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opinions on interior vs balcony for 1st time


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hi, wife and I are planning a 7 day caribbean cruise for january.


being our first cruise we will be very busy and we never spend a lot of time in room on vacations. would be nice to have coffee or step out on balcony on occasion but we could likely just go on deck to do those things and save quite a bit of cash.also does anyone feel claustrophobic in an interior room?

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2 previous cruises were interior - #3 & #4 we have a balcony booked. Keep reading that once you have a balcony you won't want to go back to an interior... Guess we will find out. We were perfectly fine with our interior rooms as we spent a lot of time up on deck during the day just peolpe watching & enoying the wonderful January weather.


You will have a great time regardless to what you book.

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I've stayed in both. Honestly, if I don't absolutely have to stay in an inside cabin, I never will again. The rooms are smaller and the lack of a window makes it feel even smaller than it is. Balconies are wonderful but they're more expensive if you're trying to budget. Why not spit the difference and get a picture window? We always get oceanview and have never been dissapointed no matter what side of the ship we're on.

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Honestly, I don't think I could do an interior...worst I have done is 2 portholes. But that's just me...I'm big into natural light:o Many people are just fine with them. Problem with getting a balcony is that it's hard to go backward in future cruises;) We got an oceanview last year and missed our balcony big time. Coffee on the balcony is great in the a.m.

But if you are the types that are always running around doing things, an interior is probably fine. Since I like alot of relaxing time, I really need the balcony....

Enjoy your cruise!!!!:)

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I only book inside cabins now; saves $$s. One reason is that the Conquest-class ships have outside cabins priced as inside cabins - great values (forward cabins on Riveria and Main decks). We have also stayed in a regualr inside cabin on the Legend and it worked fine. I would rather spend my money on other things.

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I've done both, and I've done an inside after having a balcony and was OK with it. There's so much more to cruising than then balcony.


However, DW is definitely a balcony snob so I think the only reason she agreed to our next Sensation cruise was because of the new balconies. Even I can't wait to check them out.

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I've stayed in an ocean view, and last cruise had a balcony. It's very easy to become a balcony snob! For me, the extra $60 was worth it for a 7 day... maybe not so much for a shorter cruise.


I would stay in an ocean view again, and would maybe stay in an interior room with a port hole....



but it is hard to go back!

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My husband and I started cruising together with an Inside and enjoyed it; however, we overslept quite a bit because there is no natural light coming in. If you decide to get the Inside Cabin make sure that you have an alarm clock. We almost missed a port from sleeping in.


On a 7 day it might be nice to have the balcony for relaxing. You can enjoy morning coffee, before or after dinner drinks, and reading and relaxing on At Sea days when the public decks are pretty full and you just want some fresh air.


You are right about not turning back when you go to the Balcony.

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I have no problem staying in an inside cabin. Usually the difference in price is significant. I really do only use the room for sleeping and getting ready. I would rather be out in the main areas. I like seeing the excitement going on around the ship. I would rather save my money for the excursions, that is something I never skimp on.

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My wife and I cruised on the Destiny for our ten year anniversary. We booked room 6363 which is an L shaped balcony room. It was great and I would recommend a carnival destiny balcony room to anyone. It was great getting up each morning as you pulled into port and watching from you own private balcony. Likewise it was nice at the end of the night just going out onto the balcony to relax. My wife also spent time on the balcony reading. If you can spend the extra I recommend it.

Here is a video I posted on you tube of our room.


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My first cruise was an inside cabin, and as previously stated you do seem like you loose track of time because of no natural light. You might want to try an oceanview cabin for your first cruise, I do think you would enjoy it, I myself won't book anything but a balcony, as I enjoy coming into port and leaving port. My husband and I love to read out on the balcony, and just like watching the water, but again thats my opinion. Look at it this way, any cabin is great when cruising and on vacation.

