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Everything posted by Tothesunset

  1. Let's talk entertainment. But first please appreciate that we never go to the show unless there is a compelling reason. Bearing the above in mind I have only 3 experiences to relate: 1. A recital in Britannia by a Ukrainian ensemble comprising violin, viola, cello and piano. They played a couple of pieces by Sibelius and some movements from Peer Gynt in honour of Greig whose hometown of Bergen we had just visited. Well, they were superb, especially their interpretation of Hall of the Mountain King. 2. Pianist in the Supper Club. My sister-in-law was with us and since she is a professional pianist her opinion was that he was accomplished if somewhat muted. 3. And now the biggie - Ray Lewis, lead singer of The Drifters, did a show in the show lounge which had the packed venue jumping like a 70s disco. Not strictly my type of music (give me Clapton, The Who etc) yet his vocals were outstanding. This was probably the highlight of the shipborne element of the cruise. So there you go. Not much help, I suppose. We prefer to take our entertainment over a Margarita with friends in the bar. Be good, my children. More tomorrow.
  2. I can't answer your question. I don't know what was happening in the Grill of an evening. Agree about Khukuri.
  3. On to the restaurants, then. Let's start at the top and work down. The Grill. I think I've covered this previously but I'll try and be impartial. It seems to be very popular for breakfast, lunch and dinner and I think that's great. Why? Because it keeps people away from all the other, nicer, destinations! Actually, that's unfair. It seems that the offerings are very good, there is waiter service for bread and drinks and you can dive in, get fed and be out again in minimum time if such is your need. Also on deck 12 is the verandah which is open for food at lunchtime and benefits from outdoor seating and splendid views. The food offerings are of the fish and chips, burger variety, but what they do they do very well. The gourmet burger is exceptional. Not fun when it's windy, though. I shall ignore the Living Room. We didn't eat there and the one time I repaired there for a cappuccino it was quite busy which accounts for the 30 minute wait for service. What the snacks are like I couldn't say. (Service in Britannia was similarly glacial.) Amalfi. Nope, no idea. On boarding I rang the spec restos reservation number but could only book one speciality because apparently: a. The ship was full and b. That meant only one booking per cabin on this 7 day cruise. Disappointing but understandable. Khukuri. Loved it. Great food and very slick and personal service. Gold star. Supper Club. Was called from the wait list to say we could have a table of 4. Yes please. The food was so memorable that I can't remember what we had - must have been good; I'd have remembered otherwise. Very disappointed they don't have any live music other than some muted piano-playing. It's a supper club, for goodness sake, not a crematorium. There's plenty of choice elsewhere for noisophobes so I don't get the "live music would spoil it for many guests" nonsense. We ate in the main restaurant for all breakfasts, 4 lunches and 5 dinners (oh, and one afternoon tea). Look, I've paid good money for the cruise so I want the full shebang. We find the restaurant a very pleasant space. The service was generally good even though one or two waiters could have tried smiling and they could write down my cheese selection rather than try to remember it. Incidentally, the cheese selection is impressive and the cheeses themselves very good. Unquestionably, the standard of food prep and presentation is very high. The Exec Chef deserves top marks. The free-pour wine selection suited the 4 of us although I, in particular, have no idea about wine. Their Irish coffee is a joke, mind. Decent enough coffee but with Scotch and squirty cream! Awful. Talking of booze, we tried the Britannia lounge for cocktails but the Margaritas were weak and OH's mojito had sugar granules in the bottom of the glass. So tried same in the North Cape bar. Ditto. Then tried the Supper Club bar and bingo! Good cocktails, great service and the best waiter on the ship. Thanks, Walter. I'm as bored as you are now. Any questions at the back?
  4. Possibly the first cruise blog that should come with a content warning: Contains themes which Silversea diehards may find distressing. What a well-considered and superbly written travelogue. Perhaps we could club together to send Mr and Mrs F on another trip just for the pleasure of reading the reports? Chapeau.
