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Everything posted by Keith1010

  1. I did hear from some guests trying to get on the first voyage along with a few other people that it was sold out. However, I am reminded that a certain percentage of rooms do get cancelled on any voyage as plans change. Even the first voyage of NWP and WC 2015 where they were selling like hot cakes and had waitlists had some rooms open up. If everyone who booked and didn't cancel cruise lines would not have implemented administrative fees. Keith
  2. Since the OBC is not cash, I am 99% sure (maybe even 100%) you spend it or you lose it. In other words, spend, spend, spend. Keith
  3. Trying to get the thread back on its original subject I will provide another comparison. World Cruise Segment 2024 from Miami to San Diego 16 nights. Saphire (Former PS) Total Double Occupansy 29,740.00 or $1,860 per diem. Grand Voyage 2022 Miami to Los Angeles 14 nights (Former PS) Total Double Occupancy $29,936.00 or $2,138.00 per diem I haven't yet seen the pricing for the full World Cruise. When I do I'll compare one of the categories for that one with the original 2022 World Cruise before it became a Grand Voyage. What I have learned so far is the price comparisons do vary based on type of accommodation booked, and whether or not it is for two people or one person. This is why some people say current pricing is similar to previous pricing, somewhat greater, somewhat less whereas in other cases they say a lot higher. Is anyone wrong? No. It's example of the devil is in the details. Keith P.S. In the old days for all cruise lines if you kept the brochures you would have the pricing. That all changed when pricing was shown on-line versus in hard copy print.
  4. I am not sure if you are serious or not but there won't be a casino and putting the furniture there was not to buy time for a casino. Will the space eventually be used for something else, that is anyone's guess. A casino, I would wager (no pun intended) that a casino is not in the cards (again no pun intended). Keith
  5. I would post this on the Ports Of Call Board. Also check out Trip Advisor. Keith
  6. The cruse is sold out. Keith
  7. Thank you for posting this. Some ports do a great job updating their sites such as New York, San Pedro, Sydney. Some are very slow. When it is posted is not up to the cruise line but up to those who manage the port websites. Keith
  8. I think they need to reword this so it is clear smoking is only allowed inside the ship in one area. In terms of outside, smoking was permitted on the back of all the passenger decks, on one side of the outdoor pool and on the top deck. Can't remember about the promenade deck but they removed the ashtrays. I did ask about this earlier today and they are still working through the designated areas but I can't think of anymore areas than they had before. Keith
  9. Last Friday Crystal added frequently a section to their website (found at the bottom of the site with frequently asked questions. I recommend continuing to visit the site as more information is added. https://www.crystalcruises.com/faq
  10. If your cruise does not include Victoria Island i would go over there. The downtown area is charming and there is Butchart Gardens to spend a few hours strolling. I would visit Stanley Park which you can walk to from downtown. About a 45 minute walk and also walk around Gaston (downtown) and Canada Place where the ships dock. Also visit Granville, Island. A nice place to walk and to enjoy lunch or dinner. Keith
  11. Maybe but if this is all about positive I would never have started this thread. Regardless we have another thread comparing pricing between cruise lines. A great opportunity to compare lines and for everyone to praise or criticize another line. Sad that we have to beat this to death. for those who want to make every thread about Crystal a comparison to other cruise lines mission accomplished
  12. This is not a positive thread. Just simply comparing current pricing to previous pricing. It actually could be a factual thread. Price today x dollars. Price in 2018 y dollars.
  13. A thread that is focused on comparing new Crystal pricing to previous Crystal pricing does not need a comparison to another cruise line. Likewise on the SS board if someone asks how ,any formal nights on a SS cruises they do not need to know what other cruise lines do. This is not my first rodeo.
  14. You do know this is not my first rodeo so I am very familiar with CC. If I want to know about other cruise lines I know to go to their boards. And I have. All threads on this board do not need to turn into comparisons with other lines. Next.
  15. I am just stating fact. And yes after I posted that this was about Crystal a very nice poster started a new thread. Mariners has it right. And I do not ask for posts to be deleted. but if I want to learn about Silversea, Seabourn, Regent or any other line I know to go to their boards.
