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Everything posted by 2SailingNomads

  1. Did the old Crystal river ship which was great. l do not like Riverside price classes. Will be on Scenic in 6 or so weeks with friends who love them and after 3 Scenic ocean cruises looking forward to trying the river product.
  2. Agree 100 percent with you.. Will Regent lower their prices the next time the DOW drops 1000 points??
  3. So people are going to Sail on EJ just to buy a watch? Interesting demographic just sayin We board with our preferred watch on our wrist
  4. Cheaping the product, not what they originally promised especially to Champagne when we booked. No compensation between price of what was promised vs what was delivered. Overall experience was mostly good but no way I would book another until they decide exactly what they want to be. And dump the 4 expensive watch shops. Really stupid IMO.
  5. It was never filled on our 19 day cruise to my recollection
  6. Do your research and see what you can book on your own vs. what the ship tour is. I love the Regent experience but that has nothing to do with the included port tours. I am paying for them but I do not need to take them unless they appeal to me. I would rather have a private tour that I arranged.
  7. Our experience has been a couple have been great, most barely ok, and a few poor. We usually do our own thing private but since some Regent tours sound interesting have tried them.
  8. Just don't take the 2 or 3 lowest level suites on Scenic. Last time we had a spa suite and it was very good. First time took the 2nd lowest category and storage was limited.
  9. EJ has a lot of potential if they can decide what they want to be. Crappy included wines, limited spirits do not match the luxury lines of Regent, Crystal, Seabourn, Scenic, etc. Unusable web site, uneven service at restaurants, exorbitant prices on revenue wines, most crew have never worked on a ship before so do not understand they have to deal with the same people for days or weeks. It has been said about great cruise lines it's not the hardware (the physical ship) but rather the software (crew and experience). EJ has the hardware now need the software and attitude adjustment to be a great product.
  10. I know you have sailed on Seabourn quite a bit and railed against them over the last few years - our last few cruises have ranged from if the first would never come back to our last that was almost every thing Seabourn used to be. We have been on Scenic 3 times and while the ship itself has design flaws, mostly around lack of outside spaces, the crew are 80% of some of the best ex Seabourn crew. Every time we board we know so many of the crew, like it used to be on Seabourn. And senior officers mingle with pax, love Captain Rado up there with David Bathgate. Will be doing 2 Scenic river cruises later this year.
  11. Having sailed on true luxury lines: Seabourn, Scenic, Regent and old Crystal IMO EJ is not (at least yet) in the same category. They have a lot of potential but many fails based on our 19 days onboard. I know some folks on this board think they are the best ever but we and some others we know who have sailed on the other lines mentioned above feel the same. There is a lot of really good, but a lot of not so good that could easily be rectified.
  12. Actually I have about a year ago. No how, no way.
  13. Exactly instead they say "I need" really you need or your life will end 2 minutes from now? Whatever happened to May I please have...
  14. $4K A night better be in the highest, well not on Regent, suite. We are doing a land vacation in a few weeks in Hawaii part of it staying in one of the best hotels in the area with an ocean view room. Add in rental car, $500 per day for F&B and nowhere near $4K. FWIW I don't know how with all the new ships (hello Seabourn where are yours on the book? Oh we don't have any unlike Silversea Explora and even Crystal) these prices will be supported. Some friends got a 70 or so day Seabourn cruise on the Pursuit for under $400 per day for 2. And that itinerary rocks, if it didn't coincide with other plans we would have joined them.
  15. It's everyone's hard earned money to decide how they wish to part with it. On a cruise we prefer to contribute to the various crew funds - all the lines we have sailed on, Seabourn, Scenic, Regent, Ponant, and old Crystal have one. When we go out to a bar or restaurant here we usually leave 20-25% sometimes much more unless service was terrible. We are fortunate that we can do so and appreciate the folks serving us who are not in the same situation as we are and are grateful for how far we have come from humble beginnings.
  16. Obviously there are many opinions and I have expressed mine on multiple threads, (as per Seabourn tips "ARE not expected"). We contribute to the crew fund to help everyone enjoy a special event and sometimes take some crew we have bonded with out for lunch. We have seen multiple times the last day some pax making a show of giving cash to a bartender or wait staff person. This thread is most likely not going to change anyone's behavior regarding tipping.
  17. Word to the wise DFW is, as a close to 2 million miler, an airport to be avoided if possible unless you enjoy unexpected unplanned overnights. I avoid at all costs based on multiple terrible experiences. YMMV
  18. One thing that puzzles me is, and this had been true on Regent, Seabourn, Ponant and our one Crystal why food is at best warm. At many good local restaurants it is served HOT. Burn your tongue hot. And please don't tell me the head waiter has to inspect it, our food is delivered as ordered hot or if an issue we get the waiters attention.
  19. Ok but...the OP inquired about what time the Regent provided bus leaves not independent transportation.
  20. Oe go on Explora where no pax serves themselves. Worked perfectly fine for us. You tell them what you want they serve you. Downside is it costs them more having people at those stations.
  21. Looks like an amazing trip Julie! Ed
  22. Not the same as 15 years ago. We saw people seated in jeans on NY eve when we went to Antarctica in '18. Personally I find that disrespectful to those of us you abide by the rules, but is just me.
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