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Oh no not the tipping question again


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i write this knowing Many of you will not agree with me. I have been trawling this forum for some time now seeking information and tipping (or not) has had main stage a lot. I am a Aussie and as you all know it is not the norm to pay for something you haven't yet got,although I have done this on two occasions on Group land tours where we had a compulsory tipping.

Even after parting with my hard working money ( and believe me I do work hard I am a cleaner) I still felt like I needed to tip the smiling porter, the laughing waitress, and the most informative tour guide, so I did top extra and happily.

That being said we are a couple and tip as a couple so it is my intention to have all the gratuities removed and tip as I see fit when the service has been more than just a job done, it's high time that if they are not paid well, they damn well should be.

Pretty sure I read somewhere on this forum about a steward who only works for six months because the next six months are funded by his tips, wish I had kept it as a quote, anyhow those are my thoughts

Happy travels:)

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That is too bad that you are going to withhold the hotel service charge. Any money you give to any individual will be, from what I understand, be put into a pool that is divided among the ones that would be receiving the HSC if you had paid it. So your idea of rewarding special service isn't going to really work out.


I look as the HSC as part of the cost of cruising and it is a major portion of the worker's salaries. I understand that you would prefer workers to have better salaries but taking away their wages earned through the HSC is not going to accomplish that. You are aware that some make just a few dollars a day without the HSC?

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Pretty sure I read somewhere on this forum about a steward who only works for six months because the next six months are funded by his tips, wish I had kept it as a quote, anyhow those are my thoughts

Happy travels:)

Pretty sure if you worked 6 months straight 16-18 hours days without a day off, thousands of miles away from your family, you'd rethink the steward's "cushy" situation.


Not sure what you're trying to prove with this thread. Perhaps you should just stick with Aussie-based cruises, they are required by law to include all gratuities in cruise prices (but then you'll probably complain that US-based cruises are so much cheaper on paper!)

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Pretty sure if you worked 6 months straight 16-18 hours days without a day off, thousands of miles away from your family, you'd rethink the steward's "cushy" situation.


Not sure what you're trying to prove with this thread. Perhaps you should just stick with Aussie-based cruises, they are required by law to include all gratuities in cruise prices (but then you'll probably complain that US-based cruises are so much cheaper on paper!)


Not trying to prove anything, Did you miss the part that said I am a cleaner I too work hard for my holiday and at this stage am not made to feel very welcome by you!

You have no idea how much or who I intend to tip, in fact it could be more than the 'automatic' tipping, my point IS I would like to be in charge of my own finances and not be dictated to.

And as a by the way, we in Australia pay much more than you do for the same cruise ( nothing to do with the exchange rates)

Happy travels.


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Also in Europe we donot tip that much as in the USA. Whatever your profession is doesnot matter in this I think. We also worked very hard to get the pension we now have.

To us however it never is a reason not to tip on board. We accept the ""service charge"" as HAL mentions this (not tip) but we also always tip the crew that serviced us in diningroom, cabin etc.

Why not consider it as part of the cruise as you are aware of it before.

Would HAL include the service charge you would pay for it any way without knowing.

By not tipping it is the crew you hurt not HAL.

Edited by Ine
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As an Aussie, do you benefit from the penalty rates on wages? Are you in favor of eliminating those penalty rates? While it may not seem so, it's the same argument you are having over paying the hotel service charge.


It's not a tip, it's part of the fare. But because HAL is an American company, it does not have to list prices the way they are required to be listed in Australia. The $12 (on average) per person per day is, in reality a portion of the cruise fare that is post-paid.


You say you do not like to pay for something you haven't gotten, but that is what you are doing every time you pay for airfare, train travel, the cruise or the stamp to mail a letter. For all of those those things, even in Australia, you pay prior to receiving the service. The Hotel Service Charge is paid after service has been received. It's one of the few parts of the cruise fare that you pay AFTER receiving the service.


What you do, is of course, up to you, but your argument for doing so is still false.

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Not trying to prove anything, Did you miss the part that said I am a cleaner I too work hard for my holiday and at this stage am not made to feel very welcome by you!

You have no idea how much or who I intend to tip, in fact it could be more than the 'automatic' tipping, my point IS I would like to be in charge of my own finances and not be dictated to.

And as a by the way, we in Australia pay much more than you do for the same cruise ( nothing to do with the exchange rates)

Happy travels.



I think your question is a fair one when a seemingly hidden cost is imposed. I also think that the bristly response you received was unnecessary and unfortunate. Mandatory tipping will always be a contradiction.


I believe that most of the seasoned cruisers on CC are blessed with the means to repeatedly enjoy what for others is a once in a lifetime vacation. Like me, they see how hard the crew works. I just don't know how they keep up their energy and morale month after month.


To me, it seems like a bargain to only be expected to tip $11.50 per day when the tip cost would customarily be much more in any other environment. Maybe that is what is on the mind of those that have little patience for the subject. I have also needed some thoughts or some information on topics that have clearly been discussed in the past. It is often difficult to search efficiently and you should be able to post your topic without apologizing.


