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Everything posted by Keith1010

  1. It's funny how some forget. I remember all the insults about "old Crystal's" website and that was after it had been around for many years and went through modifications. This is a whole new website. Yes they rolled it out with incomplete information. Yes, they could have waited and just delayed the ships and the selling of cruise until it was 100% right. Anyway, old Crystal was not perfect. New Crystal will not be perfect. Do you remember River Cruise vessels and itineraries announced only to have some completely moved such as the one doing France which we were on? There was the point in time that several Ocean vessel itineraries changed. Anyway, yes there is a lot of work to be done as part of the restart not only on the website but in other areas. I continue to believe that the end product will have many similarities to the old one and will build on new areas. Yes, time will tell as it always does. Having so many former Crystal members come back and that includes so many on the ships and some of the past executives coupled with some new ones from other companies along with other expertise such as from A&K sounds to me like an excellent recipe for a successful product. The poof will be in the pudding and I am looking forward to trying out the pudding as are many of our friends. The funny thing to me was a couple of months ago through a search I found old posts from I believe 2004. We were still newbies on our third cruise and I read from some Crystal was not like it was. I also heard that in 2004 when there were complaints about changes to Crystal Society. This is because old or new, or who was the owner, or who was the President, Crystal continued to evolve. So when it comes to old my question is what year is someone thinking and for some who didn't sail Crystal as long as some, there was quite a bit of the evolution which you may have missed. I missed some and I started cruising Crystal in 2002. Keith
  2. Keith1010


    Nobu was always on Serenity. In 2010 it was called Silk Road. Yes a few years ago when they renames Crystal Dining Room to Waterside they Tastes to Silk and renamed Silk Road to Umi Uma.. The cuisine was the same. Over the years a few changes were made to the Nobu menu but the style of food remained the same. Keith
  3. Fantastic. A reminder to keep looking at the website as they add new information. Thank you for mentioning this. Keith
  4. Nancy, you are welcome. On Serenity, I prefer the Traditional suites over the Sea Breeze for sure and my preference are the classic PH's followed by the classic PS. Unlike Symphony the Sea Breeze equivalent of the PS does not have the washer/dryer combo. Also we prefer being mid-ship and the Sea Breeze Suites are not mid-ship on Serenity . On Symphony I have always preferred the PS over the PH until Sea Breeze came along. We enjoyed the Sea Breeze equivalent to the PS as it does have the washer/dryer combo, the rooms were added to Deck 9 and we were able to get one pretty close to mid-ship and we did like the rain shower (it does have another option other than rain shower). We don't use a bath tub other than hanging wash that doesn't go in the dryer. We liked how you could set up the toilet to have access from the main room or as a guest toilet and little features such as a closet near the entrance way. Keith
  5. I saw Paul McCartney perform in Dallas. I think around 2003. I remember George Martin was in the audience. We had great tickets. He came to Austin a few years ago but we were on a Crystal cruise. If he does another tour which includes the USA we will plan to go. It would be nice if it could include an appearance by Ringo. The closest I ever came to feeling like I was at a Beatles Concert was going with my brother and grandmother to see Hard Days Night. I just remember that each time the Beatles were on screen together (a lot of times) the girls were screaming as if we were at The Ed Sullivan Show. One thing about The Beatles when they stopped performing and went into the studio they created music that no one had done before. Sometimes when I bought one of their albums and listened to it some of the songs didn't appeal to me and I would hold off playing it again. Six months later I would play the music and love it. I just think it had to do with being ahead of their time and I had to get used to it. I remember when they first performed on The Ed Sullivan show my parent's like many of the time didn't care for them. You know. Long hair which today would not be considered long. Fast forward to 1991 when they visited us and I took them and the family on a drive and played, what else, The Beatles. My mom looked over at our children who were quite young and said the four musicians were wonderful. It does go to show you how people can change their views. Keith
