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Everything posted by Keith1010

  1. Thank you so much. Yes, when we return will blog and also post on this board. Keith
  2. I just took another look at the Crystal website. If I was a betting person (no pun intended) logic says there will not be a casino. If there was one would think it will be listed. I have to think if there was a casino it would be shown somewhere. So, I would take the odds of no casino. Maybe it will be open space for now where people can sit and enjoy conversation. Maybe down the road it will be used for some other purpose. We shall see or is it time will tell. Keith
  3. It seems whenever someone say something nice about New Crystal you keep saying this. WIth most of the crew being former Crystal crew I think it is very reasonable for us to assume that the service and how the crew deals with guests will be the same. I guess if people are happy about this why is there a need to make them feel any different. Just be happy for those who are happy. My apologies Flash G as I didn't plan to post on this thread as I am second generation baby boomer which used to be considered young but not anymore. Keith
  4. Bags packed. Ready to go. Can't wait. 😃 Keith
  5. I think you are now talking about different skill sets and also some issues such as when you say waiters I would not think a casino would want their employees in that role for a number of reasons. In fact, I am not sure if they would want them in any role other than the casino but that is above my pay grade. Anyway, we don't know what the final decision is on this and what the reason(s) were. Crystal has been adept at putting people in all sorts of rolls as they made adjustments including inclusive and open dining whether that was introducing junior waiters, moving folks who use to mainly be on the lido deck to other areas, moving waiters around to other venues, utilizing some members of other departments such as housekeeping to escort guests to tables just to name a few. So I am thinking if there were considerations such as efficiency/allocation of staff that would have already been considered. Regardless, I am sure the decisions have been made on this so we can all offer suggestions but it won't change anything. Keith
  6. Those in the casino could already escort tours. I a not sure why you think someone in the casino needs to perform other positions other than the casino. Anyway, none of this will change Crystal's plans whatever they are. Keith
  7. I see this very differently. Maybe some of this has to do with different approaches. When I worked we had a joint venture with a company in the UK and what I saw first hand was a totally different approach to rolling out products and how each company ran their business. Plenty of startups move quickly at least that is my experience in the USA . That is part of being a start up and things are not always perfect when they roll out products and they didn't get one chance. In the USA there are some companies who move very slowly (not startups) and I can tell you often they try to figure out how can they move faster with a start up mentality and to do so sometimes they create a new subsidiary to do just that. I know of at least one cruise line who launched their product with a web site which lacked a lot of details. This one is unique because they start with a name and ships and former customers who are very familiar with Crystal Cruises and add to that veterans of Crystal on land and at sea along with others from other companies on land. At the same time they have had to create a lot of new things and build an organization from ground up. So you can wait until everything is perfect and that will take several more months or launch early and get everything in place before the cruises begin. The latter is what many startups do. The key is let's see what this looks like with each passing week and month. Most people I know (and I know a lot of people) who have booked are understanding of this. Having done another new booking this past week I know the process was far better than just a few weeks ago reflecting progress. Keith
  8. That's not how it worked. This was their only job no different than those who work in the stores. That's their job and their hours vary each day depending on times at sea and times in port. There are some days when they work very long hours and other days when they work less. There are others who share your view and others who do not. 'm not saying whether it is a good or bad idea to keep or not keep the casino and I certainly have no idea about the financials. I do have my own opinion but in the end what I think won't change the plans. I wasn't being flippant but I know people have lots of views on this but in the end Crystal has likely decided. I also think that is true of many things over the years. There were programs that went away and some didn't care while others did. Keith
  9. They did before Genting bought them and took it over. The dealers didn't have other jobs. You might have seen some escort guests on tours since they could put in for that. I know everyone has an opinion but the only one that counts is what Crystal has planned. Keith
  10. Yes. I think a key is to note that these ships were originally designed for x number of guests and although the number of guests have been reduced the public space remains the same. I know on Serenity including this dry dock the ships passenger count has been reduced three times and believe for Symphony including this one two times. I believe Symphony Symphony overall passenger capacity was reduced 35% and Serenity over passenger capacity was reduced by 32%. So to keep it simple the ships carry 33% less guests That says a lot IMHO. Keith
  11. Over the coming weeks and months, we will see more information on the Crystal website. It's wise to check it out often for additional itineraries and details. Recently, they have made it easier to find the details for each room category. Before it was difficult to find as you had to know to scroll down within a room category to find it. Now they have a button marked details and when you press it, the details show in a new window. They also show for each category when the last redesign took place. Yes, they need to overlay this the type of suite (new, Seabreeze or traditional) on the deck plan for the ones where there is more than one type of suite within the category. I call this a work in progress. I do like when you bring up the itineraries you can quickly change all of them from a photo to the actual map making it easier to find ones you are interested in without having to click on each one to find the map/itinerary. I also think some of the other sorts are good from the ability to sort them based on lower price to higher price to shortest durations to longest durations. Often, we want it all at once but very glad to see enhancements being made. I expect we will see more details coming soon to answer questions that many have raised. And I realize the sooner the better for some of them. Finally, a few surprises are nice too. When most of us boarded our first Crystal Cruise I suspect there were several items we didn’t learn until we boarded, and I suspect it might have taken a few cruises to learn all of them. By surprises I am not talking about policies. The good news is with each passing day we are getting close to the inaugural launches of Serenity and Symphony. The countdown began with the release of the itineraries and continues. Our bags are packed. Ready to go. Can’t wait. Many crew I hear from feel the same way including those already on board and the many crew who are returning to both ships. Cheers, Keith
  12. Thanks Ivi. I look forward to your reviews on the Explora Board. I was booked on one of the Explora Journey sailings which is why I had mentioned I did a lot of research. We have canceled our sailing with the return of Crystal. Keith
  13. Today would have been the 80th Birthday of George Harrison the youngest member of The Beatles . He was just shy of 21 years young when The Beatles made their debut on Ed Sullivan Shy is an appropriate word as often he was considered the quiet Beatle. I remember their performances on Ed Sullivan as if it was "Yesterday".
