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Everything posted by Keith1010

  1. Nancy, that's correct.This one was sent to me last night and also one of several posted) but because it was sent to me by the person who took it I could easily post it. Keith
  2. Here's the video which I received permission to post. Keith 10000000_6378285982275609_6062364449374958914_n.mp4
  3. It's aways nice to be out at sea. Keith
  4. Starlite Lounge Crystal Symphony. Keith
  5. The answer is it depends. Often morning ones begin somewhere between 8:00 AM and 9:30 AM and you meet 15 minutes prior to the star time. Keith
  6. And as Tracie said the key to this is more bookings. So, your mission ivyleaguegent should you decide to accept it is to sign up more people for Crystal Symphony cruises. As always- should you or nay of your Force be caught or worse we will disavow knowledge of your mission. May the force be with you. Happy Holidays. Keith
  7. One thing to remember was Starlite looked differently back then and was not open and not used as much as it is today. As I think through Galaxy I am wondering to me it's not a good idea for people to be dancing on stage there due to the possibility of falling off the stage. Regardless, things change and it sounds like it was from over 20 years ago. Lots have changed from back then including no more Baked Alaska Parades, pillow chocolates and a bunch of other things. Keith
  8. I was not aware of this as I only remember Starlite on Symphony and Palm Court on Serenity. NC is very much like OC but there are some changes and one is the size of the band that mainly plays music for the dancing. Keith
  9. Well your wish will come true as they will show this sooner rather than later. At the same time, while it's great to know who has been signed up to be on board when it comes to entertainers and enrichment this can change even up to the last minute. In my case, we book way before this information is available.
  10. After looking over the deck plans of Crystal Harmony that Vince posted, it got me thinking of our first Crystal Cruise on Crystal Harmony. A photo form 21 year and over 3 months ago of Harmony. Keith
  11. Kate, They have stopped the tags until the new ones are done so you should plan to fill them out at the pier. Keith
  12. Have you tried to sign up with a new e-mail address. This is what I would do. You can just set up a new e-mail. I am not sure who you use for e-mail but if you don't use G-Mail consider creating a G-Mail account. For the back to back you should be able to book one only at each of them for the first voyage and one each for the second voyage. In addition to Osteria and Umi Uma you can also book one each per voyages at Tastes. Are you saying you can't book one each for your second voyage? If so, your TA needs to followup with Crystal for assistance. Keith
  13. Why are we talking about Oceania and Regent on this thread? Is it just because one person won't book Crystal until the entertainment/enrichment guide is on the web site? Amazing.
  14. HI Bob, I am hoping by the time you cruise that the system used to make reservations in My Account will show what nights are formal. However, if it does not, I would contact on board guests services 100 days before your cruise to see if they can tell you which night will be formal. I suggest 100 days as you can make reservations 90 days before the cruise. Looking at your itinerary I agree with you that formal night will likely be on September 26. Keith
  15. Keith1010


    For those of you who have posted about the lighting in Osteria this is planned to be addressed next week. I am assuming they will look at Umi Uma as well. Keith
  16. Harmony 2002 for me. Vince, thanks for posting these. Wonderful memories. Keith
  17. Another view of Serenity in the Caribbean late 2014. Keith
  18. Ibis is correct. Plugs at each of the two desks and on the end tables. Keith
  19. Dwight...I have raised this to my contact for these types of issues and is following up with IT to figure out what is causing this issue. Keith
  20. First the program does exist. When they start to post the enrichment and entertainers (and they do plan to do this) it will be there. Glad you are just comparing NC with OC site because you know that pretty much no one does this. If this is what is preventing you from booking you are missing the boat. As to wanting more information this is a good source to read. Page 14 discusses Ambassador Hosts. Before You Sail Guide V2-338ebdab-f145-45f0-871f-8b35bdd79999.pdf Finally, as I mentioned in earlier post a common view shared by many people who enjoyed OC goes like this. NC is like OC but better. These six words say it all IMHO. Cheers.
  21. New Year Eve Day before the start of 2015. Keith
  22. Kathie, enjoy following your blog and your other posts with great writings and photos. Keep enjoying and best to you and Timmy. Keith
  23. Not a mess at all. It is called work in progress. If you have been keeping up with this board you would have learned that the new Crystal is being built from the ground floor up since NC didn't purchase a company but bought two ships and the Crystal name and customer base. With each passing week the web site is getting better and better with more information added to it. As noted shore excursions are up. The ability to make reservations has recently gone from 60 to 90 days reflecting more things being added sooner rather than later. We can download our boarding documents directly from the site 30 days prior to the cruise which by the way we could not do with OC. If you have taken the time to read reviews many (not all but many) say NC is like OC but better. The ability to see enrichment and entertainment which I don't believe other cruise lines do is coming soon. This required an enhancement to the website and someone to provide the data. It will happen. It is in the works. Personally, I like the look of the new website. And the ability to search new voyages is far superior to OC and one of the easiest to use compared to any other cruise line website. The speed in which new Crystal was launched is amazing since all they got ws vessels and names. Not one system. Keith
  24. Details on enrichment and entertainment personnel will be added to the website but not sure precise timeframe. Keith
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