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Everything posted by Jimbo

  1. Why would players share their caps?............everyone needs their own cap when playing the field. Back when we played hardly anyone would wear their cap under the helmet because your helmet would always fall off when running.
  2. I think they are talking about a batting helmet, everyone has always shared them. A team only has so many helmets, I have never been on a team where everyone has their own. Then again this was 45 years ago, so maybe it's different now. But I doubt it.
  3. I assume you aren't in Chicago during the winter then, because I don't think leaving the windows open in the winter time in Chicago is possible and turning off the heat in less you want to freeze some pipes.
  4. So how do you book your cruises, do you just ask your Travel agent what cruises he has that have group rates? Doesn't that greatly limit the cruises you can book if you go that route?
  5. Today's Forecast for New Port Richey, FL Morning 55° Chance of Rain0% Afternoon 65° Chance of Rain0% Evening 56° Chance of Rain0% Overnight 50°
  6. Almost saw a No-Hitter tonight in San Diego. Phillies take Game 1 2-0 on 2 homeruns, one by Harper and one Schwarber 7 innings for Wheeler, gave up only the one hit and a Playoff game under 3 hours, nice paced game. Aaron Nola on the mound tomorrow for the Phillies
  7. https://www.portbermudawebcam.com/ Disney Magic is there too with Mariner. Wonder why Disney Magic is still there? Magic was suppose to leave at 4pm today?
  8. Geez ! Guess you had the day off and decided what the heck to have 2 surgeries in the same day and be done with it.
  9. Been on a lot of cruises and every crew member seems to have the same sad story. After awhile makes you wonder if they are taught to do this in their training. Don't get me wrong I still tip but I really rather not hear about their back home stories. Kind of gets old.
  10. I would never say Starbucks is inferior since I never been there. Just thought for a coffee shop I still think what makes a good cup of coffee is the beans it is made from...........But when you put all those different flavors in a cup you are really just masking the flavor of the coffee. Thus I pictured a candy shop if you just want those kind of flavors.
  11. I don't think Mr. Durland cares at this point, he is way beyond worrying about that issue at this point. When you become Pinnacle you can leave your last name. It's part of the perks you get.
  12. Welcome to the Royal Forum Tominabox, you should fit right in. 🙂
  13. Sounds like maybe you just need to go visit one of these shops, when you put all that crap into coffee, do you really get to taste the coffee? Yikes !! Apple Crisp Oatmilk Macchiato, how many calories in that drink?
  14. Me either, Couple days ago we drove by an Starbucks just opened near us. Told my Wife I don't think I have ever set foot in a Starbucks anywhere. Do they actually have food in there or do people just go in there to drink a cup of coffee? Never did get it why people rave about Starbucks like they do. I'm just as happy with a K-cup at home. 🙂
  15. Mods are telling you something, you might be on your way to the Monopoly board. Enjoy your cruise and don't worry about posting on CC.
  16. Sounds cozy, was 34 degrees this morning here, it has reached 40 degrees right now but feels much colder with a strong wind right now. Sun poking in and out, through lots of clouds.
  17. My Wife did give the cats some kind of pill that calmed them down the morning of our drive. Put each cat one at a time in a small carrier like you use when you take them to the vet. Take that carrier and then transfer them to the cage in the RV, The cage had a litter box water and food and some of their play toys, blankets, pillows that they are used too. As far as driving the RV, it was super easy. You just take your time, you are not going to drive as fast as you would with a car. All the cats were very good on the trip, no problems at all. Btw, you are the same age as me, so you could do the drive with no problem. Where is your present house now? Make me an offer I can't refuse and I may be for hire. 🙂 We took our time, drive in a car would have been about 8 hours, with the RV we took our time, probably made more stops in the RV then we would have in a car.......But made the drive in about 10 1/2 hours. Once at our new house we took the cats one at a time into our new house...........Putt the litter boxes in the laundry room upstairs first to get them used to the house for about 2 weeks. Then set up litter boxes down stairs in the mechanical room. Once they got used to the whole house. With our Kitchen remodel going on, the cats adjust pretty fast. One day the old kitchen was there 2 days later the whole old kitchen was removed and now it's one big open room. The cats walked around at first just looking around saying "What the heck"? But now they are fine walking around upstairs again. Another test will be when they start putting in the new kitchen, and then they will adjust again.
  18. How far is the move, not sure I caught where you live now? We moved in a RV with a large cage inside for our cats...............The move was about 500 miles. https://www.cruiseamerica.com/
  19. Possible snow on the western side of the Appalachian Mountains in West Virginia on Wednesday, which is about 85 miles from us.
  20. Weather.com says the rain is going to stop in the Bronx at 11:15pm tonight. I think they should cancel and play tomorrow afternoon at 1pm.
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