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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. Unfortunately it’s been bad for a while. I take triage calls for respiratory nurses and often they are calling us because they can’t get any joy from their GP’s.
  2. I’ve only received 2 in the post so far! Had several given to me or posted through the door but only two in the post 🤔 Mind you my card to my sister took nearly two weeks to get there!
  3. Hello all, not got time to read everything. Having more parents stress which I won’t go into. we got snow Sunday and it’s not gone, however it’s started to rain and temperatures are meant to rocket tomorrow to 12 degrees! Been wrapping some presents this morning, I’ll leave most to hubby when he gets home from work as he’s so much neater than me. Stay warm and safe all.
  4. same here but I’m not watching live 😊
  5. I had one giving examples of Caribbean excursions but there was no mention I was going on the cruise just a sort of ‘here’s what you could do if you come to the Caribbean with us’.
  6. Afternoon all, a funny ol’ day today, the sun was blinding me through the windows in the office today but when I walked home I was rained on! My night out Friday and not sleeping last week meant I finally succumbed and I’ve just woken from a little nap on the settee! 😆 I like football but do agree with Avril it’s not the same as it used to be. I’m not religiously watching all the matches but looking at the scores and having some matches on in the background. I have some programmes like Corrie and Strictly on ‘series link’ on Sky which means it records everyone . This is brilliant because it means when they’re not on at usual times they’re recorded anyway. I just have to remember to delete them regularly or my ‘box’ gets full up!
  7. I’ve had 3 missed ports - all Guernsey! 😂
  8. This is what I want to do if I visit Lanzarote again, last time we did the ‘fire mountain’ which I really enjoyed.
  9. Evening all, relatively quiet here today. I went to my work Christmas ‘do’ Friday night, had a great time, a meal and a boogie at a local hotel. Yesterday John and I went to a Christmas market at Sissinghurst castle, bit of a disappointment though. Very stressful getting in and out as only one narrow lane for both in and out traffic! John let our car get scratched a bit by the hedge but huge cars were refusing to pull over to let people through. We did have the most delicious turkey roll from a stall though. Then went to a nearby garden centre and got a few presents there!
  10. Oh no Sarah! That’s unbelievable, hope she can still enjoy her cruise. I’m not surprised she’s been told off! Mum’s are stubborn creatures, my mum has a trolley but she falls a lot. She doesn’t hep herself though - she often leaves her trolley a couple of feet from her chair and hurls herself in! Aargh!
  11. Great charities. On Ventura in 2018 they did a ‘walk the deck’ event for the Teenage Cancer Trust so they’ve been supporting them for a while.
  12. I was expecting you to respond on this thread zap 😉
  13. Ahh yes true. Unfortunately I’m looking at short cruises at the moment but something to bear in mind.
  14. We use the buffet for breakfast, don’t want to jinx it but we’ve been fine. Funnily enough the only time we’ve been on a ship with Noro was Azura but we didn’t get ill. It did make me aware of lift buttons though and ever since I’ve used my knuckle on them and things like pedestrian crossing buttons! And this was way before the dreaded c! 2015.
  15. Aww that’s awful, but like you say better than a tumour. I suffer from migraines (though not so many nowadays) and so I know how debilitating they can be.
  16. When my Mum said it was really noisy I was very surprised, didn’t expect that at all.
  17. I’ve not been in a scanner but my mum has several times. She’s a tough lady who doesn’t moan about much but she HATES the noise in there!
  18. I’m late to this thread Vamps but it all looks lovely. I do wish Iona was doing something else in the summer other than Norway as I want a sunny cruise! You’re going to find it very cold when you get home, the weather has definitely turned after our mild October.
  19. When I was Googling mine I saw about the hitting with a Bible thing - ouch! I was supposed to have two removed from my fingers but come the day of the op (local anaesthetic) one had gone so it wasn’t done! I had another one removed a year or two later but not the same finger of the disappeared one! Odd things.
  20. Morning all, personally I’m a little glad it was relatively quiet on here yesterday as I didn’t have too much to catch up on! Bit of a mad day yesterday, work was absolutely manic and it was an ‘in office’ day. I was in a bad mood when I got there after a terrible sleep then it took me an hour to log on to my computer!!! Eventually I changed desks and it worked 😳 So I was sitting like Billy no mates on a row of desks on my own - might as well been at home! Luckily it was John’s day off so he could give me a lift as it was chucking it down! I finish at 1pm so didn’t miss much of the England match (if I’d have walked I would have missed most of the first half) but I had left my distance glasses at work!! Due to my changing desks! So - I was watching the tv wearing my prescription sunglasses!!! Half time John drives me back to work to pick my glasses up! Then my hairdresser arrived to cut my hair (pre arranged!) So a rather manic day! Phew! Day off today and I’ve already done some online Christmas shopping. Saturday I didn’t find anything to spend my birthday vouchers on, typical!
  21. I had a ganglion removed from my finger a few years ago, could you look into that?
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