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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. Travelling from the U.K. via Eurostar an experience we’ve done many times although it’s changed a little since covid- just not quite so good. Arrived at Gare du Nord, note to self must take more notice of ‘the man in seat 62’, when travelling from the U.K. a higher number carriage to Paris is preferable to a lower if you don’t want a - really really long walk to the con-course. But Scenic does it again there was our greeter (sorry for the American expression) I must admit she was surprised to see us but not phased in any way and immediately phoned a driver who arrived in double quick time considering Paris traffic (Jazz your right about the Scenic drivers) so off we sent to Scenic Gem, whoopee we’re on holiday. (Traveled by beautiful Mercedes limousine, my man talking technical with the driver all the way, okay so it was his car of choice when gainfully! employed) Okay after umpteen Scenic cruises as we arrived on board we’re home. Super reception staff, lovely butler, welcome glass of fizz, what more could you want. Then things went just a bit down hill when we were sitting in the lounge we were approached by a seemingly lovely couple (they were), but they both had nasty bugs, we were assured not the dreaded C but more of a flue thing. Needless to say Muggins caught it ( what a prat) with my heart condition I’m not in the best position to fight off these things and I understand that I’m putting myself in the way of infection, but hey ho what will be will be. It meant I could not do a lot of the excursions but I can surprisingly enough give some insights into cruising on Scenic in particular you would not normally get. More to follow.
  2. A bridge over the Kennet &Avon Canal in Bath has on its arch when travelling west the head of Sabrina goddess of the river Severn, which you eventually reach, on the opposite arch when travelling east the head of Old Father Thames, so these deities were still being revered 300 years ago.
  3. Translated from the Celtic the Rhine means ‘raging river’ so I’d just go with the flow.
  4. Vessels just got out of position both Jewel & Jade were refurbished in 2019.
  5. Here is a nice big ✔️ and well done nice decision making, now all you need to do is look forward to and enjoy.
  6. I’m not to sure but I was lead to believe that port charges are add on’s for some companies.
  7. It works if you enter ‘Vega de Terron’ Pier, it’s at the full extent of the Douro where you leave the Scenic Azure for Salamanca. So if I’m reading this correctly Farang is going one way returning from Vega de Terron to Porto. The time spent in Salamanca (any is never wasted) depends on what time you leave Madrid (another must see Spanish city). Enjoy.
  8. You can download the Scenic app before you go then your really ready when you get on board, get a step ahead.
  9. You don’t need to with the Scenic App download whilst on board using the Scenic Wi-Fi then grab the town tours using the on board Wi-Fi again.
  10. When you’re on board and you’ve downloaded the Scenic app you will have the opportunity to download the different town maps you’ll be travelling through. Very useful when on guided tours or going off on your own.
  11. I’ve never seen an actual list but every morning on our last cruise they had a stretching class and I know they offered Pilates and yoga. If they had offered Tia Chi I just might have had a go. I believe it could change throughout the fleet depending on the fitness expert on board, not all are qualified in all disciplines. There is a walking track on the top deck for use between 8am & 8pm and even on Scenic Gem a small gymnasium. Talk to the reception crew they will have all the details of what is available or bend the ear of your butler who will be able to find out what’s on offer.
  12. Not brilliant I know but one of these was always put up in reception each morning just an idea.
  13. Kristelle would you believe it all the so called paperwork (which I always collected avidly) is now on the Scenic app so unless you managed to wrangle a paper copy (heaven forbid) it disappears. Don’t worry it enables the Cruise Director to nip & tuck, for instance something extra is happening at your next stop - he/she gets the Captain to put the peddle to the metal so you get just a little extra piece of local interest. If you want a wheelhouse tour ask for a slot at reception or in passing ask the Captain, after all you’re cruising with Scenic. Enjoy!
  14. Look at CroisiEurope they have barge cruises. We did our own last year but self drive really good fun.
  15. Naughty naughty, ohh you’ve discovered GT o’clock, (originally G & it o’clock) shhhhh this is a closely guarded secret, where do you think we all disappear to around that time although in my case it’s V & T, Gin does not agree with me.
  16. You actually may just be okay but not for all of them I tried to copy the events list but failed. If you search Christmas Markets and the year it will give you an idea. From a quick look the 23rd may be okay for some but not all. Sorry archivist here - research - research and you’ve guessed it research again.
  17. Interesting as Captains tend to be quite precious about their vessels so usually prefer their own crews but then they must get to know the local crews as well. For instance note the checking around the vessel that goes on after - each joined up mooring.
  18. Just read the wonderful news that older Brits can now back pack through Aus and they've made it easier for their super youngsters to come here to work, all I can say is yippee.
  19. Tags still show they are in Paris we’re off at silly o’clock in the morning (I’d rather live in the wilds of Wiltshire than nearer to the wonderful city of my birth) the train awaits, hopefully Paris has calmed down a tad. Not one of my favourite cities but I’ve driven, through, over, and round it many times it is beautiful - but. I will try to update as we go any questions just ask.
  20. It’s such a pity, many moons ago whilst on a memorable trip to New Orleans we went on a paddle wheeler day trip ‘wonderful’ (there’s a story to that as well) and promised ourselves at the time that we would return for a full cruise. Well family, world affairs and Covid got in the way of that so hopefully it will be sorted before I age out.
  21. Even the various foyers are interesting the art be it on the wall static or all encompassing but most I’m afraid to say tend to scuttle through head down looking neither to the left or right, I wonder why?
  22. Very interesting I think it was fairly obvious that there were several companies getting their ducks in a row for a move like this, now it will be interesting to see how the people at the bottom of the tree are treated, it could be the saving grace of the new owners, fingers crossed 🤞
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