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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. I’d do all again but because of the time of year I wouldn’t go to Cesky Krumlov it’s really interesting but you did say no excursions and it is a bit of a distance. If pushed I’d say the reverse. I really like Durnstein compact and bijou they announce the local births on a board outside the town offices so sweet the board of course has a stork on it. Plus what town can boast a castle that held an English King hostage who was found by his troubadour Blondel. Whichever you decide you’ll enjoy and all those Christmas goodies.
  2. Must admit after covid we have increasing staff issues, I won’t go further into that as it can get really political. Let’s just say that some industries attract wonderfully amazing staff and some don’t but when you look a bit more closely in many cases the management is ********************.
  3. In this instance I applaud the United States and their regulations and Viking must have known these were in place. Yes a challenging situation it will be interesting to see if they can work well with the system hopefully they will be able to because then other companies will be encouraged to get involved, competition competition competition.
  4. Such a pity as you would have thought that Viking would have really pulled out all the big guns especially for the American market.
  5. Super Notamermaid especially interesting for DH it’s his Birthday on 1st July but he’s not quite up with them yet. 😝
  6. Maybe they’ve ditched on-board water and are just topping up a little when required, it’s about the easiest way to lighten a ship. To make it ride higher in the water.
  7. For anyone wanting to Seine cruise next it’s the 80th Anniversary of D Day as well.
  8. Sailed with Scenic never with Viking but everyone on board wanted to go to the Bordeaux area, some even to sample the wine some your age or there about’s and some older you’ll could be just a tad surprised at the stamina of your fellow but older travellers. It’s a beautiful part of the world you’ll enjoy it, the bonus the food is superb. Whoever you decide to travel with enjoy.
  9. Similar here not to special on my pins these days a handy DH is extremely useful in such cases.
  10. As Pontac pointed out earlier it’s all do do with ship design and layout. We first thought about security but I expect you’ve noticed how quickly the crew get to know their customers I’m pretty sure a stranger wouldn’t last long just wondering around.
  11. Curious you’d think they would want to sell their product. Just working out where the challenges are in Paris at the moment due to arrive there lunch time Saturday.
  12. Sometimes this getting cosy is only because the boat on the inside is late leaving or the one on the outside is early arriving. DH reminded me that once walking through next doors reception the staff were definitely iffy about our presence, couldn’t have looked further down their collective noses if they’d tried. So my aforesaid DH asked the obvious ‘I’m in charge’ if it would be possible for them to show us their lounge, bar and if possible restaurant as we could then consider them for a future cruise. He was answered with a resounding no, no explanation at all needless to say we were all not impressed nor was he, as a marketing man he does know how to work a room so he was not impressed. What an opportunity to miss! Never mind on our return they’d gone, actually never to be seen again. Only twice in our river cruising experience has another crew been ‘off’ this one and once moored behind a different brand and they were (the hotel crew not maritime) really objectionable, you really do not see this on the rivers.
  13. There is an American on line magazine type thing I’m sure loads of you know who I mean does escorted French barge cruises - well he has produced a useful comparison list I’m not to sure if it’s against regulations to name it. Well I’ll try River Cruise Adviser - comparisons. I will risk a slapped wrist.
  14. There was a Sound of Music excursion on one of cruises and I passed on that one. Tags showing both suitcases are now in Paris for some reason they’ve even been to Belgium.
  15. Ohh I like that to mountain and to valley your right so very literal.
  16. Just a snippet to add to the water level discussion an expression used by the old boatmen in England when water levels were a tad low - the bottoms coming up to meet the top - I suspect used by boatmen world wide maybe varied slightly and in different languages but used enough to be mentioned in old writings about the ‘cut’.
  17. For a start in canal parlance U.K. style it’s ‘breasting up’ in my cruising since 2011 we’ve breasted up a handful of times, never overnight and usually during an excursion. Twice we’ve shared a glass with our neighbours and each had a sneaky peak at each others cabin, interesting - AMA & Uniworld - in one case our butler was gobsmacked at what we were doing but brought our four as requested cocktails no problem (points to Scenic there). On another we’re on the sun deck and on our neighbouring boat a guy was doing Tai Chi so, I mean you’ve got to ask haven’t you and an impromptu lesson ensued I’m sure it was an American who said if your handed peanuts eat them.
  18. On the Scenic website U.K. they quote - 10 to 228 and will work with you to sort it out. So it’s more than likely similar in the USA.
  19. Now now is that the kind of question to ask an Englishman? 🤔
  20. Going through the countries who are signatories to the Schengen Agreement no problem. It’s going in and out when the challenges start. Whenever you’re travelling themaninseat61 is absolutely required reading.
  21. Could be another fact to add to the does and don’ts list for cruiser researchers.
  22. It wasn’t required reading in our school but Anne’s story was included in the history of religion across Europe. When the sound of music was released I was earning my pocket money to afford my scooter, as an usherette in the the Odeon North End Portsmouth and had to go home after the half way intermission, to this day I have never seen the second half the first half was quite enough, thank you.
  23. TikiIslandGirl ask your TA if they are or have the capability of working with European or U.K. travel organisation Eurostar bookings are fairly straightforward for anyone but if your wanting to link up with other i.e situations you may need an on the ball TA w ho thinks outside the box. Good luck
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