told that second passenger noshows would be charged for the extra person at the dock.
  12. Celebrity is apparently now charging solos a 30 percent premium over the cost of a cabin for two.
  13. I booked a TA for November. Hope the demographic changes. Would rather not deal with a lot of vomit.
  14. My boarding time was 4 pm. I wish I had known this before. Thanks for sharing this information!
  15. Yes. I was surprised to see that they apparently met their target demographic on the Christmas sailing I got off last week. On Oceania ships, I feel like the youngest passenger at 66, on that sailing I felt like the oldest.
  16. I concur. I was a bit disappointed in the food given the rave reviews. Definitely not better than Oceania. Steaks were bad. Sides generally better than entrees.
  17. I totally missed that Deep Blue Extras get you early boarding time. How early? How do you prove you have the Extras before they give you the wristband?
  18. The hotel analogy is instructive. A hotel charges by the room. But I have never heard of a hotel that charged a single guest more than a couple or family because the couple was projected to spend more in the gift shop. This is pure greed and solos should take their business elsewhere.
  19. And it takes some time for the drinking game!
  20. In my experience, that is correct.
  21. But if you are having this issue, see if a travel agent has better rates. Mine has solo rates at a bit less than the Celebrity price for two. I know people assume using a TA costs more than booking directly with Celebrity. In my experience, this is not true.
  22. I sailed over Christmas. Was very surprised at how young the sailors were.
  23. Yes, that is apparently our only option.
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