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Decisions about my first cruise


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Every time I said I am going to sail on Crystal Serenity in the Western Mediterranean, I was like the first-time home buyers who signed on to adjustable-rate mortgages several years ago: severely underestimating the cost, I assumed the money would be available when it is time to pay for a cruise. My thinking was I don't pay all at the same time so I can pay over several months as I get more money from my job. But now I realize I need to rethink my priorities and accept the reality. That begins with delaying my cruise on a Crystal ship - maybe so long that Serenity will have a younger sister.

I love Keith's suggestion to sail on a different cruise line first. The only problem is many opinions are out there based on the variety of experiences cruisers have and passenger personalities, so it is not easy to choose my first ship. I will take off my crystal lenses, but not throw them away; ASAP I will board the ship that most closely fits my preferred cruise experience. So now the question is, "How do I choose the line for my first cruise if it is not Crystal?" Any advice about this is greatly appreciated as long as it applies to my personality.

If you can, name a premium or mass-market cruise line that offers:

* Variety of entertainment options (music, dancing, etc.)

* Classes, lectures, demonstrations, and private lessons

* Specialty restaurants that do not charge extra to eat at

* Full-service spa, swimming pools, and public whirlpools

* Suites at least 300 square feet inside with a refrigerator

* Open-seating option in the main dining room for supper

and does not comprimise quality by serving thousands of passengers at the same time or tender in some European ports just because of the ship's size.

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I've seen you post nearly the identical thing at least once already, if not more. I doubt you'll get any different responses than the ones already received.


My suggestion: book a consultation with a local travel agent that specializes in cruises (and has been on more than a few themselves).


Best of luck "finding your fit" for your first cruise!

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IAny advice about this is greatly appreciated as long as it applies to my personality.


If you can, name a premium or mass-market cruise line that offers:

* Variety of entertainment options (music, dancing, etc.)

* Classes, lectures, demonstrations, and private lessons

* Specialty restaurants that do not charge extra to eat at

* Full-service spa, swimming pools, and public whirlpools

* Suites at least 300 square feet inside with a refrigerator

* Open-seating option in the main dining room for supper

and does not comprimise quality by serving thousands of passengers at the same time or tender in some European ports just because of the ship's size.

Sorry, don't know what your personality is. You can find the answers to all these questions yourself. Personally, I do not believe you are serious with any of your posts.

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While you're fantasizing why don't you scrap the Crystal dream and go straight for the private yacht with full crew that will cater to your every whim? Sorry, but you're going to get what you can pay for...... And that's not bad. There are many great cruises out there that would probably fit in your budget but with your requirements I'm afraid you're going to be land-locked forever.

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I would like to suggest that you print all of your posts and walk into a travel agency in Ohio fully armed with every detail mentioned on these boards.

Sit down, face-to-face with one person and decide which cruise line, ship and itinerary you should choose, based on the total amount of money you choose to spend.


Period. Done. :rolleyes:

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You cannot possibly fill all those requirements on a mass market line, you need to choose what's most important to you. IMHO, HAL or X would suit you, based on your past posts. I suggest you go to the review section & read the member reviews for the Med cruises on those lines. As far as the need for a suite goes, I understand you are traveling as a solo, & seem a very uncomfortable researching things on your own, maybe just get a nice balcony cabin & use the extra $ for private guided excursions that would take place of the enrichment lectures you desire.

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i would like to suggest that you print all of your posts and walk into a travel agency in ohio fully armed with every detail mentioned on these boards.


sit down, face-to-face with one person and decide which cruise line, ship and itinerary you should choose, based on the total amount of money you choose to spend.


period. Done. :rolleyes:



well said !!!!!

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You cannot possibly fill all those requirements on a mass market line, you need to choose what's most important to you. IMHO, HAL or X would suit you, based on your past posts. I suggest you go to the review section & read the member reviews for the Med cruises on those lines. As far as the need for a suite goes, I understand you are traveling as a solo, & seem a very uncomfortable researching things on your own, maybe just get a nice balcony cabin & use the extra $ for private guided excursions that would take place of the enrichment lectures you desire.


Hi cruise kitty...I think we've all probably thought of HAL or X, but I really wonder if they are where the answer lies? ;)

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Believe me, everyone, this person DOES NOT LISTEN to ANY suggestions. I've tried over and over again to give her ideas, but she does not listen. She wants nirvana for less than $100 a day. For some reason, she refuses to listen to anyone.