  14. Yes, I expect the policy to be available soon and we do have five months before the first sailing of July 31. There have been several questions I have asked and often the answers provided say this is the policy Crystal had or it is obvious that it is the case. The answer that I was provided does note that indoor smoking is only in the Connoisseur Room. While using the words several outdoor locations that is how it was with old Crystal with one side of the outdoor pool deck smoking, smoking on the back of the guest decks where the round tables and lounge chairs were situated, on one side of the Promenade Deck although without ashtrays I rarely saw this in our last years of sailing including on all the cruises we were on in 2021 and on the outdoor sports deck. To me that fits with the comment I received. I suspect we will know for sure soon as this and other information gets added to the website. In the meantime, I will share what I received as I've asked for more specificity. On a related note the last information I provided on SS smoking on one of the new ships came directly fro a friend who sails SS often, considers it their go to cruise line although they have sailed extensively on other lines and from his experience last year on one of the newer SS vessels. Smoke from cigarette smoking was a big problem as it could be smelled in the fitness center and as a result they will sail SS but not on the newer ships. Keith
  15. Haven't been to a fast food place in at least 20 years. Used to in my younger years. If I could bring one back from the past (I realize there might be a couple still around) it would be my go to place from college in WDC which was Roy Rogers. Great hamburgers, chicken, coleslaw and French Fries and they would prepare it put it under heating lamps and you would put what you wanted on your tray. What i like about Whataburger is its name. You see when someone like me says Water and is from New York in Texas you think I must be talking about the Wata and Whataburger rather than the fixins. Ya'll understand. Keith
  16. It does look beautiful but as Patty correctly pointed out we know from less about Explora Journey than the new Crystal and I say this having done a lot of research on the new line.
  17. Yes. This thread was to see examples of the prices. So far it is showing: Prices could be higher, same or even less in 2023 or 2024 compared to 2022 and before. It can vary based on specific itinerary, and whether one is traveling double occupancy or solo and within that by itinerary or just a specific year 2023/2024 Before this I was reading some saying it was higher or lower but wanted to understand which ones and any other factors and that is what this is showing. I welcome others to post specifics should they wish too. Thank you to those contributing to this with specific pricing from your bookings, current and past, or does you are considering versus past bookings as well as others who are contributing other related/constructive information Keith
  18. Speaking of Silversea a friend of mine who very much enjoys SS said a flaw on the ships was where smoking is relative to the fitness center. He said the smoke came in on the new ships. I realize for those of you who either smoke or do not visit the fitness enter it is a non issue, it for some it is an issue. Keith
  19. Simply because some were saying the price was x percent higher than old Crystal so I decided to start a thread to get examples after I looked at a cruise.
  20. If Crystal designates on their website the smoking rule it will be answered well before the cruise. That is true for many items that are fact and not subjective.
  21. I really don't think this is the case. I had issues with SS but when we sailed them inside was one location which was their equivalent of the connoisseur club. I was surprised by Larry's post because when we sailed them smoking was not allowed on the verandahs and their website says the same thing so confused why that is happening. Outside it was a pain because there were not many places to walk and on the two ships we sailed which are not the new ones it made things difficult. I don't think Crystal will have more smoking outside than before. In terms of the management I would not be concerned that you have a lot of SS management who came over because I have not seen that to date. I'll let you know what I hear back. Keith
  22. Inside it is only the Connoisseur Club. I suspect outside it will be like it was which was in several places and that is what they said so they didn't have to list them all out. With that said, I have asked for specificity. There are definitely some items which were a work in progress and that is why they were not communicated but I don't expect it is this one. Keith
  23. Would you want to be a servant to get a free world cruise and even get paid? If you say yes, maybe someone on this board who is look for a servant will contact you. You never know the power of CC. 🤫 Keith
  24. I am far from the expert on this but this is what I do. I get a sense of what a good fare is by looking at fares over a few week period. Does this provide a 100% low far solution? No. But it gets me a good understanding about the fares. I realize when I book early and if it is one flight or if the flight involves stops that flight time can change. But if they change and I am not happy with them I either change them myself or call the airline. I book early because I want Business/First Class and two seats together so with some domestic flights having very few rows and other flights having more rows but substantially less than coach I don't want to wait. This is not at all different booking other things with limited availability. If I used Airline miles I want to book early as well. And as FlyerTalker says it does come down to demand versus availability. I think exceptions to this might be if several months from now there is a major increase in fuel costs, or if a competitor ratchets down prices and they want to match them or if an airline pulls out leaving the carrier to exclusively serve a market and prices go up although this is similar to demand versus capacity. And like buying a new car where you can negotiate price once I buy the tickets I don't spend another minute worrying about my decision because you just never know. Keith
  25. I am trying to confirm what "throughout" is. When I posted the other day that was the same word I had heard but I interpreted it as it was in the past similar to what Crickette said although the reality on the promenade is the ashtrays don't exist but in addition to what was posted they always allows smoking on the back of the guest decks where they have the lounge chairs and round tables and I believe on the open deck on 12 Symphony and 13 Serenity although it was not often you would see that. I short, on the outside I've asked will it be as it was or less. Can't see it being anymore. Keith
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