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Everything posted by Peanut006

  1. Morning everyone, hope you are ok today. Looks like it’s going to be a warm sunny day here today. It was nice yesterday too. I was in St Annes and on a Weds they have Sounds in the Square with a different singer each week, people were up dancing, it was lovely. I also saw my oncologist again yesterday, after checking my histology results and mammogram again they have decided I don’t need any further treatment except yearly mammogram’s for five years to keep an eye on me. I am very relieved with that. Have a good day everyone Michelle
  2. Me too. We would usually choose Royal if we are taking our grandchildren, we are on Arvia TA in March(no grandchildren) so I will be having a good look around as from what I have read it looks very family friendly and probably a lot cheaper than Royal Michelle
  3. Hope all is ok for your granddaughter at the hospital today Michelle
  4. Morning everyone, it’s a nice sunny day here today for a change. my daughter and granddaughter have just set off over here so that was a nice surprise. We might go book next year’s holiday while we are both together. Not much else going on today. Have a nice day everyone Michelle
  5. That’s Ladies Day at York too I think, hope you have got your hat ready. I love going to York races, the atmosphere is fabulous Michelle
  6. Fingers crossed for the weather for you. Have a great day Michelle
  7. Thanks Kalos, I feel a bit better today. He was the first thing I thought about this morning when I woke up. I keep padding places we used to take him and it brings back memories all the time. I know it will get easier in time and I have my granddaughter coming to stay on Tuesday so she will keep me busy to take my mind off it. Michelle
  8. Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow and that the weather is kind to you Michelle
  9. When our last dog Sandy crossed the rainbow bridge our vets sent us a card and some forget-me-not seeds to plant, a lovely gesture. One of the other vets at the practice has just telephoned me to offer her condolences and to reassure me we did the right thing for Casper. Michelle
  10. We are doing that for Casper too, we did it for our other two dogs, Stan & Sandy too.
  11. Thank you. That must have been a bit of a shock for you and unexpected for the kennels and such a young age too Michelle
  12. It’s just awful, I feel for you too Brian and for anyone else having gone through losing a pet or loved one Michelle
  13. Morning everyone, hopevyiu are all ok today. We had to make the awful decision yesterday to let our elderly dog who had an aggressive tumor to cross the rainbow bridge. I am heartbroken 💔
  14. I will be easy to spot too, I am on a mobility scooter. We are in cabin 4528. A meet up for definite Michelle
  15. Think we fly on 16th from Manchester, problem was an accessible cabin for us Michelle
  16. Hopefully see you on board. Think there are a couple of CC members who post here on board too Michelle
  17. If that is the TA March 24 on Arvia we are on that one too Michelle
  18. Hope your doggie recovers quickly and can start enjoying his walks again Michelle
  19. We are doing the Caribbean Transatlantic in March 24 but on Arvia. We too are hoping for good weather most of the way but going by the state of the weather in July this year when it should be warm anything is possible. We have done a TA going the other way and it was nice because it was getting warmer each day. I think the advantage of sailing back to the UK is no jet lag or night flights which I hate Michelle
  20. Morning everyone, hope you are all ok today. Its feeling a bit cooler in the house this morning and getting out of the shower into a cooler room was a bit of a challenge this morning. Fingers crossed for warmer weather returning soon. It is cloudy and breezy outside here this morning. Nothing really planned for today apart from a visit to take some stuff to charity shop, collect some blankets from the laundry and dog walking. Talking of dogs our retriever’s tumour is growing and looks really nasty now. He is been helped over the rainbow bridge on Thursday. He is getting lots of loves and cuddles, special food and treats during his last few days. He is sleeping lots now too Michelle
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