So lets try this again. You will not find what you want on any line except Crystal. PERIOD. But I just need to know, what in the heck do you mean by private lessons? That sounds a little freaky to me. And since you've never been on a cruise I guess you just don't understand that in a port intensive itinerary like the Med, you don't have time for classes, demonstrations or private lessons.


And, as dozens have repeatedly tried to tell you, alternate/specialty restaurants all cost extra, with the exception if Crystal, and even they charge a gratuity of $7 a person.


So, in short, what you want exists only on Crystal. So unless you can come up with the money, you either scrap your Crystal plans or pick a good line that will allow you to cruise the Med at a reasonable price.

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So now the question is, "How do I choose the line for my first cruise if it is not Crystal?" Any advice about this is greatly appreciated as long as it applies to my personality..


As others have already said, you wont find a cruiseline with everything on your list so get rid of your list. Its nice to dream but reality is what you need to be looking at and seem to be missing in your post about which cruiseline to choose. Determine how much money you will save in the next 2 years. Looking at how much you saved in the past two years should be a good guide for you as unless your financial situation has greatly improved very recently you'll not save a great deal more and even if your financial situation has improved don't expect to save every new additional penny cause life is still going to happen for the next two years which will eat up some of the additional earnings. With a real number of dollars you can then determine what you can do for those dollars and actually start planning your trip. No one can tell you what to do with your vacation dollars as the choices you make for spending those dollars will determine how long your cruise is and how long you may spend on a land portion of your trip or not. Suites are great but they are also expensive and not necessary to enjoy your cruise. If you feel you must have a suite thats fine, but it will eat up a great portion of your vacation dollars and reading your other post its obvious that you don't have a great deal of money to spend as you're the one that said you couldn't afford a hearing aid if you wanted to go on a cruise. Mediteranean cruises are very port intensive so the itinerary really is more important than the ship itself because you wont be on board much during the daytime to spend time at lectures, classes, ect. Stop worrying about tendering, its really not a big deal. You're on vacation, get some patience as yes you will have some lines and waits for things occationally, again usually no big deal if you remember to pack your patience. Pools on ships are small, nice for soaking not for swimming. On the other hand there are some very small ship cruises (not on the mainstream cruiselines) that the ship can visit ports the larger ships can't but you won't find as many amenities on those small ships and amemities seem to be very important to you so you have to decide where your priorities lay and no one can do that for you.


There is no such thing as a perfect cruise so stop looking for one. Everyone has different priorities and finances when they cruise and are bothered by different things so stop taking reviews so seriously as they're great for gathering information as long as you take them with a grain of salt and understand even if you were on the exact same cruise your review might be entirely different. Crusing is not the same as land vacations so you may need to consider if cruising is really for you and just plan a land trip to Europe.


Of the mainstream crusielines Hal, Celebrity, and Princess seem to be good fits for you. Look at their itineraires and see who has an itinerary at the time of year you wish to cruise that you like best. No itinerary is perfect so don't expect to find one. THEN, look at their pricing and see if it does fit your budget. Narrow your choices down to two of these line and then consider the ships themselves. If you have to, put the two names in a bowl and close your eyes and pick one. don't dwell over your decision looking for perfection because you won't ever find it.


You mentioned in another post that your idea of a private tour in your ports is just you and a tour guide. Do you realize how expensive that is in many ports? For those that cruise we know that private tours often mean NOT cruiseline sponsored tours but still tours with at least a few other cruisers where you can share the cost. Again, if you want private tours that's fine, but it will eat up a lot of your vacation dollars so be aware of that when you are making your decision as to what cruiseline and what cabin to book.

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Believe me, everyone, this person DOES NOT LISTEN to ANY suggestions. I've tried over and over again to give her ideas, but she does not listen. She wants nirvana for less than $100 a day. For some reason, she refuses to listen to anyone.


So lets try this again. You will not find what you want on any line except Crystal. PERIOD. But I just need to know, what in the heck do you mean by private lessons? That sounds a little freaky to me. And since you've never been on a cruise I guess you just don't understand that in a port intensive itinerary like the Med, you don't have time for classes, demonstrations or private lessons.


