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Everything posted by spinnaker2

  1. This morning when we arrived we were the only cruise ship. A glorious beginning to the day on the Dawn.
  2. Don't think that's a swim lane. Netting on the pool due to weather. I think that is the side of the pool where one may languish.in a few inches of water and look like a merpax. No books were used yesterday due to rain. Formal night last night. Some guests approached maitre d in la t.and were told to get jacket, one man said I don't have one. His wife said she doesn't have any dressy clothes either, moreover no reservations in the restaurant. No matter the maitre d went and found a jacket and a table for the couple. Another man approached wearing a fleece pullover. A jacket found for him. Some crew wearing masks. Internet still at molasses speed. Will inquire about starlink which I oppose on other grounds. A rocky night with driving rain which looked like snow. We have arrived at Funchal, dawn on the horizon and the hills all twinkly with lights. Early en suite breakfast as we try for an excursion. It seems rain has abated. Spins un dervished.
  3. The lounge chairs are out now even though the deck is wet from the rain we had last evening. The chairs are still bookless, although most certainly the books that serve as chair reservation spots in lieu of pax will be placed there soon. Sun trying it's best to warm us up.
  4. Stumble I passed your message to jolly last evening. It made her smile. Yes the Arts is designed well. New old pax have come aboard. Some carrying large shopping bags with chic labels, perhaps indicative of where they spent the day before coming aboard. Shopping may have been a better choice for some than seeing the sights, and of course helpful for the economy. Others looking slightly bedraggled and dragging the carry-ons. Reminiscent of how we looked some days ago. It is just really cold and overcast. it's warm inside the Dawn. Looking forward to a new day!
  5. Bunkering at the moment. Coldest its been. Some pax unable to get to cabins until 4. Its Dr. Spins 85 birthday today. Terry, we are able to follow some sports. Thanks all for the good wishes.
  6. I should perhaps, put a disclaimer on most of my postings. I rely on what I am told, but nothing is written in stone. The rain chased away most of the sun bathers, only a few hardy souls out at the pool deck for lunch. it has now stopped raining but it is really damp and cold. We are crawling along in terms of knots.
  7. A long title, but I can not think of anything clever, perhaps because I have been aboard since November 27th, and lulled into the relaxed mentality of Silversea. Today is the first day we made it to breakfast in La T. We have been sleeping in, and getting to the Arts around 10:30 where Glenn anticipates our order of fortified coffee. I have challenged the patience of the OP on the live Dawn thread, hence this new one. Tomorrow is changeover day, and there is already a palpable sense of tension amongst many of the passengers.The dreaded packing. Looking through every drawer to make certain all is retrieved and placed in the suitcases. Today is a sea day, the sun is out and the pool deck loungers are rapidly filling up with sun worshippers. It is chilly, but no matter, time to absorb all the rays. Walkers enjoying the track, some ambling, others bouncing a la energizer bunny. Rumor has it that there is a pool deck buffet accompanied by music from the trio, or vice versa.
  8. Just a wet, dreary day, chilly, gloomy, and nap inducing.
  9. Before most were awake we waited for the pilot boat. The rock looked a bit eerie.
  10. Chilly but calm day sea day IMG_1115.MOV IMG_1115.MOV
  11. Meant to post we have had a lovely time visiting with Jolly. Its been so long since we have seen each other. A wonderful person.
  12. Chilly weather. Sun! quiet seas. sea day. 140 pax came aboard in Barcelona. Ship full. no early boarding. exceptional crew.
  13. Tonight in Barcelona 44 degrees F. That is expedition weather.
  14. Jolly, boarding the 27th if all goes as planned. Leaving chaos in my wake. Sorry to hijack this thread.
  15. Well a few smiles from me already… First to the lady asking for the leftovers to be wrapped up ( hope in the shape of an aluminum foil swan to match your towel art). Lady, you should know that refrig in your suite doesn’t keep food properly cold, which is why pax are discouraged from taking food to go. I suppose pizza can be left at room temp and won’t spoil that quickly, again, memories of some days or nights in college when leftover pizza was maybe left OUT pizza. I didn’t get sick or die. I may have experienced some issues, but not sure it was from the pizza. I left packing for the last minute, so I may have as much luggage as the Stumble fam, if the plane lets me board. I did add a lot of denim( or should i say dungarees?)since we aren’t precluded from wearing them in La Dame, or anywhere! I am excited to be aboard again, and see lovely people like Jolly. Hoping I can sit in at triv, I promise i wont play. See you soonest Jolly!!!! Stumbles, I will leave the return to luxury comment alone. VERY VERY hard for me to do. Finally a question. Because I still have time before my flight across the pond, and I can add another suitcase, do i need a parka or is there one provided for me? This is an expedition cruise right?
  16. Regarding the nasal spray. Is it accepted if so by whom? A governmental agency? The FDA? A single study? Or is the efficacy anecdotal?
  17. I am reading this thread and I can’t fathom why and how a single cigar smoking person is holding the ship hostage with fumes. Is the HD so impotent that they can not get this offensive behavior stopped, or is the cigar person too powerful in the Silversea hierarchy? It really boggles the mind.
  18. Ok, no lusting after lustre. i think the lustre voyages are on a different line… maybe not. But that would be reason for a glow in some circumstances.
  19. Just a brief comment that I have learned much through reading all of the commentary/posts! Maybe Silversea could use a bit of polish to restore its brilliant shine. Or, as some feel, there is no tarnish whatsoever. We will be aboard in a month or so and weigh in.
  20. Are the photos from the silver note? For me those plates are a distraction… like the hat plate they use for salad at the grill. Reminds me of a sombrero… thanks for posting, what was the food???
  21. Paolo aboard!!! Wow, one of the very best!
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