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Everything posted by neverbeenhere

  1. Symphony 1) I'm pretty sure they only have soda and waters 2) kids are allowed and everyone can play forever no need for food purchase 3) Don't know at all 4) see # 2
  2. You can't stand near the edge of the cruise pier for long before getting a visit from someone. I'm think magnetic fishing will not be a go from the pier, but perhaps from private docks along your cruise itinerary.
  3. Favorite - Seattle, Washington (it's closest) Least Favorite - Elko, Nevada (It's a bit dry)
  4. Invite me over for the big day and say: "Hey everyone! Guess who's going on a cruise with us next Christmas!"
  5. I'm so sorry I didn't see this earlier. My years in high school as the marketing director for Standard Oil (I changed the price signs at the local gas station before my shift) taught me that most of you 80 year olds will be dead in 20 years and thank goodness the 30 year olds will still be 30.
  6. going to cruise and or travel a few times in the next year? consider an annual plan.
  7. yes, but you will need to drink your glass while in the bathroom.
  8. "Security" will likely let it in against the rules or not. Of course, you may get to enjoy the food while standing outside the ship.
  9. I try to net out at 3 or 4 drinks for mine. $60 less $ 10 for shipping and $ 8 for fees leaves $ 42
  10. If you ever bought a drink on a cruise, I can assure you the price might be inflated, but there is nothing artificial about what you are paying.
  11. You will make it, but I will warn you now you don’t want to be on a March 15th sailing. (I heard Brutus and the boys will be on that sailing.)
  12. Gratuities are called benefactions in my circles.
  13. You’ve got time for plenty of drinks in the Airport loyalty lounge. (Even if you need to buy a day pass)
  14. I live the real love boat, why would i watch it.
  15. #2 Best bet (#1 don't eat the meat) on surviving the sweats... Drink water not booze with your meat over dose.
  16. As for the tax deduction… in the good ole USA, it would be dependent upon FMV. So, I have to say a copy machine, free print and a used frame might equal zero(?)
  17. Well… delete app and reinstall isn’t likely to work, but… also clear your cookies, isn’t likely to work, but…
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