And, as dozens have repeatedly tried to tell you, alternate/specialty restaurants all cost extra, with the exception if Crystal, and even they charge a gratuity of $7 a person.


So, in short, what you want exists only on Crystal. So unless you can come up with the money, you either scrap your Crystal plans or pick a good line that will allow you to cruise the Med at a reasonable price.


Kitty, your first paragraph is 100 percent wrong. I certainly am listening to people. I just thought by asking the same question in different areas, I might get more answers to all of my questoins instead of the same replies over and over. Obviously, that backfired on me. Even if it seems like I am not listening I have been thinking about what people say.

But don't get me wrong; I do understand why people think I am not listening. Accepting the fact that I must settle for less than a PH suite on Crystal Serenity and a weeklong, cross-country Italy tour by picking a different cruise line and shorter pre-cruise tour has not been easy, but I am now beginning to do so. I just need more time than others here want because I need to change my mind about what I really want in a cruise to Europe.


And don't forget the cats posts. I honestly just think this person is posting for fun and never intends to take any cruise. Waste of time to try and answer her.


It was not a waste of time to answer me. I learned a lot on this message board partially because I asked questions and people answered me. I asked people about cats when I saw their avatars in the same posts that I asked cruise-related questions. If I really did not want to take a cruise, I would "have fun" on a different message board that is about cats, not cruises.

I am sorry if people think I do not want to listen to people and take a non-luxury cruise. Believe me, I would not register for this message board if I did not want help choosing a cruise ship, cabin, etc. from those who have been there and done that. :rolleyes:

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do cost extra, but are NOT necessary to have a great cruise.


Last year on the CB, we spent 100$ on the Ultimate Balcony Dining and had an amazing evening.


WE also did Sabatini's for an extra 40$ and again- well worth the extra $$. WE

would have had a great cruise if we had not gone to either option.


This year, we will try the Chef's table if we get picked! and the Steak House dinner.

and to the UBD again.


Again- none of this is necessary to have an amazing cruise- it is just little extras we want to spend extra money on...


The food in all the restaurants is very good.....and as my husband points out- I am a very picky eater...allergic to peanuts and nuts and also do not eat seafood and ate plenty and was quite happy!!

He was shocked to never hear one complaint from me...tons of options...





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Let me give you some perspective here.


I took my very first cruise when I was 26 years old. It was a Carnival cruise, with my sister, and we had a cabin with an upper berth that when it was closed, covered the tiny porthole. The cabin was so tiny that the only place to sit was the floor. The cost for the 7 day cruise was $479 total, for both of us, including airfare-----I still have the original tickets in a scrapbook. We didn't obsess over one thing about this cruise, we just booked it and off we went. And I must tell you, we have some of the best memories of this cruise, many years later. Oh, and I was a poorly paid teacher at the time and my sister was still in high school, so money was tight, but we still managed to have a fantastic time.


Now, many years and 64 cruises later, we never sweat the small, or big, things. I've been all over the world, to every continent and 89 countries, and even though some of those cruises presented some challenges, I still don't obsess over planning a cruise. I just go and do, and let the chips fall where they may. I don't book a cabin because it's close to a restaurant or whatever. I don't book a ship because of the size of their cabins. I book a cruise either because I like the ship or the itinerary has a place that I want to visit. And I don't book a cruise just because it might have some kind of restaurant.


And now that I've been attacked by the post polio syndrome and need to use a scooter, I don't let that stop me. I have three cruises planned, and believe me, I won't get all ferklempt over any of them.


You just need to relax, speak to a travel agent and get your concerns taken care of. Worrying about every single thing will only insure that you will have a very bad cruise experience.

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While most do "planning" for a cruise, you can over-analyze everything to the point of ruining your cruise experience. There's no perfect cruise and as with all things in life, you must compromise. When we were younger, we cruised with our four boys, and we had to compromise by going on lines that we, the adults, might not have chosen if we didn't have kids, but we chose the ship for our whole family vacation. Now, that our boys are grown, we choose cruises that we want.


OP, you really have to chill a bit. I know you've said you have an anxiety disorder, so knowing that, I would tell you to take an easier cruise to see if cruising is even right for you. Find something simple, something that you won't need to obsess over, something closer to home. Why would you want to put so much money into something not knowing if it even agrees with you.


And like others have said, you need to get to a local TA and talk with her.

