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Everything posted by Ourusualbeach

  1. Just heard that the cruise lines are meeting tomorrow morning. Looks like they may be trying to a consensus on how to proceed.
  2. I just need to avoid my daughter for the next 3 weeks. She was the one who gave us Covid for a Christmas gift and gave us all a cold from the Ovation last week....at least hoping its a cold, we've tested for the last 3 days and still negative.
  3. The CDC has said that as of today it is up to the cruise lines to decide on protocols. My guess is that it will take them a few days or more to make an announcement about what the new protocols will be
  4. I do not believe that the cruise lines will completely stop everything. Maybe I'm wrong but that's just my opinion.
  5. .Over the past two years, CDC has worked closely with the cruise industry, state, territorial, and local health authorities, and federal and seaport partners to provide a safer and healthier environment for cruise passengers and crew. CDC has determined that the cruise industry has access to the necessary tools (e.g., cruise-specific recommendations and guidance, vaccinations, testing instruments, treatment modalities, and non-pharmaceutical interventions) to prevent and mitigate COVID-19 on board. Therefore, CDC’s COVID-19 Program for Cruise Ships is no longer in effect as of today. Going forward, CDC will continue to publish cruise-specific guidance so cruise ships can continue to provide a safer and healthier environment for crew, passengers, and communities. Individual cruise lines will determine their own specific COVID-19-related requirements for cruise travel, as well as safety measures and protocols for passengers traveling on board based on CDC recommendations for reducing the risk of COVID-19. Cruise travelers should contact their cruise line directly for more information regarding the protocols and procedures for COVID-19 safety, which may vary among cruise lines. While cruising poses some risk of COVID-19 transmission, travelers can make their own risk assessment when choosing to cruise, much like they do in other settings. CDC continues to recommend that cruise travelers remain up to date with their COVID-19 vaccines and get tested for COVID-19 before and after they travel, and after any known exposure to a person with COVID-19. CDC also continues to recommend mask wearing in indoor travel settings.
  6. Out of the half dozen clients that I have had to cancel at the last minute because of Covid I have been asked once to provide proof.
  7. The dining staff in the MDR and restaurants will do a good job about asking about allergies but I have never heard a bartender ask. My wife has a dairy allergy and it is noted on the reservation but the bartenders or coffee servers rarely pick it up. I would be extremely cautious at any bar, buffet as well as all the snack food places.
  8. Were you comparing the exact same category. Within even a balcony stateroom there can be 8 different categories, easy to not be comparing apples to apples.
  9. Add my favorite Portside BBQ to the list that is open.
  10. I doubt there is any policy that would cover a known situation. The only policy that would have covered it would have been one that included CFAR which is too late to purchase now.
  11. Yes he did but that was pre Covid. Covid changed their entire pricing strategy.
  12. Haven't heard anything. They may or they may rework the schedule for BR
  13. Make sure that you get those waters before midnight as they could then count against the next days drinks if you order after midnight.
  14. You will have to show his vaccine records at embarkation and he will be treated as vaccinated
  15. Unfortunately that is unlikely as all the ships are deployed elsewhere
  16. There are no longer physical coupons, they are loaded onto your seapass cards
  17. I got a call from Royal a few weeks ago asking me if my client would agree to be moved as they wanted her room for someone looking to do a B4B and keep the same cabin for all 4 legs. At first they tries to tell me that going from a 2D to a 1D was an upgrade but we ended up moving to another 2D just 2 doors away and getting $100 in OBC for moving. First I have ever heard of them asking someone to move to accommodate a consecutive cruiser
  18. The 50% off coupon is for a glass of wine or beer not a bottle Diamond get one coupon and D+ get 2 coupons
  19. I think you are referring to the going, going gone flyer that came out. That has not been updated in a long time. Best just to check the website as deals can happen at any time. There have been some great ones for sailings a year out while others have been 30 days or less
  20. Thsts what I thought as well prior to this but we didn't have a glacier stop. To be dair, I gid not check any of tjevtomes on the last sea day do they may have been less.
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