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Everything posted by Keith1010

  1. That's true about everything. Only one opinion matters is your own. And when I don't like a product and am unwilling to try it even after it has been redesigned I move on. For example, there are a couple of cruise lines that didn't work for us. I don't spend precious minutes telling people on those board what they should think because if they are happy let them be happy. And for many of us Crystal evolved so much if it evolves further with new ownership we are used to it. With that said it seems for a few that unless someone is negative about a cruise or line that means their views can't be correct. However, I've learned over the years that some like to complain because they think it makes them look smarter than others. Since you seem to imply that I am all about being positive (yes I do focus on what is good knowing that 99% of the world could only dream of taking a luxury cruise) if I see something wrong I call it out. In fact, go look at my comments about the 2020 World Cruise. I thought the internet was terrible and called it out several times. But if they are out of a champagne I like I find something else to have. I don't waste time complaining. In the scheme of things it is not catastrophe. Oh well. So it goes. Time is previous.
  2. I hear you but If I was a client who would't go the extra mile for me I would likely not be a client of them. So yes I know it's more difficult to book a cruise with Crystal but so it goes. It's all part of the job IMHO. Keith
  3. Nothing is free. You pay for it all. Also remember the saying quality over quantity. Translation. Some items in large quantity are not as good as those in smaller quantity. Also, everyone brings their own view as to value. Some value entertainment and enrichment over included shore excursions or unlimited caviar.[ Some put more value to extrusion and caviar. Some prefer a higher level of service Some larger rooms. Some don't care. Thank goodness all of the lines have their differences because as we know from this board we all do not think the same. And thank goodness. Trust me. Thank goodness for that. Oh well. This is what makes the world go round.
  4. Yes with many former Crystal crew members filling the many positions. Many many.............
  5. I know but is one position a lot. Now if it is if we are talking about returning crew I will need to say a super duper number of crew but I am sure that would be challenged by.........Well, how about if we just say a boat load of returning people. Now some will say how large is that boat. Small? Medium? Large? Super Large? Extra Large? And is that an unbiased or a biased view???? You can't make this stuff up. Keith
  6. A lot. How do you know A lot. Just saying. 😃 But do you know which ones?
  7. Interestingly enough the space on these decks is prime real estate on a cruise ship. I hadn't really thought about it until one of the design people explained this to me. What makes it prime is its location to enrichment, dining and entertainment. For example, after dinner it was pointed out to me that more people would go to venues closer to the dining areas than say Palm Court. Yes, I know if you wanted dancing with Ambassador Hosts you would go there but for many they will stay on this and other nearby decks. I am sure that is why the stores are on Deck 6 because it is prime real estate on the ship. Anyway, food for thought. 😃 Now if it was my decision and indoor paddle tennis court or a basketball court or both. But thankfully for Crystal and for most guests it's not my decision. Keith
  8. I wanted to add a couple of items to the discussion. There is still a lot we don't know about the new Crystal because they are working to get this information out to everyone and also working to get it all in place. As this rolls out there will be many things quite familiar and some which are new or just slight modifications. Also, I know some would say why don't you get it all in place before you started to sell. I get that but then there is the business perspective. To get everything out there including a fully functional reservation system that TA's could use, and all of the information on the web site would have mean the ships would likely not sail for many more months as you don't start selling today for a cruise leaving in two months. That is the challenge they had. So they made the decision to start up in August and September respectively and to start taking open bookings even though several items were not in place. I suspect this is one of the reasons they went with the concept of open bookings and then move to Crystal Society members without open bookings before they open it up to the general public. Yes, the down-side is some upset people including some TA's. I don't envy those who had to make the decision nor those who had to implement it. I don't believe this is unlike what I have seen some companies in other disciplines do. I know in the early years of the company where I spent my time sometimes a new product was announced with a targeted rollout and those of us in the technical side had no idea it was being announced and hadn't even started development of the product. So yes there will likely be more bumps in the road but I expect with each passing day we will know more. Keith
  9. That's correct Vince. We are seeing more return at sea and on land. Many crew are on board both ships as they are going through all of the work necessary to put into place the reconfigured suites and and of the other interior work as this is taking place now. Again this says a lot IMHO. Keith
  10. Vince that is correct. I expect we will see additional announcements in the coming weeks and months. Keith