  6. Nancy, before Crystal ceased operations they priced the Sea Breeze lower than Classic and on a full World Cruise versus one cruise there is a large variance since the total price is quite high. Why? Room is smaller because of the door for the two rooms which ate into space. Some do not like the furniture finding the sofa too hard and the table in the PH equivalent does not raise up. I know people who on the first world cruise after this work was completed and who booked their Sea Breeze rooms wanted to be moved. At the same time some people do like them but more people than not preferred the classic. The other factor is the location. The new ones on Serenity on Deck 10 are not mid-ship which has the higher pricing now. Again, if all of this was on the deck plan it would make things clearer before rooms are booked. Keith
  7. I agree with Vince. This is not an issue of how Crystal treats past Crystal Cruisers. The problem is not showing pricing by specific room on the deck plan. Before Crystal stopped sailing there was a price differential between the Seabreeze suites and what back then were called PH and PS. They charged less for the Sea Breeze because they found less people liked them compared to what is now the classic. What has changed with the new Crystal is that because they have added so many new suites they are pricing them based on location which is something they didn't do before other than standard staterooms. This is why they say pricing is from x dollars. They do understand the need to reflect all of this on the deck plans. They also need to clearly note on the deck plan which rooms are classic and which are the newer ones and for suites which are the former Sea Breeze. They know this but in the meantime, I understand how one will be upset in your situation. Keith
  8. This is not something new for Crystal. They have converted areas for years and often the newer areas look great. Problems that someone might have with a room would likely be the same wether it was a new ship or a conversion. In terms of public space the Symphony had more conversions than Serenity but in both cases the newer public areas look better than ever. New doesn't mean one will like it. You have missed out on ten years of changes. Keith
  9. Keith1010


    What I loved about Nobu was seeing so many people learn from the experience. We loved Nobu from day 1. I remember some people even on this board were afraid to try it. All they could think of was "raw fish" and it took awhile for them to realize it was far from that although I certainly enjoyed my share of the sashimi. Many were also afraid to go not knowing what to order. Other than a few people who just don't like this type of cuisine I rarely heard complaints and that is a big contrast to many complaining about Silk. I remember the people waiting to sit at the Sushi Bar and it was always fun dining there by ourselves with two other people or in a group of 8 or so people. What made Nobu stand out at sea was not only that it served the cuisine developed by Nobu, and the chefs Nobu trained but the amazing wait staff team who added to the experience. And at the evening unlike being on land we didn't have to sign a cheque for several hundred dollars which was the equivalent of what we ate or drank. I know it was part of the cruise fare, but the cost of the cuisine was certainly more expensive than you might find at the typical specialty restaurant. Keith
  10. Happy Valentine's Day. As one band would sing, "All You Need Is Love". Keith
  11. Not sure what you mean by truth but what you will learns is each person's opinion and just like every ship afloat and every cruise line opinions will vary based on many reasons. Take the opinions of five people who sailed the same cruise and sometimes they vary so much one wonders were they really on the same sailing? And the answer is yes.Same applies to reviews on hotels, cities, tours, automobiles and the list goes on and on. One thing I learned along time ago is if I am recommending something or not recommending something to say "this is my view". You might not have the same view. The other factor is I've never stayed at a hotel or take a cruise where there are no differences each time we return. So many things come into play. But the only opinion that matters is your own and you won't know until you experience it yourself IMHO. And this isn't to say that you should or shouldn't try Crystal and the same applies to my view on whether or not I want to try a cruise line or any product I have not used before. Keith
  12. We will know this as soon as they announce who will fill the space previously occupied by Umi Uma. The other dining options are listed on the Crystal Cruises website. Keith
  13. I am not sure you will book anyway but as some say time will tell. I am happy to be a guinea pig. I am reminded that when they restarted in 2021 all the naysayers about sailing the Bahamas in the summer and 7 day cruises and hurricanes (they rarely get any) and this and that and this and it was divine. Even Endeavor with its issues (we were on the third sailing) was terrific. Anyway, I know you think there will be a lot of changes but you missed the last 10+ years of the evolution so for you it will look like major changes. I think for those of us who sailed more recently it will look like a continued evolution IMHO. We shall see. I am very happy to return. Keith
