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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. Scenic don’t give you cash for lunch but either provide it or you can request a picnic, we’ve do it and it’s excellent.
  2. We’ve got you all beat as ours actually exist, you must have seen or heard of them. The best one who sad to say never actually got elected was ‘Screaming Lord Such’ but he did head up an actual political party. Some would say Boris but I have a sneaking regard for him as at least no one could beat his enthusiasm.
  3. DH reminded me we went through the same thing again two years later, return to the States enfamalie (no regrets there) again first thing to purchase - hairdryer, this one we donated to our last motel, the staff said it would be useful as they didn’t supply them and it was the most forgotten item. You couldn’t do that now, too many regulations on electrical appliances.
  4. I once negotiated with the attendant in the first, ladies convenience I went into, she had a dish that she used for her tips so we agreed and I swapped her change for my notes and she got a larger tip. I hadn’t even thought about change as you don’t need cash on Scenic. Although I believe at least one cruise company pays for you to use these facilities.
  5. All these different voltages sockets & plugs I knew there was a reason, slightly increased sales. You nudged my memory on our first US trip plus daughters we had to buy a hairdryer, three girls long hair pool every day (every motel had to have a pool) DH being folicaly challenged wasn’t worried, we gave the hairdryer to the very accommodating pool guy at our last hotel.
  6. Or of course from the other way and start at Amsterdam or a slightly smaller city Nuremberg.
  7. Yes I suppose we are so used to Dyson products we just accept them. Their development facility is really not that far from us and James D is quite often stirring things up especially when he is still pushing for expansion in the Bath area.
  8. Quaint and boutique are expressions I steer well clear of when choosing hotels, oh and ‘your home away from home’. If I’m only staying a day or two on route I’d choose one of the big companies you know you’ll get a good okay maybe basic product, clean and comfortable. It’s can get just a bit spooky rocking up to a crumbling old Manor House straight out of Agatha Christi last thing at night! We stayed the night in the Ibis in St Omar France what a surprise Centre of town as good if not better that a lot of your so called nearly high end offerings.
  9. Scenic have nothing in their small print apart from all ships i.e. cabins have hairdryers and are 220v. email Uniworld and ask there are only two answers!
  10. CPT I’ve lost count of the many miles I’ve navigated around the USA using that little map you get from the car hire company. Way before GPS of course and enjoyed every minute well almost.
  11. Notamermaid Luxembourg has the money to invest we went there on an excursion with Scenic you can smell the money! Interesting place an airport with virtually no passengers, it’s for cargo as a tax dodge. Every high end store you can think of and when we were there a few years ago the EU were shmoosing the Egyptian President police cars racing everywhere regardless of any other humans in the way. Not impressed.
  12. Okay what’s that going to cost me just to try, not forgetting the travel expenses!
  13. We have in our archive a 1760 book it’s a treatise on how to build a canal translated from the French the plates at the back are completely Heath Robinson so will try to scan as if you see anything similar along the rivers of Europe, you’ll know, yes design has changed but you can usually tell where the original idea originated from. Archimedes invented the screw we have few on display that are now about 200 years old but modern ones working in exactly the same way are still in use. What a brain that man had!
  14. I notice that SijFa is a Dutch company which explains why they may have taken up the idea, they, the Dutch, are very keen on inclusivity. The Milenial idea was doomed from the start it looked like it was instigated by someone straight out of uni to begin with, I mean Millennial not U and the marketing or coloured pencil brigade at Uniworld got sucked in.
  15. Crikey can’t get my years correct this time 2020 not 1 we were in Bass Lake California one of my most favourite places in the world and the weather was superb, just right today evidently it’s snowing.
  16. We toured a cider farm sat on the contraption being towed by the tractor whilst we were inside tasting their excellent product it started to rain this I spied through the window, nor a sight you see often. On Scenic Gem 2014
  17. Evidently it snowed in LA this past week as well. We were there this time of year in 2021 and it was very warm.
  18. Haven’t got the brain in tune properly yet but first impression - what an ugly bow!
  19. Are the strip, streaky, back, Canadian smoked or plain?
  20. Yup very useful if you’ve traveled across the pond or the world but not quite so much for us from the U.K. unless we are doing a back to back or pre/post cruise tour. Although 50€ won’t go far. Maybe there’s something in the melting pot as they have hinted at other changes especially with the loyalty programme.
  21. Have you tried donuts filled with chocolate? CPT or Sandwich itself!
  22. It’s one bag per cabin of what is supposed to be 1kg but I’m pretty sure they’re not weighed, well ours certainly wasn’t it must have been well over during our last cruise. It’s one bag per cabin per cruise.
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