  11. FYI. Keith https://www.seatrade-cruise.com/people-opinions/pr-pro-robyn-fink-direct-communications-crystal
  12. New Crystal Cruises Communications Director: https://www.seatrade-cruise.com/people-opinions/pr-pro-robyn-fink-direct-communications-crystal Keith
  13. I know they just hired a Director for Public Relations so that should help quite a bit. I suspect that is why there have been very few press releases. I think that what we don't see is that they are still in the hiring stages and some departments are quite thin and will be hiring over the coming months. This can be frustrating for us who are used to things rapidly occurring and I suspect challenging for those who are there who are working in overdrive. It is a start up company from this perspective but in time will have many seasoned professionals some from the old Crystal and others who are from other companies. This is what we've seen with the land based hires to date. Keith
  14. I saw a couple but I saw that before AI as well. In the end, going AI to me was much overdue and overall had many more positives than negatives IMHO. Keith
  15. KenzSailng, agreed. The fact that the vast majority of the crew are coming back including many of the senior officers and senior staff says a lot IMHO. It says the new owners made a very serious effort and investment to bring them back. But let's not forget a few of the so called experts even recently said that would not be the case. In fact, some said no o e would buy the ships because their scrap value was worth more than anyone would pay. They have somehow gone silent on those issues. Keith
  16. This is a bit different than an entirely new product. You know the ships. They aren't going to be very different. You know the crew. They aren't' going to be much different. This is reminding me of the discussion about what those Bahama cruises would be like. Too short. Terrible itinerary. No enrichment. Poor entertainment. Not the same type of guest because of low prices. Guess what. Most who sailed them both new to Crystal and past guests had a great time. Same about going inclusive. There will be drunks out. People passed out. on the floor. Anyway, Best to see. But often people worry so much about something new. Why not sit back and see what happens. I am very simple. I can read all the reviews in the world but I have to see it. Touch it. And experience it. What I do know is if I was sailing on board a cruise right now, I wouldn't have time to be checking out this board. Oh well Keith
  17. So do you remember when some said not many would return. All four Hotel Directors returning is a big deal along with two of four captains in my book. https://cruiseindustrynews.com/cruise-news/2023/02/crystal-announces-return-of-hotel-directors/ I suspect on the first sailings the vast majority of the crew on board will be from old Crystal and since we all know it was the crew who made the biggest impact I would say a lot of what we loved about old Crystal will be part of new Crystal. I still don't get it why some seem to think the worst. Is it possible new Crystal will be as good as it was or is it possible it will be even better. Time will tell. Keith
  18. I bought a Taurus based on renditions. You know. It was wonderful at the time. Crystal we know what the vessels look like and pretty much 90% of the ship. Keith
  19. I have never read an unbiased review in my life. If you want something unbiased read a fact sheet. As to a review they all have their own set of biases. Why? Because we are all human. For example was the pizza excellent, great, good, fair or poor. Who is right? Who is biased? If you want to know for sure you have to experience it yourself. JMO. I am glad I will experience it so we can decide what we think. The same goes for pretty much everything. Do you all read trip advisor reviews? How about Amazon reviews? Are any unbiased? I don’t think so. Keith
  20. I agree. On a related note I have many friends who have not "moved on" but have sailed other lines and the vast majority of them have booked a Crystal Cruise(s) including the World Cruise. In the end, people will do as they please. I don't worry about them and they shouldn't worry about me. There seems to be a concern that it is bad or something is wrong when some of us say the new company will have attributes of the old company. Of course some of the same people said, no one would purchase Symphony and/or Serenity or that the crew would not return. Well, they are zero for two and before anyone asks me how I know so many people are returning let me say I do and I would say how do you know they aren't. Time will tell but you know it won't be too much longer. Keith
  21. They are not doing anything to the rooms that are not being converted so one would have to ask why would they remove these. It makes no sense. The only thing I can say is see if there is someone your TA can go to. Keith
  22. Insurance will be your best friend. Most cruise lines do not do this and I would not expect Crystal to do it. So if this is important i would look at insurance or sail a line that offers this. Keith
  23. Many of the guests in the new term will include lots of Crystal Society members. In addition, there were always first time cruisers so we will see that too. It is human nature for people to want things from the past they enjoyed. And yes, we will all find out starting July 31 and continuing to the future. It's all good at least for those who want to return. Keith
  24. When you say Covid not sure what you mean these days. In general most cruise lines are not even testing but if you want protection getting an insurance policy is your friend. Wouldn't the same apply to cancellation protection. I guess I need more clarity on your question. Keith
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