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Everything posted by d9704011

  1. Didn't know that. I'm one of the fortunate souls who hasn't had much opportunity to look into that. I wonder whether Canadian air carriers do it? Getting much of anything out of them for flight disruption, cancellation, delay etc.... can be a bit of a chore!
  2. Sure. Maybe the airlines can stop charging for checked luggage and passengers can cough up a few bucks at their destination depending upon what shows up on the baggage carousel.
  3. Well, that's a pretty laid back view of things. For me, I'd be a little upset to arrive at me destination sans luggage no matter how smooth the trip was.
  4. What is the scary thing to you? The virus or the hysteria? Now I don't know whether you think the virus concern is what people may be considering when deciding what to do or the hysteria has taken over and tainted rational decision-making.
  5. I think it would be easier for me (Canadian) to visit Australia and NZ without having to apply and pay for an electronic travel authorization. I don't have to do it to go to the US or most European countries (at least for now) and really don't see how it would make things any easier for me or US and European authorities to ensure I'm an acceptable visitor by imposing another fee on me. Frankly, I see the proliferation of all these electronic travel authorizations as a knock-on, reciprocity-like cash grab by countries thinly disguised as law and security enforcement measures.
  6. OK. Electronic travel authorities are a means to pre-screen citizens desiring to enter a country under a VWP to ensure they are eligible to enter (under the applicable VWP) and admissible (i.e. they don't pose a law enforcement or security risk).
  7. I never said anything about 'their rules', I only wanted to know why things did not make sense to you. Let me take a stab at why NCL, in their wisdom, changed their protocols. They aren't overly interested in whether passengers may or may not be displaying symptoms, they are more interested in making it easier for people to book and pay for cruises. By abandoning the fully vaccinated requirement this opens things up. Now, vaccinated people may or may not self-assess their fitness to embark the ship and may or may not be entirely honest with themselves and others about whether they should be on the cruise and that's a risk NCL and, apparently, all the passengers will have to assess themselves. The unvaccinated are still required to test beforehand and, I expect, that requirement will soon fall by the wayside if the new protocol works out OK... if it doesn't we'll just have to see what comes out of that.
  8. Huh....that one-way to Hawaii would have been good to know. Have a great trip.
  9. Yeah, I know how you feel about this. Unfortunately, it will probably still be a case-by-case assessment for the next little while.
  10. Doing it yourself at the hotel is my suggestion. The connection will be fine; security for entering your info into ArriveCan for pre-embarkation will be adequate.
  11. Australian ETAs and New Zealand NZeTAs are not visas; just like USA ESTAs and Canada eTAs are not visas.
  12. I think there has to be some assessment on 'how sick are you?' and the ship's ability to treat vs a shore facility's.
  13. The scanning at the muster station needs to be done prior to departure?
  14. I'll stick with 'disembark'; 'debark' makes me feel as thogh I ought to be at the spa getting some kind of aggressive skin exfoliation treatment.
  15. Yes. And it doesn't matter which air carrier you use coming to Canada.
  16. I think I temporarily lost my mind. Need a pre-embarkation test but no need for ArriveCan if leaving Canada.
  17. I see on another thread that some CC members are having difficulty loading/using a recently updated version of the RCI app.
  18. If you are embarking in Vancouver and leaving Canada (no other planned stops in Canada) then you do not need a test. You will need to complete ArriveCan but that's pretty easy and quick to do.
  19. You have more experience using the app than I do. I'm not going to think about it too much and will simply present paper version if necessary. Given cruise line success with web sites and apps, who knows what may be going on?
  20. Is this after you entered in your vaccination record? We did our check-in last week with Celebrity (I think they use same app as RCI with different page looks) and the vax status disappeared yesterday... I interpret that as having been accepted/approved.
  21. You don't need to test to enter Canada. Just complete ArriveCan before entering. You DO need to test before boarding a cruise ship and may need to complete ArriveCAN again.
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