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Everything posted by Keith1010

  1. I hear you. I was just responding to Ivi's question about the present cruise. That one for sure doesn't meet the former criteria. I will ask about this in terms of do they still do these. It is very possible they don't for many reasons. but let's see. Keith
  2. Ivi, this cruise is not longer enough nor enough sea days to meet the former criteria. Keith
  3. Have I ever said that I love the music of The Beatles. I never would have dreamed that in 2023 another new song would be released. Here is a video on the making of the last song Now and Then. And here is the actual song. Keith
  4. Crystal has added two new filters to the find a cruise search function that I think are terrific. In addition to being able to search on destinations, dates, duration and ships, you can now search by countries and ports. I know in my case we wanted to return to Liverpool and with the new filer I could do a search just on this port and it pulled up five cruises. This is much faster way to find them. Let's say you want to visit Iceland you can use the country filter and discover there are nine cruises where one or more ports include Iceland. I use the search function frequently as I look for additional cruising possibilities and this will make finding certain cruises even easier than before. Keith
  5. You are very welcome. I am not following all of this so you are probably best to call your TA to talk all of this through. In terms of terminology you get a voucher wort x dollars which has five equal sub credits. One sub credit can be applied to each cruise. Keith
  6. Well I wish I was whole but that is another story and my fault but so it goes. Could you please explain more the disconnect with what you were told and what you got. This is how it should work. You submit the EI request. Let's say it is $25,000.00. Crystal confirms this with Mocker and if they say it is $25,000 you get a voucher which allows you to use $5,000 per cruise. If the cruise is $15,000.00 than one of the adjustments made would be to take the total fare down by $5,000.00 This is done as soon as the 1/5 sub credit is applied and you should get an invoice showing that. If there is more than one person on the booking then each fare in this example will be taken down by $2,500.00 per guest. It should be this straight forward. Now if you submitted the request for $25,000.00 and Crystal is told by Moecker that it is $20,000 than that is what it is unless you can prove that you are really owed $25,000.00. Keith
  7. We didn't hear anything until a couple of months ago when they sent us an-email where we are listed for the claims we submitted which were filed with the court. It notes on there the max we might get. If you haven't gotten this (and since you paid cash maybe that is why) I would contact them. Keith
  8. Extremely happy about the E-1 Credits. Initially got one voucher for precisely what we expected and then over the course of time used 1/5 of each credit for five different cruises including some already booked and one where I had made the final payment so got a refund. Then when they expanded them to river cruises, expeditions ships etc. submitted another form, got the amount I submitted in a second E1 voucher and have used all of the sub-credits. Haven't gotten any money back yet via Moecker. Keith
  9. Ivi, As I mentioned in the previous post you can only make one reservation before boarding for each cruise at Tastes, Osteria, and Umi Uma for dinner. If on a back to back cruise you can make one each for each cruise starting at 60 days before the first cruise and sixty days before the start of the second cruise and so forth if there are additional back to back cruises. There is no limit on visits and no cost. For dinner the only limit is availability. The menu for dinner is similar to what they had before it became Silk with it serving a range of items that one can enjoy for themselves or share. Tastes for lunch has never had reservations nor does it do today. You just show up and either get seated at a table or if they are all full you would wait to be seated. Keith
  10. Nancy, Tastes has no limits for Dinner other than availability and there is no charge for each visit. The similarity to the two specialty restaurants is before the cruise begins you can make one reservation for Tastes but after you board you can book additional reservations. Osteria and Umi Uma have no limits. The difference is that depending on the length of the cruise, your accommodations, how many cruises you have with Crystal, and a few other factors such as taking the full World Cruise you may be charged for additional visits beyond the complimentary one. Again, it depends on the other factors I mentioned. Keith
  11. Just like it was in the past, after you board the ship. It is based on guest capacity. Like before making them early on and being flexible as to date and time is a good idea. We found Waterside to be better than before so keep that in mind too. Keith
  12. A couple of additional photos of Asuka II. Tomorrow some final photos. Keith
  13. Easy deck access. You are so close to the doors that take you to the Promenade deck. Windows are large. Keith
  14. At this point you can't tell which nights are formal. Hopefully, this will be added to the website in-time. You could see if your TA can followup with on board guest services to see if they can obtain the information on formal nights. As to the formal nights you will likely have two on your cruise. First one either January 6 (probably) or January 8. These are sea days. Second one I think will be January 16 also a sea day. On that first formal night I like Waterside as it has a great menu. I found every night at Waterside the menus are even better than before but on the formal night it's a step up. Waterside is the equivalent of the main dining room. Used to be called Crystal Dining Room before renamed Waterside. As to white party I would not worry about when it will be held. If you want to get into the spirit of it plan to dress in something white but whatever night it is shouldn't matter where you dine. The party will be later in the evening. I hope this helps. Keith
  15. Another view of Asuka II (former Crystal Harmony) taken in 2007. It was a special day. We had the best weather that day with a lot of sun and that added to spending a lot of time on the open deck as we met up with Asuka II. Keith
  16. Bon Voyage and Enjoy Every Minute. Keith
  17. They are also going to send out something that is close to a World Atlas in a couple of months. Keith
  18. To date I've seen nothing on the Moecker website saying money has been sent out. Last update showed court proceedings from 10/12.
  19. Me too. For some who do get the e-mails they might not come to everyone today as we all know from past experience. Keith
  20. This is the way Crystal does it which we've always appreciated. Keith
  21. Another view of Asuka II (former Crystal Harmony) taken in 2007. It was a special day. Keith
  22. Pat absolutely not. I suspect people will be getting them over several week assuming they are signed up to receive informaiton. How often you book and what you book is not a factor. I do not expect a catalog for the Grand Voyages.I hope not. I do think we'll see an e-mail but the e-mail will only point you to the web site and I've already provided the link. If you are getting other e-mails from Crystal assuming an e-mail goes out on the Grand Voyages you will get it. If you are not getting e-mails as I have suggested often I would sign up to get e-mails using another e-mail from what they have on file for you. Keith
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