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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. It was Ventura too as we were sat by the windows sailing down the Fjords - so that was Ventura in 2013. And yes it was lovely.
  2. I remember when the Beach House was ‘free’ but it was Italian food when we went. It was great, much preferred that than the food they do now. There were more queues each night as word got round! They called it something like Venezia or Verona.
  3. I’ve posted on another thread that I’ve seen positive posts ‘ elsewhere’ but my post had to be ‘approved’ first before it’s posted 😳😳
  4. I know what you mean but so many of my friends have said to me ‘why on earth did they go out in that weather!’ Only that day I was talking to a patient on the phone and he was cancelling his appointment as he was ‘ 80 and wasn’t setting foot out the door in this weather!! ‘ I wanted to ask him to have a word with my parents!
  5. While I’m here this morning I’ll just elaborate on my post from a couple of weeks ago about my parents. They weren’t ill this time but had a crash in their car!! I was so cross with them though as they had been to visit my Aunt in Folkestone which is an hour away and it happened two days after all the snow arrived! As you can imagine I hadn’t wanted them to go but my mum is so stubborn and my Dad just tends to go along with whatever she wants. luckily they were near home when it happened. My mum phoned me ‘we’ve had a crash and Dad chest hurts’ This was about 6pm. At about 7pm they arrived at our local hospital, taken there ‘as a precaution’ and they didn’t get home until nearly 2am! They still haven’t had their possessions from inside the car returned to them yet including my mum’s disability badge and my dad’s walking sticks! EDIT - my Dad’s chest hurt because of the air bag going off but as he’s under the care of the Heart Failure nurses you can see why I was alarmed!
  6. On the subject of post I finally had 6 more Christmas card’s yesterday- most had no franking on but one was stamped the 14th December, it’s an hour away by car it was posted from!! I had my sister’s card and John’s brother’s and one of my oldest friends. Just one more old friend to go and I’ll be happy!
  7. Hello Jane! So pleased to hear from you, I was only thinking about you the other day ☺️ I often only pop in once a week now as life gets in the way but I’m so glad I choose today to do so! I’m booked on Britannia in October but sadly will almost definitely be cancelling it. Look forward to hearing from you more this year, take care x
  8. I had inside cabins at first as that’s all we could afford, they were fine. The last two cruises I’ve been on have been balconies, absolutely loved them. Love watching the sea and it’s nice having that personal space especially if up on deck it’s really busy. We often spend the last couple of hours before dinner chilling in the cabin so it’s obviously nicer to do with the balcony. I would say you don’t know how nice a balcony is until you have one. I would have an inside cabin again if price dictated it but I find I spent more time in my cabin if I have a balcony. On our first cruise it wasn’t great weather one day. We spent about an hour in our inside cabin after being onshore then went up to top deck. Found it was now sunny and warm so had to go back to the cabin to get the sun cream etc and then go back out again! Just little things like that are easier.
  9. I say Madeira (Funchal) too, are we right?
  10. Morning all, very quiet here. Only 1 Christmas card received here yesterday, still haven’t got my sisters or 3 very good friends as well as others 😔 Didn’t work yesterday as I’m on the late shift today and I thought I’d save my voice for today because it causes problems if I don’t work as they have to draft someone in at late notice. One thing I did get in the post yesterday was this from P&O 🙄
  11. I’ve seen these ‘cheap’ prices, go and look and it’s not a select price of course. By the time I add on the premium so I can choose my cabin the price isn’t much different to what I normally pay. I agree the 14 night ones in January seem good value but that’s not a time husband and I can get off work.
  12. My problem is I’m on the phone all the time in this job! In my old job I could do other things than be on the phone, we will see what I’m like tomorrow.
  13. Thankyou, yes I’m a lowly Atlantic 😁
  14. Morning all, we had the usual madness at our son’s on Christmas Day with a very excited 4 year old! Then yesterday we had my parents over for our traditional Boxing Day meal which was cold chicken and ham, mashed potatoes and various pickles and a very nice chutney. We then watched Liverpool on Amazon, luckily I can get it on my tv now. My mum didn’t like that Liverpool were wearing green as she struggled to see them against the grass 😆 John is back to work today, I should be tomorrow but I’ve lost my voice today 😱 so not sure I’ll make it! I had a sore throat Christmas Eve then through sheer force of will was ok the next two days - but now this 😳
  15. Happy Christmas one and all. We’re off to our son’s late morning and grandson is beyond exited! Mum and Dad are coming too. Enjoy whatever you’re doing x
  16. What level do you have to be to get a calendar? I’ve never had one. I do get the Moments magazine though. Ventura’s captains don’t go very far forward though, I’m going in June and it only goes up to March!
  17. Oh and on the subject of Christmas post, I’ve had 4 cards in the post! 4! My card holder is looking very bare. I sent mine early this year, I’ve found out it took two weeks for them to get to people! I’ve got several by hand or posted through the door but I should have about 15 ish more 🤷‍♀️
  18. Morning all, just having a quick catch up with you all. I feel like I’m starting a cold but I’m willing myself to be well for tomorrow. People at my work have got a really nasty cold/flu so I really hope I haven’t got that. My mum had promised she’s not going out today so I hope we can all enjoy the day at our son’s tomorrow. Our grandson is beyond excited! @DamianGI’m so sorry for your loss, sounds like you did him proud.Your son looks really grown up. Hope everyone has an enjoyable day tomorrow spent how you want to. 🥂 🎄 🎅 xx
  19. Unfortunately it’s been bad for a while. I take triage calls for respiratory nurses and often they are calling us because they can’t get any joy from their GP’s.
  20. I’ve only received 2 in the post so far! Had several given to me or posted through the door but only two in the post 🤔 Mind you my card to my sister took nearly two weeks to get there!
  21. Hello all, not got time to read everything. Having more parents stress which I won’t go into. we got snow Sunday and it’s not gone, however it’s started to rain and temperatures are meant to rocket tomorrow to 12 degrees! Been wrapping some presents this morning, I’ll leave most to hubby when he gets home from work as he’s so much neater than me. Stay warm and safe all.
  22. same here but I’m not watching live 😊
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