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Tips with No credit cards and little cash??


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Here's the deal, we were given this trip last Christmas so its a supposedly "FREE" cruise. The only problem is we are poor people with little cash most days, no credit cards and live paycheck to paycheck. So far our "FREE" cruise when we add up the days our business will have to close and kennelling our pets and now tips, our brother just handed us a $2,000 bill for our Christmas gift that we have been stressing about for 9 months. Not to mention passports, all this before we've even set foot on the boat.


Is there any way we can either reduce our tips or not pay at all by telling them this was given to us and we don't have money for extra's? Heck, I will eat in my room with my own food for a week if I have to avoid having to pay tips. I don't like the idea of somebody telling me how much I have to pay them. I pay according to service. I know I sound ungrateful here but I'm very frustrated with this cruise I have never been on before, before I've even left. We are cruising on Carnival Liberty in November to the western Caribbean. Any advice would be appreciated.



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If I couldn't afford it, I'd do one of two things.


1. Talk to my brother and say Thanks for the offer but we can't take it




2. Donate the free cruise to your church or to an organization such as Make A Wish.



If you can't afford it then you can't afford it. We've all been there.

No sense in feeling bad but trying to not pay for services as a way to allow yourself to take a trip you cannot afford is not the answer either.

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Although it was very nice of your brother to pay for a cruise for you, your spouse and your children as a Christmas gift if you can not afford the portion of the trip that would be up to you than you need to tell your brother this while he can still get his money back which is before your final payment date which is coming up soon.


No it is not ok to remove tips because you can not afford to take this cruise. If you can not afford the cruise you should not be going on it period. It is one thing to say that one doesn't want anyone telling them how much to tip and having their automatic tips removed and them tipping those that deserve and give good service to all of you while cruising but it would be rare for someone to actually do this for this reason alone and still not spend just as much if not more than the automated tip amount. By your own words that is not your thinking as you'd rather eat in your room than pay tips to anyone.:(


Did you consider driving to port instead of flying to save money? I would assume that you will plan not to book any excursions but only do what you can do while in port for free or at a very little cost. You can take a reasonable amount of soda on board with you along with a bottle of wine for each of the adults and drink the free beverages provided and not purchase soda or drinks while on board. Take you own camera and don't purchase any pictures. Many are able to be on board the ship and only have tips on their sail and sign card account.

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I would have to agree with others. You should speak to your brother to see if it's not to late to either cancel or change the sailing date (more time to save money for the extras). He must be aware of your situation and what a wonderful brother he is!


If you don't have a credit card, the cruise line is going to want you to put cash on your ship board account. It varies by cruise but it would probably be about $300. If you don't use all of it, you can get it back at the end of the cruise.


As for the tips, they aren't just to the people you personally encounter, they go to others that work behind the scenes. It really isn't fair to take that away from them as they work very long hours with little time off (probably just like you:)).


Good Luck to you.

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Here's the deal, we were given this trip last Christmas so its a supposedly "FREE" cruise. The only problem is we are poor people with little cash most days, no credit cards and live paycheck to paycheck. So far our "FREE" cruise when we add up the days our business will have to close and kennelling our pets and now tips, our brother just handed us a $2,000 bill for our Christmas gift that we have been stressing about for 9 months. Not to mention passports, all this before we've even set foot on the boat.


Is there any way we can either reduce our tips or not pay at all by telling them this was given to us and we don't have money for extra's? Heck, I will eat in my room with my own food for a week if I have to avoid having to pay tips. I don't like the idea of somebody telling me how much I have to pay them. I pay according to service. I know I sound ungrateful here but I'm very frustrated with this cruise I have never been on before, before I've even left. We are cruising on Carnival Liberty in November to the western Caribbean. Any advice would be appreciated.




So, if you can't afford it, you can't afford it. You give it back to him, or you pass it on. No, it's not fair to cut off the tips for people who make significantly less than even you do, and if you're that frustrated, you'll not enjoy yourselves anyway. You probalby should have just passed on it when it was offered, as it may be too late to change names and all that.


But just turn it down and walk away. We often get gifts we don't want..although admittedly not one this generous.

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I would have to agree with others. You should speak to your brother to see if it's not to late to either cancel or change the sailing date (more time to save money for the extras). He must be aware of your situation and what a wonderful brother he is!


If you don't have a credit card, the cruise line is going to want you to put cash on your ship board account. It varies by cruise but it would probably be about $300. If you don't use all of it, you can get it back at the end of the cruise.


As for the tips, they aren't just to the people you personally encounter, they go to others that work behind the scenes. It really isn't fair to take that away from them as they work very long hours with little time off (probably just like you:)).


Good Luck to you.