  16. Choice is good but this thread was supposed to be about Crystal pricing of today versus prior pricing on Crystal. There is another thread comparing pricing on multiple lines that is the thread that one can compare. With that said some of the posts do remind me of grade school. Mariners gets it. Keith
  17. This is sounding like grade school. My basketball is bigger and better than yours. I have the best bicycle faster and sleeker than your. And I thought this thread was about price comparisons between current and past pricing on Crystal. Keith
  18. Ivi, the key is will power. I would take a taste of each item (the key word is taste) but have the fruit fruit and the caviar. This was for two also. Keith
  19. Refurbishment has started for sure. This one is very extensive and until they are complete I am sure they don't want to show what it looks like. Think about gutting out a portion of your home. It wouldn't make a good sales brochure until complete. It is the finished product that will be appealing rather than what it looks like under construction. Keith
  20. We will do what it takes for exercise. With that said prefer the promenade deck on Crystal vessels for several reasons including it's length, (it can get boring if you don't have much to walk seeing the same things over and over(, that you have one shady side and possibly two, and you can walk under the overhang and there are days where you can walk on the promenade when not conducive to walk on top of the ship. Like most things each of us has our preferences and that includes how/where we exercise. Keith
  21. Difference on at least the two Silversea vessels we sailed is that there was limited walking space outdoors compared to on Crystal so often we found walking on SS meant going by the smokers whereas on Crystal there are places outside to avoid that. The other issue and this might only be on their older ships was location of their smoking areas indoors which at least on one of the ships was where the line queued up for their main restaurant. The policy you quoted was the same we had even five+ years ago on SS so I was surprised when it was mentioned smoking was taking place on the verandahs. Probably some people breaking the rules and/or rules not being enforced. Not saying Crystal didn't have their own issues as on Symphony there were issues with the smoke from the Conneseur room getting out to the main area. But I am saying on the SS ships we sailed with less outdoor areas to walk compared to Crystal Ocean vessels smoking was an issue and the configuration on those ships has not changed nor has the policy since we sailed them.
  22. Julia, first off so sorry about the tree falling on your house. A few weeks ago we had a very bad ice storm and unlike two years earlier when we had the deep freeze with lower temperature and a mix of snow and ice this one had more ice and brought down trees on resident properties, in our common areas and lots of tree limbs. In some portions of the community it looked like a war zone. They removed all of this although a lot hasn't been picked up yet so it is on the sides of roads and on resident lawns. Anyway, in many parts of Texas we had the wind storm which you had an in our area with winds of 59 MPH it took down some additional trees and tree limbs which were weakened by the storm. I hope you didn't have damage to your home. OK now back to this. My apologies. Even though the writeup for the rooms that will remain on deck 8 and 9 as the standard room said no bathtub I thought it might not have been right for the ones that were in place before. I am wrong. I have confirmed this. So none of those standard rooms on decks 8 and 9 will have the combo bath. On decks 10 and 11 the former PH and PS rooms are not changing (CP is not either) so they will still have the bath tubs. Sorry for the confusion. I am learning at the same time others are. And yes, to anyone who thinks the deck plans should be color coded to show things like the traditional PH, PS rooms I have said this from the day that we realized that modifications weren't being made to some room categories not only here but to those who can make this change possible. It will cut down on confusion and reduce phone calls from TA's and customers to Customer Service. I am ready for Spring. We have one more cold front coming in about a week with cooler than normal temperature and wetter than normal. The rain is great as we need it but this constant change from cool to warm to hot back to cool and warm and hot is getting tiresome. Keith
  23. always thought about the irony of this as a birthday breakfast. If one would eat this everyday of the year I would think how many more birthday's would you be celebrating. Then I realized, this is why it's only offered on the ship on your birthday. The best thing is to add some champagne because it will counteract the extra calories from what you eat. Keith I
  24. Absolutely. I have said that ALL along. I have said each room should be color coded so that it is clear. But until they do this the best bet is to have the TA verify this. Keith
  25. The best approach is to have your TA check with Crystal to see what the configuration is for each room. Keith
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