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First and foremost if you want all those things you will have to pay extra for them. I am taking my first cruise as a solo traveler. I am taking a RCL 7 day cruise over Halloween. Its going to be a blast why because thats how I percieve it. Im not hung up on the things like the spa, or perfect places to eat or what cabin. In fact im booking an inside Cabin the least expensive one I can get for the mere fact I plan to be out and out.


If you want the luxiourious expierences your going to have to pay for them. For example I would love to take a Regent Cruise. That would be all kinds of fun for me and such a differnt change from my normal life. But at the same time when I look at prices I have to be realistic. I could litterly do 2-3 cruises for the price of one Regent Cruise. So I have to understand that. I know its hard.


I have and I look at the glossy brocures and check the websites and dream of a more luxiourious vacation just once in my life. But then I look at the RCL cruise ive booked and I relize im taking a luxiourious vacation.


Look ive traveled quite a bit around the world on a shoe string budget staying in Hostels, wearing a backpack for monthes at a time and having a blast. It doesent take a lot of money to have a grand time on Holiday it really dosent.


Adri :)

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While most do "planning" for a cruise, you can over-analyze everything to the point of ruining your cruise experience. There's no perfect cruise and as with all things in life, you must compromise. When we were younger, we cruised with our four boys, and we had to compromise by going on lines that we, the adults, might not have chosen if we didn't have kids, but we chose the ship for our whole family vacation. Now, that our boys are grown, we choose cruises that we want.


OP, you really have to chill a bit. I know you've said you have an anxiety disorder, so knowing that, I would tell you to take an easier cruise to see if cruising is even right for you. Find something simple, something that you won't need to obsess over, something closer to home. Why would you want to put so much money into something not knowing if it even agrees with you?


And like others have said, you need to get to a local TA and talk with her.


Maybe my over-analysis has something to do with past vacations. In land-based hotels and motels, my bedrooms were much larger than a cruise ship cabin, so I don't know if I can tolerate only 233 square feet of space. My cabin size requirement is to guarantee I will not have to worry about that. But I have changed my mind about cruising solo to a faraway continent and splurging on everything from manicures to ship tours.

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Why not start with basics, like a nice 7N Caribbean cruise out of FL on a nice mid-large ship with good reviews here on CC? you may not even like cruising. Some singles do not. 300 sq. ft.? I used to own a condo smaller than that. Most cabins are under 200. More like 170. Do not know your age but Celebrity or Princess OK. HAL if you are over 70. Azamara is interesting but small. Oceania, also small, has a Country Club feel, excellent food. Just do it!

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As I learned years ago working in advertising production, there are three facets to consider: price, quality and speed. You can have one, you can have two, but it is so rare to be able to get three. For example, if you are trying to produce an ad at the last minute (speed), you are either going to pay a lot or have a fuzzy ad (because you had to go to some hole-in-the-wall printer). Of course, nowadays with scanners, you can get all three if you're lucky and good.


But if you really think about it, there are trinities like this in real life, that involve compromising.


In your case, you're looking for a premium cruise that is affordable to you. You also are insisting on factors that would increase the cost even more: the solo factor, the high category cabin.


I agree with the others that you should find a cruise specialist travel agency that you can sit down across a table from a TA and get a recommendation. But first, I truly suggest that you look at your list and see where you can compromise. What is really the most important to you. Rank the items. Then go talk to a TA. Else, you will be driving that person crazy. He or she wants to match clients with the right cruise as that would mean a satisfied customer and future business and referrals.


Listen to what the TA says. Maybe there's another cruiseline that is mainstream but will give you the experience you want (even if you don't know yet what you really want). Maybe on that cruise, you'll meet a fellow solo female that you can book a future cruise with (which would save a ton of money).


Don't obsess about getting the biggest cabin on the ship -- many of us think nothing of an inside cabin for three or four people. Our last cruise was a 15-day cruise with my hubby and tween in an inside cabin. We never ate at the speciality restaurants: ate 14 nights in the main dining room and one in the buffet, along with having all our breakfasts and lunches in the buffet. We booked three excursions with Princess (our tour of the Big Island had a total of ten in a van and even my pensive tween enjoyed it, even though everyone else was an adult). I'm guessing that the cruise you consider your dream cruise would cost more for just you than our two week Hawaiian cruise cost total (including tips, drinks, excursions, etc.) than for my family.

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