  14. I wouldn't get too caught up with the renderings because I don't think the end result will necessarily mirror this. I do think for the size of the staterooms that the original Crystal standard rooms provided a lot of draw space and I commend them for that. I think that in the PS and PH they could have done better in the original design. In time, they did with the PH on Serenity when they created the two desks and the additional shelving on the side facing the bed with the regular desk. And when they moved the TV they enhanced that area with an additional shelf. On Serenity we alway preferred the PH over the PS because of the storage and even the desks and chairs. On Serenity in the PS the make up counter in the master bedroom is very small and the desk in the main area is so so with a stool. In fact, that is why some put their computer on the dining room table. People who design do not think IMHO. I see this everywhere including when they built a fitness center nearby us. They have a wrap around track but the wall in that particular workout room were not down to the floor and halfway up to the ceiling. Before they created a dedicated indoor cycling room the music we would play would be too loud for the walkers but when they taught Yoga and you want it quiet the walkers who were talking disturbed the yoga. The first time we got a tour of the center my wife said this design will not work. She was right. Eventually they added more wall but because of the AC they couldn't have closed it up entirely unless they spent even more money. So what looks nice in terms of a design is often impractical. But in the end somehow we all find ways to manage. My wife and I on our first world cruise had a standard room and we had something like 8 full suitcases and I remember the closet was fully used with not an inch to spare and we figured out how to make it work. Same issue at hotels. The good news is we aren't buying the place or living there on a full time basis. Keith
  15. Like Vince, I am sure they are not being touched. They are not doing anything to the existing rooms. Keith
  16. Does this mean your grade is a D. Better than an F.
  17. It sounds like you might have been there when at the time they introduced the modern cuisine but so much more changed. This is what I remind people. Crystal evolved more than most of the other lines. Well back to the topic of the thread. Keith
  18. I thought so. Personally I don't think the new Crystal will be a lot different than the old one. I do think it will take the attributes of old Crystal and enhance them. But so much changed from 10 years ago. The ships look a lot different. Open Dining. Inclusive. Lots more entertainment choices. Two menus in the dining room. So much changed and it addressed many of the things people who liked other luxury lines would complain about .
  19. On the Crystal site they note the following: My guest but I suspect there will be storage and I suspect in the new suites there will be some kind of desk for a computer and a make up area but as they say time will tell. Keith Fares based on double occupancy (with exception of Solo Guest Room category) and vary by location on the ship. Solo Guest Rooms can only be booked on a single occupancy basis as fare shown. Fares include "destination fees" (i.e., fees, charges, tolls and taxes imposed on Crystal by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities as well as third party fees and charges arising from a ship's presence in a harbor or port). The renderings, photographs, and specifications displayed on this website are provided for convenience only. They should not be relied upon as representations, express or implied, of the final detail of the suites and guest rooms. Crystal expressly reserves the right to make modifications, revisions, and changes it deems desirable in its sole and absolute discretion. Dimensions and square footage are approximate and may vary with actual construction. Decor, designs, and layouts may vary within suite and guest room categories. Please contact 1-888-616-5291 for more information on suite and guest room offerings.
  20. Keith1010


    On our visits to Lima, Peru when we would have lunch out on tours I would think of the influence that cuisine from this country had on his approach with Nobu restaurants. I look at Nobu as a combination of Japanese and Peruvian. On Endeavor we could tell the difference between Nobu and the Cuisine served in Uma Uma even though it was made by the same chefs who were trained by Nobu. Whatever people want to call it IMHO Nobo cuisine is wonderful. We became fans of the cuisine from the first time we said on Serenity in 2005. Back then the sampler trio was a great way to get a taste of several items and I remember the first time we had his Black Cod the taste was incredible. Keith
  21. I thought this was a good one for today. This is true on and off the field, at companies and in volunteer efforts.
  22. I agree with you. While the reservation agents do know what room is what (classic, or not) it would save a lot of time having this on the deck plans. I have been told they are working on this so that the deck plans will know for each room whether or not it is classic. I am not sure the timeline for when this information will be updated but it is one of several items in the works. Keith
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