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Obviously a subjective thing. First and foremost, what is the price difference. I've only stayed in an inside, but met another couple who had a balcony which we visited all the time. My brother cruised a few times and has only booked balconies. He is on a tight leash; when his DW is getting ready, he's not allowed to leave the room, lol. While she's getting ready, he's out on the balcony. The same rings true at the end of the night, they go back into the room together and if she's tired and he's not, he's not allowed to leave so again he utilizes the balcony. Another factor that's key to me is ports...I did the liberty, 7 days 3 ports, not extremely busy and would be more inclined to get a balcony as I'd project I'd be awake much later. My next cruise I plan on taking in the victory is 7 days and no sea days and unless it's like $50 difference, will book an inside. Just some scatter brain thoughts, lol

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I could have upgraded from a 6D OV to a balcony for $40 pp and we decided to keep the bigger OV, because its bigger inside on the newer ships and we like the extra space inside the cabin.


I read these posts how people just love love love their balconys and it makes me want to love love love them too ... but I really dont think we would sit out on one. I love going up to the lido deck early in the morning, chatting with the smokers, sipping on my coffee. I cant see the lure of sitting by myself on my balcony twiddling my thumbs sipping coffee. I want to be around people.

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Rooms are all the same size 185 sq ft except some ship OV's are 220 sq ft. Insides are fine but depends on the cost. I am personally not willing to pay more than $100/pp for a balcony. My first cruise = inside. Second = balcony. Third = obstructed ocean view. Fourth = ocean view. Fifth = inside. As you can see it isn't always that once you have a balcony you will never go back. It is all about money to me and what I can afford.


Insides are fine if you aren't claustrophobic. It is really easy to lose track of time cuz they are pitch black inside and you could sleep your cruise away. Use an alarm and you'll be fine. My husband prefers a window. I think they are a waste. To me it is either inside or balcony. A window is maybe worth an extra $50/pp IMO.

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I've stayed in both. Honestly, if I don't absolutely have to stay in an inside cabin, I never will again. The rooms are smaller and the lack of a window makes it feel even smaller than it is. Balconies are wonderful but they're more expensive if you're trying to budget. Why not spit the difference and get a picture window? We always get oceanview and have never been dissapointed no matter what side of the ship we're on.


Actually on most ships the Insides are the same size as the balcony cabins (185 SF). Ocean cabins are larger at 220 SF on most ships. For me unless I can go from an inside to a balcony on a 7 day cruise for no more than $100 PP I take the inside. I think Balcony cabins are a bit overrated, most of them have SMALL balconies like 4 X 8 ft or so and there is a privacy issue along with dealing with smokers on many occasions in a cabin smaller than an OV.


I know many people like to hang out there and read or whatever and that is fine but for me most of the time I can almost take (2) 7 day cruises in an inside cabin vs. (1) 7 day cruise in a balcony.


BTW I have cruised in suites, reg. balconies, extended balconies, OV and inside. Just my opinion

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HI...I tell everyone on your first cruise to take the cheapest cabin , to see if you like to cruise.Then go for it. In 1998 went on the destiny ,had our first balcony , Once you do balcony you don't go back.We started cruising back in 1990,on the fantasy class ship and they only had maybe 20 balcony then and were prices then.If money is not a problem,take the balcony.I sleep out on the balcony starting on the destiny.That's been 8 cruises now ,. going on B2B in 9/25/10 freedom.Will try the hammock on the balcony then. someone posted about hammock..... Working on 25 cruises with Carnival PS ..Carnival has bent over backwards to make all of my 15 cruises great.You Know how you want to take home some of the good worker, we did ,they came to stay with us for about 4 months.We tried to get them a green card but no luck. They went back to carnival. Life 's a bitch? Have fun on your cruise SCOT

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hi, wife and I are planning a 7 day caribbean cruise for january.


being our first cruise we will be very busy and we never spend a lot of time in room on vacations. would be nice to have coffee or step out on balcony on occasion but we could likely just go on deck to do those things and save quite a bit of cash.also does anyone feel claustrophobic in an interior room?


Here is the thing...if you have never cruised before then you have no way of knowing if you will enjoy it or if it is your type of vacation? Therefore if you think "saving quite a bit of cash" is important to you when booking a vacation that you are not sure you will enjoy, then you should do just that! Get an inside room, spend the money elsewhere. If cruising is for you, then you will have a better idea how much time you will enjoy on a balcony versus having to always go up to the outside decks. :)


Regarding an inside cabin. Many people tend to complain about the darkness factor more than anything else. I also think that many of the inside cabins do not have a couch. Someone could confirm that for you.


