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Everything posted by P&O SUE

  1. Thanks for the balanced review Andrew. Been wanting to try Aurora for a while, love the tiered aft on Oriana. Not sure if we’ll manage it now before she leaves the fleet.
  2. I agree, and with my parents needing our help more and more I’m even nervous booking one night anywhere at the moment! I’ll enjoy looking though as I have a special birthday in November 2024.
  3. It’s not all small plates, there were main dishes too. Hubby didn’t have tapas, it’s better when we both do because we can share! You can get carried away and order too much but he has calmed down now 😀 How lovely about your old house! I would love to be so close to the sea!
  4. I’ve just booked my Mum and Dad in for their covid boosters, for the Medway people I’ve booked them into the Chatham Boots. To my surprise I got a text today from my GP to book one but it was for strange places, I don’t ‘know’ any of them, I’ve clicked the link but it’s coming up no appointments at all of the ones offered 🙄 I’ve booked my flu job at my work for a couple of weeks time so that’s one done! We did a couple of errands for my parents this morning and then went to Bluewater. I’m shattered now! Back to work tomorrow after three days off.
  5. Yes I was worried they would fall off but clever hubby told me they were fixed!
  6. Monday was mostly spent watching the funeral. Like many of you I found it incredibly moving. Nobody does pomp like us! My heart was in my mouth when the pall bearers took the coffin up the steps at Windsor. The lone piper walking away at Windsor really got me. In between London and Windsor we nipped out for a walk at Minster on the Isle of Sheppy . The roads were lovely and quiet but there were lots of people out at Minster.
  7. Morning all, celebrated our wedding anniversary a day early (anniversary was the 19th) by going for a tapas meal in Rochester on Sunday. Well I had tapas, John had paella. My sister and brother in law came up and took my parents out to lunch and then we went to see them all after. Note the flag at half mast at the castle.
  8. I haven’t been on Iona but I think those window seats look great! Go to the site with Y and T in the name, some videos there.
  9. So sad. We’d just got home after visiting and it was very busy on the roads and took a while, just as we got home Dad phoned to say he could go! He said leave it a while as his meds weren’t ready. An hour later we were just going to go when the sister on his ward said ‘are you coming to collect him or do I have to arrange an ambulance ‘ 😡 So they were going to send him out anyway! My friend works on the reception desk at the hospital and said they often pay for taxis to send the meds home as they aren’t ready on time, what a great use of NHS money!
  10. Thank you, I think Monday will be a very strange day so we’ve booked a table for lunch on Sunday.
  11. On the subject of travel problems I’ve heard of lots lately. One friend had to get a train to Edinburgh instead of a plane as her flight was cancelled. Another friend was waiting to check in at Eurostar in London to go to the South of France when they got a text telling them their train back was cancelled! So they spent a lot of their holiday online trying to sort out the return trip! Finally another friend was delayed by 4 days coming home from Turkey last week so she lost two days pay from her job!! Luckily her daughter lives there so she had somewhere to stay!
  12. Morning all, so much to catch up on! Dad was suddenly released from hospital lateish on Monday but I didn’t post as he went straight back last time! I tried to argue but no care package was given! He’s definitely better than he was last time but he was regressing a bit in hospital. They’ve gone back to their flat as it’s all ground floor and they’re coping ok. I’ve cancelled our couple of nights to Portsmouth we were due to go on tomorrow to celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary on Monday!! Glad I have cancelled now as I’m not sure we would have found a restaurant open Monday. On the subject of jabs, thanks for reminding me as my Mum had a text about it and we were waiting for my Dad to come out before we booked them and we haven’t done it yet!
  13. Bit late to the party but have a great cruise!
  14. Thank you. Mum and I are watching, it’s so quiet each town they go through.
  15. I did laugh when we got the shuttle bus, how close it was! However all the HoHo buses and a tram were in the square it dropped us off at. When we were wondering about later in the day we turned a corner and the ship was right in front of us!
  16. This year they did a 4 night cruise up to Mull with no stops, saw a video on YouTube, looked lovely. (I have actually holidayed on Mull as a child)
  17. La Rochelle is lovely! We went on our first cruise there and went round two of the old towers on the city walls and had lovely crepes sitting by the harbour. A couple of years ago we went again and this time we went on an excursion to Ile de Re as it seemed the best way to get there. It was lovely but they didn’t give us enough time at the places we wanted to linger!
  18. Morning all, week 4 of my mum staying with us begins! Every day is Groundhog Day, working in my spare bedroom in the morning, up the hospital in the afternoon. I’m having a battle as the hospital don’t seem to think my Dad needs a care package when he comes out but we need it for my mum as he is her official carer. Very sad news about the Queen, the funeral is on my wedding anniversary! Won’t be much celebrating going on this year! I’ve booked 3 days off and John’s got the whole week off. Dad’s BP is too low at the moment or they would let him out.He’s much more like his normal self now, hope he can come home soon, hospital visits are very draining. Poor John sits in the car or the hospital cafe as only two visitors allowed in.
  19. Hi all, sorry not been able to read all I’ve missed but wanted to check in. My Dad was taken into hospital last Saturday night due to bad stomach pains although the ambulance people were more concerned about his racing heart. It turned out to be an inflamed gall bladder. (GP on telephone consultation prescribed IBS medication 🙄) So a week of looking after my mum at our house as she’s very unsteady and trooping up to the hospital every afternoon.He came home Friday but he’s so unsteady and really struggles to walk. I say home but he’s come here initially for a couple of days. This morning his heart was really racing so I called an ambulance and he’s been taken in again. Mum and I are sitting here waiting for news and John’s at work. No idea what will happen now.
  20. I wish we had a 😱 reaction to posts! Shocking if it was arson.
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