Cultural differences can lead sincere and reasonable people to question our practices or behaviors. I am glad you are getting active in the discussions.

Edited by JCrewz
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I think your question is a fair one when a seemingly hidden cost is imposed. I also think that the bristly response you received was unnecessary and unfortunate. Mandatory tipping will always be a contradiction.


I believe that most of the seasoned cruisers on CC are blessed with the means to repeatedly enjoy what for others is a once in a lifetime vacation. Like me, they see how hard the crew works. I just don't know how they keep up their energy and morale month after month.


To me, it seems like a bargain to only be expected to tip $11.50 per day when the tip cost would customarily be much more in any other environment. Maybe that is what is on the mind of those that have little patience for the subject. I have also needed some thoughts or some information on topics that have clearly been discussed in the past. It is often difficult to search efficiently and you should be able to post your topic without apologizing.




Cultural differences can lead sincere and reasonable people to question our practices or behaviors. I am glad you are getting active in the discussions.


Thanks Jcrewz for your comments, I may end up tipping more than required in the end and that is my perogative, I will be the one to decide though.

As you guessed I have saved many years for this particular bucket list holiday and cannot list a mile of prior cruises, but I will like Frank Sinatra " do it my way"

Happy Travels

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Just my 2 cents worth.

When you sign that form to have the Hotel Service Charge removed, you are usually asked why. Your name is then passed onto the various supervisors who then pass your name onto the people who work under them. So your cabin stewards and dining room staff, etc. do know that you have removed the Hotel Service Charge. Any tips that you personally give to anyone MUST be turned into and pooled among all the crew. If they are caught keeping any tips, then they are fired. How honest are the crew -- I can't answer that question.

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Just my 2 cents worth.


When you sign that form to have the Hotel Service Charge removed, you are usually asked why. Your name is then passed onto the various supervisors who then pass your name onto the people who work under them. So your cabin stewards and dining room staff, etc. do know that you have removed the Hotel Service Charge. Any tips that you personally give to anyone MUST be turned into and pooled among all the crew. If they are caught keeping any tips, then they are fired. How honest are the crew -- I can't answer that question.


Pure Malarkey.


HAL gives the options to its guests to choose how they want to handle their business and there is no punitive repercussions against the crew for that.

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I feel that by giving you the option to remove the daily tips, HAL is giving you the option to tip the way you want. We personally leave the auto tips in place, because it goes to people like the carpet cleaner, public toilet cleaner, dishwasher, crew that does not give you personal service, but helps to make your cruise more enjoyable. We then tip crew that we have appreciated. Many times that is the wait staff and cabin crew. But sometimes it is the assistant Maitre'd, a cleaner that is always smiling, the lido crew that squirted the hand gel. Not huge amounts, but just an acknowledgement of service.


Once we did not tip our cabin crew. We had late dining seating and everyday at 7:00 pm, they came for turn down and every time I was in the shower and had to tell them to come back later. Not once did they get the hint and come back later. Very frustrating. Our dinner wait staff was excellent and they benefitted from us not tipping the cabin crew!

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Pure Malarkey.


HAL gives the options to its guests to choose how they want to handle their business and there is no punitive repercussions against the crew for that.


I'm not sure I understand your comment. I know for a fact that cabin staff are indeed given a list of passengers who have removed their HSC. The list comes with a reminder that they are required to turn in any tips received from the named passengers. Maybe it's a definitional or a matter of semantics but there are no repercussions against the staff unless they're found to have pocketed the tips. Again, it's not all tips only those received from people who have removed or reduced the HSC.

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i write this knowing Many of you will not agree with me. I have been trawling this forum for some time now seeking information and tipping (or not) has had main stage a lot. I am a Aussie and as you all know it is not the norm to pay for something you haven't yet got,although I have done this on two occasions on Group land tours where we had a compulsory tipping.

Even after parting with my hard working money ( and believe me I do work hard I am a cleaner) I still felt like I needed to tip the smiling porter, the laughing waitress, and the most informative tour guide, so I did top extra and happily.

That being said we are a couple and tip as a couple so it is my intention to have all the gratuities removed and tip as I see fit when the service has been more than just a job done, it's high time that if they are not paid well, they damn well should be.

Pretty sure I read somewhere on this forum about a steward who only works for six months because the next six months are funded by his tips, wish I had kept it as a quote, anyhow those are my thoughts

Happy travels:)


The title of your post indicates you have a question, yet no where in the body of your post is a question mark. Your mind seems to be made up on the topic. Enjoy your cruise!

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You have no idea how much or who I intend to tip, in fact it could be more than the 'automatic' tipping, my point IS I would like to be in charge of my own finances and not be dictated to.
It doesn't matter if you give 10 times as much as the HSC, they won't get to keep any of it. And believe me, they will NOT appreciate your doing so.


The Hotel Service CHARGE is not a tip. It is a fee for services rendered. If you in fact received adequate service on any given day, not paying this CHARGE is cheating crew out of their wages.

