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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. A sad day but I am sure many happy memories too to look back on Michelle
  2. I am glad you are clear of DCIS Josy, I have a feeling I will be going down the same route as you and just been monitored. It didn’t show on my mammogram last December and was just picked up by accident after a different operation and tissue analysis. I consider myself lucky it was discovered and removed. We have lots of happy memories with our dog and hundreds of photos and videos Michelle
  3. Thank you Jane. MDT next Friday so just have to wait for an appointment after that. Doggie ok this morning, back at vets tomorrow. Michelle
  4. Morning everyone, hope you are all ok this morning. It is dull here today but sun forecast this afternoon so fingers crossed. We have our grandchildren and their parents arriving today for the weekend. The girls are very excited as they are going to The Tower Circus tomorrow. I saw the oncologist yesterday, I had DCIS that was removed during an unrelated operation in April and he thinks I am clear now and probably need no further treatment. There was a lot of “thinks” that I wasn’t happy with. He didn’t have my full histology results and hadn’t seen my mammogram had in Dec, I wasn’t happy and felt like it was a wasted visit. He has agreed to get everything together and put it before MDT again and bring me back. Took the dog to the vet last night, his paw is getting worse, vet said next stage it will probably start bleeding all the time. We agreed before it gets to this stage we will let him cross the rainbow bridge with dignity Michelle
  5. We are seeing the vet every other day for dressing changes. We are seeing the “main” vet tomorrow afternoon to discuss options. It is not looking good, the tumor has necrosis and it smells awful. What we don’t want is him to be in pain so we have difficult decisions ahead. Michelle
  6. That is brilliant news for her, fingers crossed that’s the end of it Michelle
  7. Thank you Jane, I appreciate you thinking about me. I have written a list of questions I want to ask them. I will let you know how I get on and what treatment they offer me Michelle
  8. That is way too warm for me, I would be inside with the air con on full blast. I don’t know how you manage with that temperature, I bet you are glad it’s cooler today. Michelle
  9. How exciting!! You will have a wedding to look forward to. Hopefully no fires in Crete, looks like it is cooling down a bit after today Michelle
  10. I have had three of my grandchildren today and they are all sleeping tonight going home after tea tomorrow. My husband is taking them to Sandcastle Water Park in Blackpool in the morning and then we are baking in the afternoon so a busy day ahead. Son, daughter-in-law and two other grandchildren arriving Friday for the weekend. I will definitely need a rest after all that. Eldest grandson and his dad plus other family have just landed in Crete tonight, I am a bit nervous…. In between all that I have to fit in vets appointments, Hosp appointments and looking after my mum. I need a cruise!! Hope you have all had a good day. Take care everyone Michelle
  11. Good morning everyone, Friday already!! Where do the weeks go? It’s cloudy and dull with thunderstorms forecast here today. Awful day forecast tomorrow so any jobs that outside activity is needed are getting done today like the dreaded supermarket shop so I don’t have to go out tomorrow. Hope you all have a nice day Michelle
  12. Morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. It’s sunny /cloudy here today but quite pleasant. In-laws are staying in Blackpool for a few days so I am picking them up later and they are coming for tea then we are going to Lowther Pavilion tonight to see a local production of the musical 9 - 5. Another vet appointment this afternoon too to check on our elderly dog, Michelle
  13. I just want to say “thank you” to all my virtual friends for all your kind words. I will post an update following my oncologist appointment. Michelle
  14. Morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. It’s a dull cloudy day here and it feels a bit cooler. Just dropped my daughter’s dog at the groomers. My son is visiting today, along with my mum we are going to Miller & Carter for lunch which I am looking forward to. Earlier this year I had surgery and from pathology tests i have been told they have found breast cancer. Seeing the Oncologist next Thursday to see what further treatment I need as they managed to remove a small tumor. To make matters worse our elderly dog was diagnosed with cancer last week and has been put on palliative care as they can’t remove it. Michelle
  15. That’s a lot of cruises to look forward to Graham. My hubby likes to sail from Southampton too just to avoid the airport hassle Michelle
  16. Langley Castle did the best Sunday lunch I have ever had Michelle
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