The things we enjoy about a balcony:

Drinking our coffee and having our breakfast while we either look out at the ocean or watch the ship pull into the ports. There is just something to be said for enjoying breakfast on the balcony and planning our day.


We also love to have the balcony door left opened and have the smells of the ocean and the warm breezes come in while we have an afternoon nap or lie on the bed reading. We will also leave it opened at night when sleeping while the ship is moving through the warmer climates.


My DH will have a pre-dinner drink on the balcony while I am getting ready for our evening. It is a "win-win" situation. He gets to enjoy the peace and quite and I get to have the cabin to myself. When I am done, I join him for a drink and then we leave together for dinner.


We always ask for a port side balcony cabin because we like to get some pizza or sushi and a bucket of beer and sit on the balcony in the late afternoon when we are in a port. It is great to watch all the people coming and going....very entertaining...especially as the ship is preparing to leave and the last minute stragglers are running to get on board before it leaves.


We read our books, play crib, watch a movie on our portable dvd player and take great pictures....all while on the balcony.


Whatever you decide. I hope you enjoy the cruise experience and someday get to make a list of things you enjoy on your balcony while cruising! ;):D



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We booked a balcony for our upcoming first cruise, but that for us was a no brainer. No balcony, no cruise. DH agrees. I KNOW I would hate being in a "closet", so I wouldn't risk hating cruising because we got the wrong cabin type. I can't even take being in a meeting room without windows in my office. I get headaches from a lack of natural light.

Now, that said, if we were truly planning to just sleep, get up shower and leave the room immediately and only return at the end of the night and immediately go to bed, maybe I could do it, but that doesn't sound like fun to me. I want to enjoy our time in the cabin and not have it feel like a jail cell.

We're on a busy cruise with a port a day, so no sea days, but we still picture ourselves coming back from each island to have a drink on our balcony and watch as we pull out. We paln to savour those moments. Why even bother bringing alcohol on board if the only way to enjoy it is to pour it in a travel mug and have to head to the deck... and back if you want another. What if you want a night cap before bed? Plus I don't want to have no choice but to sit on the deck incase it's crowded and/or had lots of screaming kids in the pool. No thanks. Peace and quiet is everything to us. So if we had sea days it would be even more vital we had a balcony to sit with a drink, read and relax.

But that's just our thinking. If you can see yourself sitting in a room with no view or even natural light, save yourself some money and book inside. But I really find it hard to believe that there really are people who are "never in their room"!

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If you decide to get the Inside Cabin make sure that you have an alarm clock.
We didn't, we just used the cabin phone to set up wake up call service. We had a balcony cabin, but the blackout drapes do a great job! :D


Here is a video I posted on you tube of our room.


I'm amazed she let you post that- your cabin looks like a bomb went off! :p


Obviously a subjective thing. First and foremost, what is the price difference. I've only stayed in an inside, but met another couple who had a balcony which we visited all the time. My brother cruised a few times and has only booked balconies. He is on a tight leash; when his DW is getting ready, he's not allowed to leave the room, lol. While she's getting ready, he's out on the balcony. The same rings true at the end of the night, they go back into the room together and if she's tired and he's not, he's not allowed to leave so again he utilizes the balcony
When he finally snaps, that balcony is gonna come in handy, for throwing her over the side! :eek:
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I could have upgraded from a 6D OV to a balcony for $40 pp and we decided to keep the bigger OV, because its bigger inside on the newer ships and we like the extra space inside the cabin.


I read these posts how people just love love love their balconys and it makes me want to love love love them too ... but I really dont think we would sit out on one. I love going up to the lido deck early in the morning, chatting with the smokers, sipping on my coffee. I cant see the lure of sitting by myself on my balcony twiddling my thumbs sipping coffee. I want to be around people.


Well put. I am bored to tears sitting out on the balcony. I would much rather be out and about. Of course, I have a balcony at home overooking a nice back yard, so that may be why it doesn't appeal to me much.


I would much rather spend the money on something else.


I will take a free upgrade to a balcony, but I will not pay for it. But I usually do get the cheapest room with a window now.

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