And as a by the way, we in Australia pay much more than you do for the same cruise ( nothing to do with the exchange rates)
Because the cruise lines know that so many of you refuse to pay your CHARGES.


If you truly intend to give more than HSC, PLEASE leave it in place and then give the difference (above the HSC) to those who have given extra effort.


Edited by jtl513
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There’s an old adage that goes something like “when in Rome do as the Romans”. That applies even if it is not the custom where someone resides. HAL along with most of the other main stream cruise lines have the “automatic Hotel Service Charge” when the cruise is not Australia based. That automatic charge is pooled and divided amongst not only the people who you have contact with on a daily basis BUT also covers those who work behind the scenes and can not benefit from you handing money to individuals. These are the individuals who do things like see to it that there is always clean linen for your stateroom, keep all surfaces on the ship clean, etc etc. And yes, I agree they should be paid a living wage but that just is not the case and it never will be. While I’m sure like the rest of us you work very hard for your money but so do those behind the scene folks. I respectively ask that you reconsider your position. As others have stated when you cancel the Hotel Charge any monies you hand out will be pooled and distributed.

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Tipping is becoming a problem. I think that it is largely attributable to employers who wish to underpay their employees and have customers make up the difference.


I was astounded when I received a missive from Marriott Hotels recommending that I tip the housekeeping staff. Why should I pay someone for doing their job? What is next...tip the pharmacist, tip the cashier at the grocery store. I am tired of getting restaurant bills where 12 or 15 percent service charge has been added yet there is still a blank line called tip and a recommendation that an additional 15 or 18 percent would be acceptable.


We never remove cruise line auto tips and we tip extra for good service above and beyond. But we are not going to tip someone for simply doing their job. IMHO tipping in America is out of control. Businesses have brainwashed us into subsidizing their labor costs.

Edited by iancal
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The title of your thread is "oh no not the tipping question again".


Where is the question?


Of course there isn't any question. The OP's title indicates that he knows that this will not be favorite topic. From the Urban Dictionary, "troll: one who posts a deliberately provocative message to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of causing maximum disruption and argument."

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"There comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good. So, love the people who treat you right. Think good thoughts for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy."


Larsen.....that is so right.

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IMHO tipping in America is out of control. Businesses have brainwashed us into subsidizing their labor costs.
I agree that it is very unfortunate that this system has developed in the USA, but at this point no amount of lamenting is going to change it.
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I have read your thoughts on tipping and respect them. However , now I will share my thoughts. I would never consider removing my HSC from my bill and tipping the crew who share my HSC individually. If I did decide to go that route then I would spend a considerable amount of time tracking down all of the crew members who do get a percentage of my HSC . Who wants to do that? I also consider the fact that if there was no HSC then the price of my cruise would increase substantially.

I, like yourself, recognize excellent service and tip extra accordingly. By the way,you never said what cruise your going on.

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It doesn't matter if you give 10 times as much as the HSC, they won't get to keep any of it. And believe me, they will NOT appreciate your doing so.


The Hotel Service CHARGE is not a tip. It is a fee for services rendered. If you in fact received adequate service on any given day, not paying this CHARGE is cheating crew out of their wages.

Because the cruise lines know that so many of you refuse to pay your CHARGES.


If you truly intend to give more than HSC, PLEASE leave it in place and then give the difference (above the HSC) to those who have given extra effort.


You are not correct. Crew can keep money they receive. And on the HAL FAQ it is called a gratuity/tip.


Just because you disagree with OP there is no sense muddying the waters with incorrect statements claimed as truth.

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You are not correct. Crew can keep money they receive. And on the HAL FAQ it is called a gratuity/tip.


Just because you disagree with OP there is no sense muddying the waters with incorrect statements claimed as truth.


Are you saying that a passenger reducing or removing the HSC has no impact whatsoever on if a crew member can keep a cash tip? I will caveat my question with the qualifier that we're talking crew that are part of the HSC pool not others covering by a surcharge like the bar staff.

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Are you saying that a passenger reducing or removing the HSC has no impact whatsoever on if a crew member can keep a cash tip? I will caveat my question with the qualifier that we're talking crew that are part of the HSC pool not others covering by a surcharge like the bar staff.

let me respond with a question.


You have cabin a and cabin b served by the same atrendant.


Cabin A removes the hotel charges and tips no cash.


Cabin B leaves hotel charges and tips $100 cash on top.


so when the staff manager shakes down the crew for cash what happens to that $100? Can they keep it or must it go to a pot to offset Cabin A. What is Cabin A gave cash instead of Cabin B


So I ask you, how does anyone know WHO tipped what amount yo any given person?


I think a lot of what is claimed as fact here is opinionated conjecture and it is easy to see the flaws in logic.


What if yet another guest leaves small cash tips to wait staff or to attendant through out the voyage but on the last day has HSC removed? I don't believe there is someone accounting daily for crew cash tips including one, five, and ten dollar bills. It's absurd. it does not pass the sniff test.


Basically to answer you, yes. When or if presented with proof otherwise I will reconsider my position

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