Caribbean Sunset makes a very important point here about your on-board account. You will absolutely be required to make a cash deposit - were you aware of that? What a disaster if you weren't and tried to board unprepared.


Are Carnival tips auto-charged these days? I don't know because I haven't sailed them in the modern era, but the fact is that gratuities are still optional. No one here (including me) is going to condone you not paying them, but yes, if you so choose you can either just not pass out your envelopes, or in the case of auto-tip, you can go to the purser's desk and have them removed. This may result in some uncomfortable questions as to why, but ultimately they can't and won't force you to pay them. Totally your choice, and I think it's only fair that you know it. Be very aware though, that until you're actually on that boat, you can't possibly understand how well-deserved the tips really are. If you're the sensitive type, the idea of stiffing the crew may be enough to put a damper on things for you.


I disagree with those who say it's easy not to spend any money on board or on shore. That would be about as unrealistic and unenjoyable as your idea of smuggling in food to eat in your room. Overall, your story suggests that perhaps your brother really didn't understand how modest your finances are. If he's ever cruised before he would be aware of how much money it takes over and above the fare. Talk to him while you're still outside the penalty for cancellation. Maybe you can work out something that would be more suitable for everyone involved.

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I hate to disagree, but someone who has 11 months to plan for a cruise could set aside 25 cents a day to save up enough money to tip the hardwording crew members. (25 cents * 300 days = $75.) Even now, with two months to go, she could save a couple of dollars a day and have enough money. Drink tap water instead of soft drinks and coffee. Carpool, take the bus, bike, or walk to work. Eat rice and beans.


Also, look for a cheaper option for the pets. Are there any responsible kids in the neighborhood who could look after them? Or other pet owners you know who you could trade pet-sitting duties with? Could you start babysitting for your neighbors and earn some extra cash? A co-worker of mine does this a lot. She's an older single woman and gets pretty good pay for babysitting.

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Something is definitely not right with the OP. If you take a look at her other posts, you'll see that she's planning on doing a lot of costly tours on her cruise. She's asked about shark dives for her husband, the Stingray City tour, something called a dolphinarium, and a trip to a nude beach. Sorry, but this sounds more like someone who's trying to get out of paying tips, for whatever selfish reason, rather than some incredibly poor person who can't afford anything and lives paycheck to paycheck. And, she also forgot to tell us that this is a huge family trip and not just her and her husband. There will be at least 20 other family members on this cruise. So like I said, sounds like the OP is trying to pull a fast one on us, and maybe even on the very hard working cruise members on Carnival. Oh, and then there's the thread on her carrying a concealed weapon and being afraid of the ship's security---she did say she knew she couldn't bring the weapon on the ship, but she's not comfortable without having her weapon on her at all times.


So, now? Discuss

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You mentioned passports; they are not absolutely required for your trip. A very wise idea, yes. Recommended, yes. But in your tight financial circumstances, not necessary. You only need a certified BC and Driver License.


You previously posted about several shore excursions you wanted to take; dolphin encounters, shark diving and stingrays. You could cancel the most expensive excursion, do something else at the port and use that money for the tips. (Besides, you will want to make absolutley sure that you do not miss the ship since you may not have passports).

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Something is definitely not right with the OP. If you take a look at her other posts, you'll see that she's planning on doing a lot of costly tours on her cruise. She's asked about shark dives for her husband, the Stingray City tour, something called a dolphinarium, and a trip to a nude beach. Sorry, but this sounds more like someone who's trying to get out of paying tips, for whatever selfish reason, rather than some incredibly poor person who can't afford anything and lives paycheck to paycheck. And, she also forgot to tell us that this is a huge family trip and not just her and her husband. There will be at least 20 other family members on this cruise. So like I said, sounds like the OP is trying to pull a fast one on us, and maybe even on the very hard working cruise members on Carnival. Oh, and then there's the thread on her carrying a concealed weapon and being afraid of the ship's security---she did say she knew she couldn't bring the weapon on the ship, but she's not comfortable without having her weapon on her at all times.


So, now? Discuss



All that and only 12 posts?? She's been BUSY!! Thanks for doing the research.


Give up on the cruise, stay home, and don't cheat the folks who would be serving you. If indeed you can afford all these things, you can afford the tips. And if you can't, then you can't.

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WOW, KITTY9, DARCIE... you really know a lot about me?? How dare you judge me from previous posts, who the heck do you think you are anyways? You must not do anything but check on everyone that posts here, how sad for you! I wish I had that much time on my hands to know every detail about every member here!


