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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. Hope your sun burn isn't too painful. Knowing how well prepared you always are, I'm sure you have something in your bag of tricks to take away some of that unpleasant burn. I know aloe works well. I wonder if their version of cream is the real deal or just a coffee lightener like coffee mate?
  2. I just heard a wonderful Carole King song, I had never heard before, "Been To Canaan". I'll attempt to post the link. If you're a fan, enjoy! Photos shown during the video enhance the song.
  3. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::THUD::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Congrats again!
  4. I can't imagine how bad the wildfires impact is on areas close to the actual fires. The pictures posted here are chilling and unbelievable. I hope the fires can be contained ASAP but I read that will only come when the weather changes. I hope our Canada friends in here are safe and not impacted greatly.
  5. Maryann, so wonderful that you and Jim can celebrate your grandkids wonderful achievements. I know they'll continue for a long time to come! The gift that keeps on giving! Happy birthday to Susan from me too!
  6. My NJ grandson is 15, granddaughter 10 love their TX visits to spend time with us. That is a constant that will lovingly always be in our lives, yours too!
  7. We usually stayed in what was the Las Vegas Hilton many years ago since Jack's trade show was based in their convention center. It was located off the strip and therefore more quiet. However, we did stay at the Flamingo Hilton once and I do remember how beautiful and serene that pool was, so "unVegas like". You described it very well. So sorry to hear what it's turned into. I don't think I embrace progress very well. There was a wonderful Chinese restaurant in the hotel next door, I think Oriental Palace. So good!
  8. Great photo. I spotted you right away without the tip. The eyes never lie. My husband exhibited at the Vegas ASD trade show. It was how I was able to visit Vegas so many times. Wonderful memories getting together with other exhibitors through the years.
  9. @Sea Dog Greg, may your dear friend's memory always be a blessing to you. Two years ago, I lost a dear friend of 45 years. We're lucky to have had their friendship.
  10. Hope everyone stays safe from those awful fires. Lots of schools are banning outdoor activities, NY included due to the hazardous air quality.
  11. Congratulations, Sue, but why am I not surprised?? 😉
  12. I get ferklempt every time I hear Lee G sing that song but the most emotional was when he sang it right after 911.
  13. I attended that summer camp for 10 of the best summers of my life, first as a camper, then as a Jr. Counselor. @Luckynana @DaniDanielle Maryann, Marietta, although I didn't grow up on SI my memories of those summers will forevermore be etched in my heart. Driving to camp from the ferry terminal, past Clove Lake, Silver Lake Parks on Victory Blvd, Jolly Trolley on a side street near Victory Blvd. I even remember a large furniture store with a vertical sign: Dependable. Loved taking that SI ferry daily. Soft pretzels with mustard on top never quite tasted the same as on that ferry.
  14. @Husky1987 Awful to read about your fire. Thankfully, you're all ok and there was no loss of sentimental items.
  15. Sue, I'm happily following along. Smooth sails and sunny skies to you. Bella 02 just won't be the same without you.
  16. Enjoy your stay in Vegas! I love the Carpenters music and think Karen had one of the purest voices I've ever heard. Before he retired, Jack's business took him to Vegas annually for trade shows and of course I tagged along. Loved every minute of that town.
  17. Beautiful and so much more functional. I love that the island has seating on two sides. The hutch adds such a lovely country charm to the kitchen.
  18. Our friends we visited in Boynton Beach before the Bella cruise, have an overhang against their house that they screened in on all 3 sides and can be raised and lowered automatically with the touch of a button. Comes in handy at dusk when the mosquitos/buggies are out. I noticed that the majority of houses I saw in Florida do have a screened room.
  19. Happy Birthday to @Ocean Boy , @h20skibum Mark's daughter, SIL. May all of your birthday wishes come true. @Luckynana Maryann, it's always a pleasure to read and see pictures of your grandkids wonderful achievements.
  20. Magnolias and crepe myrtles are in bloom here. So beautiful. Temps in the 80s, bearable humidity for the most part. Flip flops until probably October. 😃 I really do love it here in North Texas even though there isn't a river, sea, or ocean in sight. The following are stock pictures: Magnolia Crepe Myrtle
  21. I seriously don't recall traffic on non rush hours on the TZ bridge but I DO remember the George Washington Bridge always conjested. Bronx roadways were (is?) a mess when the Yankees play at home. Lenny, we all do. Stunning girl! Oh those eyes!! Brought back memories of my daughter's prom held at Southfork Ranch which is located in Parker, not Dallas. Only exterior shots were filmed at the ranch and looked nothing like the tv show interior.
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