  5. It started long ago, of course, with the booking, getting the tickets and the rest of the foreplay but the real start is the moment the transport arrives. Last year we had a Caravelle to ourselves for the trip to the ship and an E class merc for the return. One of the very few benefits of Covid. This time a Vauxhall 8 seater arrived bang on time and off we went picking up another couple that added only a few minutes to the journey. Good vehicle, good driver. Check in at Dover was simple, Covid passes not requested and on to the SoA to be shown to our upgraded cabin seemingly only a blink of an eye since checking in. Lovely jubbly. Saga, clearly recognising the spirit of erudition and sophistication we bring with us, had upgraded us from a standard to a deluxe cabin. I've got to say that the deluxe cabin is larger, has a walk-in wardrobe and more space but is it worth the price difference? I don't know, only you can judge on the basis of your own needs. We think the standard cabins are very acceptable and would carefully consider a deluxe dependent on the price difference. Meeting our travelling companions who arrived about an hour after us took place in The Grill. Our one and only visit to that venue. Now, don't get cross but I just don't like the Grill. For a start, I want to be served rather than have it dished out by the dinner ladies. For another start I don't really go along with the upmarket Motorway Services vibe. But I'm a snob. However, under duress I would concede that the quality of the food is very high and the variety almost bewildering. The remainder of the day was spent gossiping and being bitchy about mutual friends and acquaintances - God knows what they say about us but, hey, we're going to Norway. On a Saga ship. In an upgraded cabin. Am I bovvered? Dinner taken in the Restaurant to recharge us for more gossiping before a relatively early night. In our upgraded cabin - did I mention that? More tomorrow.
  6. Lizard Island is lovely - we had 4 nights there about 15 years ago and loved it. Especially the free loan of little motor boats so you could cruise round the island and find your own little secluded beach. We were a little worried about the fabled saltwater crocs and had the following conversation with the marine biologist: Me: "Is it safe to swim off the beaches here or are crocs a problem?" Him: "Don't worry, mate, we almost never see salties this far out." Almost never!
  7. OK. On M25 just now on the Saga return transport . Will write a precis later.
  8. On SoA and there are smuts on the tables at the veranda grill. Not large amounts but enough to stain light clothing.
  9. Why? Because you've had too many gins?
  10. Not asked for the on Adventure yesterday. Check in woman said they only looking at a random few
  11. Wow, you think you have it awkward at Six Nations time. When my English wife and l lived in France, our Scots born son had an Italian girlfriend and our other son was born in Cardiff.
  12. Yes I am from NI. A Belfast boy. With a Yorkshire accent. So occasionally I get accused of being English. The very thought....
  13. Dear God. The first time I read that through I didn't read it as docks.
  14. It's easy: Great Britain = England, Wales, Scotland United Kingdom = the above 3 + Northern Ireland. British Isles = UK and Ireland. England and Scotland are countries, Wales a Principality and NI a province. Subjects of E, S and W are British. Those from NI are British, Irish or both (the choice is theirs thanks to the Good Friday Agreement). Under the Common Travel Area residents of the British Isles have freedom of movement throughout the 2 countries, the pricipality, the Province and the Republic in spite of the latter being a different polity. Couldn't be simpler!
  15. We have a number of friends who post contemporaneous photos of themselves and give little travelogues on Facebook while on holiday. Madness.
  16. Pro- or anti-monarchy, it's still one of those historic days that only you Brits seem able to do so well. Really, the whole organisation and spectacle is astonishing.
  17. I've got my bicycle clips ready. You never know...
  18. If anyone has flown from Lukla airport in Nepal they might recognise this: A group of 12 of us were returning from Everest base camp flying from Lukla to Kathmandu. The security guy at the airport confiscated things he claimed were hazardous on board the aircraft; these included: cigarettes, shampoo, soap, toothpaste, thick woolen socks, chocolate (that must have been particularly dangerous as he was ruthless in his search for it) and other well-known items perilous to air travel.
  19. We, too, have been upgraded with a GTY. Also, we were once offered an upgrade from Vista to Veranda shortly before cruising for £300 each when the advertised difference would have been about £800 each. That was a direct booking with SS. Took it!
  20. You can never have too much paperwork...
  21. Clearly Saga do not require travellers to be a UK citizen but when you book online (as in the dummy booking below) in the UK this message appears: That just strikes me as odd.
  22. Oh dear, some very bad news just come up on my BBC news feed: 2017 100m World Champion and 3-time Olympic medallist Tori Bowie, the US sprinter, has passed away at the age of 32. That's shockingly young. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/athletics/65471163
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