FYI, have you ever heard of changes in someone's circumstances?? Our business has took a turn for the worse, hense the bad economy, and Obama, therefore when I posted those wayyyyyyyy back in the spring when we first were planning this cruise we had money for it, then our business is being sued for SEVERAL THOUSANDS which has wiped us out. I would NEVER stiff some hard working person out of their tips if I didn't have to. I've always gone above and beyond when I tip cause I used to be a waitress and I know how hard it is. It is too late now to back out of our cruise and we HAVE talked to my brother, who yes, is very wealthy and doesn't understand it when we tell him our circumstances. He just says to us "don't worry it will all work out by the time the cruise comes". He can't worry about 20 people, afterall he just paid for that many people to go on a cruise.


I hope you feel better now accusing me and maybe I should be leary of identity fraud from you, that is pretty scary what you know about me. Beware everyone, Kitty 9, will check up on you so have your facts straight!

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WOW, KITTY9, DARCIE... you really know a lot about me?? How dare you judge me from previous posts, who the heck do you think you are anyways? You must not do anything but check on everyone that posts here, how sad for you! I wish I had that much time on my hands to know every detail about every member here!


FYI, have you ever heard of changes in someone's circumstances?? Our business has took a turn for the worse, hense the bad economy, and Obama, therefore when I posted those wayyyyyyyy back in the spring when we first were planning this cruise we had money for it, then our business is being sued for SEVERAL THOUSANDS which has wiped us out. I would NEVER stiff some hard working person out of their tips if I didn't have to. I've always gone above and beyond when I tip cause I used to be a waitress and I know how hard it is. It is too late now to back out of our cruise and we HAVE talked to my brother, who yes, is very wealthy and doesn't understand it when we tell him our circumstances. He just says to us "don't worry it will all work out by the time the cruise comes". He can't worry about 20 people, afterall he just paid for that many people to go on a cruise.


I hope you feel better now accusing me and maybe I should be leary of identity fraud from you, that is pretty scary what you know about me. Beware everyone, Kitty 9, will check up on you so have your facts straight!


Personally,, I thank Kitty for looking this up. Too easy to look at past peoples posts or peoples past posts ???.


Then, after reading this rant, I no longer feel sorry for you or have any sympathy. The hard workers are the ship are not the reasons that you have legal and financial problems. It should NOT be taken out on them so you can take a luxury cruise.

Sounds to me like you have much much bigger problems than tipping cruiseline workers. You need to stay home and get your house in order.

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WOW, KITTY9, DARCIE... you really know a lot about me?? How dare you judge me from previous posts, who the heck do you think you are anyways? You must not do anything but check on everyone that posts here, how sad for you! I wish I had that much time on my hands to know every detail about every member here!


FYI, have you ever heard of changes in someone's circumstances?? Our business has took a turn for the worse, hense the bad economy, and Obama, therefore when I posted those wayyyyyyyy back in the spring when we first were planning this cruise we had money for it, then our business is being sued for SEVERAL THOUSANDS which has wiped us out. I would NEVER stiff some hard working person out of their tips if I didn't have to. I've always gone above and beyond when I tip cause I used to be a waitress and I know how hard it is. It is too late now to back out of our cruise and we HAVE talked to my brother, who yes, is very wealthy and doesn't understand it when we tell him our circumstances. He just says to us "don't worry it will all work out by the time the cruise comes". He can't worry about 20 people, afterall he just paid for that many people to go on a cruise.


I hope you feel better now accusing me and maybe I should be leary of identity fraud from you, that is pretty scary what you know about me. Beware everyone, Kitty 9, will check up on you so have your facts straight!


Well, why didn't you just say so when you started this thread? All you had to say was that your situation has changed since you started planning for this cruise.


Anyway, it sounds like this cruise is stressing you out and if that's the case then you need to make a decision as to whether you should go or not. So, really this has nothing to do with mandatory tipping. Carnival will let you remove the tips, but you will need cash or a debit card to open your sign and sail account when you board.


As for snooping, she was just being resourceful. Something that you should try being right now.

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Well, sorry to say but you need to tell your brother that you just can't do it now, since he has not yet made final payment on the cruise. If you can't afford tips then you obviously can't afford anything else on the cruise including drinks, excursions or any other extras. Someone mentioned that this is a family cruise. How will you feel if the whole family goes off on a fun excursion and you can't go? This would make for a very stressful experience IMO.


How could you possibly look your room steward or waiter in the eyes while they are doing everything possible to please you knowing you intend to stiff them in the end? I know I just couldn't do it with a clear conscious.


I just had another thought - is it possible that your brother could downgrade you to a lesser cabin and allow you to use the price difference to pay tips?

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Ditto to everything else that has already been said.


