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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. Morning all, what a lot to catch up on! Hope everyone is ok, the only thing I’ve done of note lately is a trip to Broadstairs on Saturday where there was a food festival. The weather was amazing for nearly October and we had a lovely ploughmans sitting outside!
  2. If you’d never cruised before Simon Calder made it sound awful even though he said he’d been on loads 😂He also said you always get lowest prices near to the sail date!
  3. I caught it and he was on about 5 minutes. Simon Calder was hosting the segment, he didn’t get all his facts right, he said P&O had 3 adult only ships! The segment started just before 11am.
  4. I was on Ventura in June and we went to the Epicurean. Our table didn’t vibrate so perhaps it depends where you sit. Our cabin was on Lido deck and luckily our toilet didn’t smell. Looking forward to reading the rest of your report.
  5. I’ve just nipped out and taken this of the lovely rose still flowering
  6. Happy belated birthday, I do love a rose! I’ve got a few out again now in my garden, they make me feel happy every time I see them.
  7. Charlie sounds fabulous! Having a November birthday I’ve always tried not to think too much about the dreaded C too early but since my son has been with his fiancée she’s very organised and after I asked for birthday suggestions for our grandson (October birthday) I was given a list and told what I didn’t get I could use the other ideas for c!!
  8. Belated happy anniversary to you! Great health news too. Cheers!
  9. We first went in about 2021 for the football (I’m a big LFC fan) and we keep going back for all the other things! We’ve done all the Beatles stuff (including the houses owned by the NT, highly recommended. You have to book but you don’t have to be NT members) We also went to the catholic cathedral but last visit we went to the gothic Anglican cathedral which we enjoyed more, the catholic one is amazing but we had a lovely lunch in a lovely cafe at the Anglican one. We walked a long way up a hill to get to ‘Paddy’s wigwam’ and the cafe was closed for refurbishment!
  10. Thought I’d post my pics separately. It was our 36th wedding anniversary on Tuesday 19th and we had a lovely meal in an independent Italian. We also went up St John’s beacon for fabulous views and had a great river cruise which gave me a brilliant view of the Viking cruise ship in port!
  11. Morning all, ooh you’ve been busy since I’ve been away! My parents are ok as they can be but we had an A&E trip for my mum last week as she fell, cut just above her eyebrow and it wouldn’t stop bleeding. My Dad had given up driving now so we’ve been doing lots of shopping for them. We went to Liverpool for a couple of nights, my sister came up one day and managed to lock their internet banking 🙄 So I had to sort all that out. Re jabs I’ve got my flu one booked for a couple of weeks time through my work but don’t think I’m getting any others. My parents have had a message from their GP but it’s just to say they do they want them! Sorry to hear @kalos has been unwell but his post had gone!
  12. Afternoon all, very dark here, think it’s going to rain soon. We’ve had a manic couple of weeks with parent trouble and understaffed at work. John and I are off for the week now, thank goodness ☺️
  13. Have a great cruise, looking forward to hearing all about it.
  14. Hope they enjoy the cruise and you enjoy the lunch at the Harbour hotel. We had a lovely Sunday lunch there a couple of years ago.
  15. Morning all, proper misty looking Autumn looking day! Still going to be high 20’s here but it’s sopping wet in my garden at the moment, I’m delaying putting my washing out as the grass is soaked! I actually slept well once I got to sleep, I did pull the curtains in the afternoon in our bedroom which helps.
  16. Bless him, still such a worry for you all but it seems he’s on the mend. I hope he doesn’t suffer any anxiety in the future due to this.
  17. I'm one of those odd people who like tonic neat! So I take a pack of mini tonics with me now to drink in the cabin as I like cold drinks, my husband can drink coffee all day long but I can only drink so much! (I do like a gin and tonic too 😊 )
  18. I don’t know what else to add @Peanut006 about your grandson, how upsetting for you all. I hope he’s recovering well. Very hot here again but by the time I walked 35 mins home from work, leaving at 1pm I was too hot to even think about sitting in the garden. Perhaps tomorrow I’ll get a bit of time outside before I have my haircut at 11 and start work at 1pm! My day off yesterday but spent most of it at my parent’s flat! Take care all.
  19. Although we don’t live a huge distance away (Kent) I sometimes wish we had the coach option. I had one cruise with my friend and we would have liked to have used the coach but the nearest pick up point was Victoria coach station in London! A pick up point like Maidstone would have been better. Much too much faff getting there so my friend’s husband took us and mine picked us up! Mind you we do like getting off the ship early on disembarking and getting home quickly, I guess it takes a while getting home on the coach. Our first cruise we were on top deck watching the last coach passengers running on as they were late! We did wait for them though.
  20. I have a friend in Turkey at the moment, she was looking at the rain yesterday while we had hot and sunny weather! I hope the weather improves for you.
  21. Been enjoying all your photos, keep enjoying the cruise!
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