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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. I love your photos Graham, don’t stop posting them Michelle
  2. Hope you feel better soon. My friend who I went out with on Thursday evening has a “cough”, I have no “cough” at the moment Michelle
  3. I agree, I love all the reports and photos so keep them coming Michelle
  4. It has been lovely following you along on your holiday. Thank you for taking the time to write it. What am I going to read with my morning coffee now? Michelle
  5. Ours is like that too, if you ring on the day you usually get an appointment on the day or at the very least a call back from a Dr. We are very lucky because there are some horror stories about Drs appointments Michelle
  6. Thank you Ilovemygarden. We had lots of ideas and had an architect draw up provisional plans. So hope we get to buy it one way or another Michelle
  7. Thank you Megabear, I would be happy to a slight price adjustment to keep the chain Michelle
  8. I hope it’s all resolved but we need to find another rental if it goes past Friday and believe me it’s not easy to find a bungalow rental that I need. Roll on 27th for our cruise!! Michelle
  9. We still have our buyer and they still have their buyer it’s the one below them that has pulled out. It’s our decision now if we hold on or put it on the market again. Think we will go on holiday and think about it when we come home Michelle
  10. Sorry to hear you were in the same position as us earlier, hope it all got sorted for you Michelle
  11. That is good news for you sometimes it better to stand your ground isn’t it Michelle
  12. Everyone says the Scottish system is better, not sure of the ins and outs of how it works Michelle
  13. It is a nightmare!!! I wish it was all a dream though and had exchanged as planned!! Michelle
  14. I am trying to stay cheerful!! Got other things on my mind as we are going on a cruise 27 August and taking four grandchildren with us so I am preparing for that too Michelle
  15. She started asking extra questions on the exchange date, she was a cash buyer and very fussy apparently. I am wondering if she is going to try get a price reduction at the last minute when she knows the seller will be under pressure.., Michelle
  16. Glad it all worked out for your daughter in the end. Isn’t it awful when you take ownership of a place that is filthy? How can people live like that? We are praying and hoping our chain can be saved somehow Michelle
  17. It’s a lovely morning here today, some sitting outside on the patio might be in order. I am feeling a bit cross today though. We have sold our house and we’re supposed to have a packing service coming today before moving into a rental bungalow for six months while our new house was been extended and renovated. We were supposed to exchange last Friday - it didn’t happen, then Monday - it didn’t happen then yesterday the bottom of the chain pulled out so everything has collapsed. Now left with a solicitor’s bill, no rental house and possibly no house to buy. It shouldn’t be allowed to happen so late down the proceedings. Michelle
  18. Hope you are feeling ok this morning Sarah and not too bruised. I am enjoying your blog and lovely photos too Michelle
  19. That should have read “no need to apologise Jennizor “ post#48676
  20. I feel for you, I had one done a number of years ago, I wouldn’t be rushing back for another. Hope the pain eases for you Michelle
  21. It’s a lovely day here today, clear blue sky but a bit breezy, still warm though. I have just been out for a walk with my friend with the dogs, they are both now resting and my friend has gone to work, she is volunteer at Lytham Hall. I am on dog sitting duty today. Going to book a holiday today for next summer with my daughter and the grandchildren. Going to book Puerto Pollensa in Majorca, seen what looks like a nice hotel that has something for all the children and is close to the beach. Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  22. We will definitely meet up for a drink and hopefully it will be a double celebration Michelle
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