Go find odd jobs to do, babysit, housesit, dogsit, car wash, hell my husband used to pay his bills in college by selling his plasma. I hope if you did book any excursions you have canceled them. Realize that since all of your food and beverages will be paid for, you won't have to pay for your groceries that week, that saves some money. I like somebody's idea for paying a kid to watch your animals, much cheaper. As somebody else said, you don't NEED a passport. We went on 2 cruises this year without them. If you haven't already purchased them, that should take care of your tip money.


If there is NO way you can make some extra money or cut back on expenses, talk to all of your family. Anybody who might purchase any gifts for your family say for Christmas or Birthday, maybe they could give cash instead so you can afford this trip. Is your very kind and generous brother planning on giving any Christmas gift this year? Maybe you could get it early by way of paying your tips.

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You're not being stalked, by the way. It takes one click of the mouse to track anyones past posts...which is what was done with you, and a few of us followed up. I especially was taken aback at your notion of bringing a handgun aboard, to protect yourself.


I'm sorry your business took a downturn. Rather than stiff the cruise ship crew, or have to stay on board while the rest of your family enjoys themselves, I still think you should simply tell your brother about your money situation, and stay home.

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In my opinion, if you're having a hard time finanically, right now is NOT the time to be taking a cruise.


I would offer the cruise to a relative or friend that is more stable and could handle the finanical costs of a big vacation.


I feel your pain, I really do (been there and kinda still are there!), and I can understand how you really want to go - but sometimes what we 'want', isn't the best thing to do at the time.


Offer the vacation to someone else and start saving NOW for a nice cruise for you guys in the future, maybe next year or the year after that. Even if all you save is $10 a month, it'll add up quickly.

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Stiffing the crew and staff that wait on you hand and foot all week is shameful. (Do you ordinarily stiff the wait staff at a restaurant, too)


Those who clean up your messes, prepare and serve your food, keep your cabin spotlessly clean and tend to your needs deserve a tip.


Either you can afford this "free" cruise or you cannot. There are plenty of ways to cut corners on a cruise; less alcohol, forget high-priced shore excursions, don't play bingo, limit gambling, etc. Stiffing the crew isn't one of them.


Most of us who cruise are on the same tight budget....we scrimp and save, cut corners where we can in order to cruise.


Tips are part of the entire budget.....

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We would never stiff the waitstaff. Our financial situation isn't what it was back in March when we booked our cruise under Early Saver. But we are skipping excursions that we previously planned to do. In fact, I just canceled our reservations in the Supper Club to save money. But to me, the tips are part of the cost. Not cooking or cleaning for a week is worth $140 to me!

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Diane, no one is stalking you. You're on a very public forum, and unless you didn't realize, anyone can go back and look at previous posts by any other person. It's not stalking nor can you experience identity theft via this, and to think that is really silly. That's the way of the internet.


I think everyone can identify with your present circumstances, but as others have said, if you had made that clear in your first post, things would have been different. That being said, if someone is in dire financial problems, taking a cruise should not even be on their radar. You cannot stiff the crew and you cannot afford the extras, so your only choice is to forego the trip unless someone else in your family is willing to give you some cash.

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WOW, KITTY9, DARCIE... you really know a lot about me?? How dare you judge me from previous posts, who the heck do you think you are anyways? You must not do anything but check on everyone that posts here, how sad for you! I wish I had that much time on my hands to know every detail about every member here!


FYI, have you ever heard of changes in someone's circumstances?? Our business has took a turn for the worse, hense the bad economy, and Obama, therefore when I posted those wayyyyyyyy back in the spring when we first were planning this cruise we had money for it, then our business is being sued for SEVERAL THOUSANDS which has wiped us out. I would NEVER stiff some hard working person out of their tips if I didn't have to. I've always gone above and beyond when I tip cause I used to be a waitress and I know how hard it is. It is too late now to back out of our cruise and we HAVE talked to my brother, who yes, is very wealthy and doesn't understand it when we tell him our circumstances. He just says to us "don't worry it will all work out by the time the cruise comes". He can't worry about 20 people, afterall he just paid for that many people to go on a cruise.


I hope you feel better now accusing me and maybe I should be leary of identity fraud from you, that is pretty scary what you know about me. Beware everyone, Kitty 9, will check up on you so have your facts straight!


In reading some of your other posts (yeah so call me a stalker too, I frequently check other posts to get someones backstory) I noticed your sons will be in a different cabin. Maybe you could all bunk in the same cabin and use the savings to pay for your tips (which should NOT be removed IMO) and other inevitable onboard expenses.

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Yep, the tipping system fails when one's financial situation changes.


Pay ($XX + $140) cruise fare up front or pay $XX upfront plus $140 onboard. I fail to see how one has an advantage over the other to someone that has no money.


Except for the fact that in the second case you can stiff the service staff. If you try to withhold $140 from your final payment on the booking you're staying home.

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